They Have a Nightmare

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Ed: Ed had to shoot someone today. He always says that he's fine, but I know better. He jolts awake at night, and can't fall back asleep. You then sit up, and talk to him about it until he's able to fall back asleep.

Greg: You never know if Greg has nightmares or not. He never tells you, and it bothers uou because you don't know how to help him.

Sam: He had to talk down a military man at work. It hit close to home for him, and he kept dreaming about how he could've saved the man. He sits up at night, when he's afraid to sleep because he had a nightmare the previous night. You sit with him, talking and rubbing soothing circles on his hand.

Spike: Spike couldn't defuse the landmine Lew stepped on. He had nightmare after nightmare. You didn't know how to help him, so whenever he woke up at 3 in the morning, you had him lay his head on your lap. He'd cry, and you'd run your fingers through his hair, and comfort him as best you could.

Jules: You didn't know why she was having nightmares. She wouldn't tell you, so you just layed with her, and stroked her hair.

Lew: You weren't sure why Lew was having nightmares. He'd just pull you close in the middle of the night, and try to calm himself.

Wordy: He didn't have nightmares often, but something that happened at work triggered them. He was shot in the vest while trying to protect Greg, and now...He won't tell you what they're about, but to calm him, uou reassure him that everything's okay, and that he's okay too.

{Hey guys, sorry for this crappy update. A lot of things have been going on, but I'll be updating more frequently again. Sorry ~MusicLover3496}

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