When they worry about you

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Ed: He worries when you don't answer your phone. He wants you to be safe.

Greg: He worries all the time. Mainly because he doesn't want to lose you, but he never says that directly.

Sam: He usually doesn't worry because he knows that you can take care of yourself. But when he does worry, it's because there's a high risk call that needs a back up team.

Spike: Spike worries about you when you're dealing with a bomb. He lost his best friend that way, and he doesn't want to lose you too.

Jules: She usually worries when you don't answer her calls or texts. You always reply, so when you don't, she's worried until you reply.

Lew: Lew worries when your on a call. He doesn't want you to get hurt.

Wordy: Wordy worries when he has to tell you something important. He's afraid of how you'll respond. It's usually a good responce, but he still worries about what you'll think.

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