Your Cold

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Ed: You usually just wrap a blanket around you when Ed's not home, but when he is, he'll wrap an arm around you, and you'll snuggle into him.

Greg: You'll put on a hoodie, and if he notices, he'll give you a ton of blankets.

Sam: You'll pull a blanket over you, and Sam would lay on you...literally.

Spike: You steal a hoodie of his. Then Spike would cuddle with you because he loves to cuddle.

Jules: You guys would snuggle up under some blankets.

Lew: Cuddling with you is one of his favorite things to do, but whenever he's not there, you snuggle with one of his pillows.

Wordy: Only half of you would get cold, so you would put on a pair of sweats with a tank-top, or just a hoodie and shorts. When Wordy was home or off, you guys would snuggle up next to eachother.

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