Habit You Get From Him/Her

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Ed: Bottling up your emotions. You did bottle stuff up like Ed did, however, you guys did talk to each other about a lot of stuff so it didn't really effect your relationship.

Greg: Seeing the good in everyone. You didn't really take notice to this type of thing, but once you and Greg got together, you started seeing the good in everyone like he did.

Sam: Taking things personally. You usually tried to distance yourself from your calls, but when Sam talked to you about calls that really got to him, the calls started to effect you personally.

Spike: Reading comic books. Sure, it was a little childish, but you guys didn't care. You guys would snuggle up on the couch, and read Superman or Han Solo comics.

Jules: Always being positive. Positivity was always hard for you. You had a rough childhood, and you struggled to see the bright side of things. However, when Jules helped you see the bright side, you found it easier to be positive everyday.

Lew: Being childish. Once you started hanging out with Lew. Your inner child came out, and it brought you guys closer.

Wordy: Smiling at everything. Sure, you smiled before you guys met, but when you were with him, you couldn't help but smile at everything and everyone. He brought out the best in you.

{Yes, I added a Big Time Rush song...deal with it lol :p


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