You Have a Nightmare

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Ed: You had a nightmare about Ed getting shot. It scared you because you care about him a lot. You gasped at you sat up, sweat rolled down your face. "(Y/n/n), you okay?" Ed asks wrapping an arm around your waist. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay," you reply and you lay back next to Ed who had a protective arm around you.

Greg: You didn't have nightmares often, but tonight was one of those rare occasions. You sat up, unable to go back to sleep. So you grabbed your favorite book, and went to the living room so you wouldn't bother Greg.

Sam: You recently shot someone, and it was bothering you. You had another nightmare about it. You sat up in bed, tears brimming your eyes. "Hey, you okay?" Sam asks sitting up. You just nod, not able to form words. He pulls up close, and you cry onto his shoulder.

Spike: You lost one of your team mates to a bomb. He was like a brother to you, and it hit you hard. You bolted up right, startled by another nightmare. Silent tears rolled down your cheeks as you felt arms wrap around your waist. You lay your head on his shoulder as he comforts you.

Jules: You lost a patient that you were close to at the hospital. She had cancer, and you felt like you could've done something to help. You sat up and cried and layed your head on Jules lap as she ran her fingers through your hair to comfort you.

Lew: You shot a teenager today. It hit you hard, and you were upset. You sat up in bed, tears running down your face, and when Lew checked on you, he saw you crying. He held you close, and you cried on his shoulder as he rubbed comforting circles on your back.

Wordy: You rarely had nightmares. So it scared you when you had one. You sat up, and leaned against the headboard. Wordy felt your movement, and looked up at you. "Hey," you heard him whisper. You looked at him, and saw him hold up an arm. You curled into him, immediately feeling safe. "It's okay," he says as a few tears escape your eyes.

{I kinda find it hard to write prefrences about Greg, but never fear. I shall do my best. Haha but anyway, thanks for reading and listen to the song above. It's been my favorite thing to listen to, and I really recommend it. ~MusicLover3496}

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