The Powers Out

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Ed: You enjoy the dark, so when the powers out you do 1 of 2 things. You either sit by the window if a storm knocked out the power, or you cuddle with Ed because you can.

Greg: You don't really do anything when the powers out except for light a few candles.

Sam: You and Sam both love the dark. You guys will sit in the dark and talk, or listen to the storm if there is one.

Spike: You aren't too fond of the dark. You had a reason, but you didn't like to talk about it. So when the power went out, just like every night, he'd hold you and place light kisses on your forehead.

Jules: You guys didn't think anything if the dark. You enjoyed the silence, and then got annoyed because it was hot.

Lew: You hated the dark. Only because Lew thought it was funny to scare you. So everything the power went out, you'd hide in a corner and wait...just wait. That was the worst part.

Wordy: You didn't mind the dark. You just didn't like the heat. In the summer when it stormed, the power went out a lot so it'd get really hot. So you'd sit and sweat, and it sucked.

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