S/He Comforts you when...

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Ed: When your dealing with tough stuff

He was always there for you when something hard effected you. You talked to him about it, and he was always there for you.

Greg: Your best friend dies

You had known your best friend since birth. She was basically your sister. You took it hard, and he was there to help you through it.

Sam: You shot someone

You had to shoot someone, and you took it hard. He was only 17, but decided to shoot up his high school. Sam held you as you cried, rocking you back and forth.

Spike: You couldn't defuse a bomb

It was your job to defuse it, and you couldn't which cause people to loose their lives. The building was supposed to be evacuated, however some people decided to stay. You took it hard, and Spike was there for hmyou. After all, he knew how you felt.

Jules: You lose one of your kid patients

She was one of your favorites. A little girl named Addy, she was 4 and had pneumonia. Jules was there for you, and you couldn't be more thankful.

Lew: You shot someone

You were the less lethal girl on Team 4, which you were fine with, however, today you had to shoot someone. You weren't used to it, and it hit you hard. Lew knew how you felt, and held you as you cried.

Wordy: Your sister was in a wreck

You and your sister were close, so when you found out she was in a wreck, you freaked. You were running around the house trying to find your stuff when Wordy stopped you. He pulled you into a hug, and you cried.

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