S/He Needs You

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Ed: He was going through an emotional time. He just wanted to talk to you, and for you to be there for him like he knew you would be.

Greg: He had to negotiate today, and he couldn't handle it. He just needed to talk to you about it

Sam: He tried to talk down a military man, but the guy still killed himself. Sam felt like it was his fault. He needed to talk about it, and hug you.

Spike: His best friend had just died. He was crushed, and felt like it was all his fault. He was like a brother to Spike, and Spike just wanted to hug you, and cry because you knew you wouldn't judge him if he did.

Jules: One of her teammates had died. She was upset because he was like a brother to her. She just wanted to curl up next to you, and have you comfort her.

Lew: One of his family members was giving him a hard time. It wasn't anything to get upset about, but he took it hard, and he needed your reassurance that it would be okay.

Wordy: He just had a lot on his mind lately. He had some stuff he wanted to talk about, and needed work to end soon so he could talk to you.

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