2: Roses Are Red

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As soon as October walked out that door. The strength I had to hold myself together was long gone and I was now on the floor sobbing.

I wanted to be angry with her but I couldn't. I blamed no one but myself, I was so worried about what everyone else was thinking, not realizing that I was hurting the one person I really loved. October

I knew the reason why I didn't truly accept her was because I didn't truly accept myself. It took me a very long time to actually be okay with the fact that I was gay but being a stud on top of being gay was definitely icing on the cake.

Growing up I was bullied mostly by family and I hated myself, I hated my body. I hated everything about myself really.

That was until I found October

She taught me self love and self acceptance. She taught me not to give up on myself and others, It frightened me that one girl had thee ability to see me more than I seen myself.

It was no surprise to me when I fell madly in love with her. I knew that I would because she wasn't like anyone I had ever met. She cared, she cared about the littlest things and she never judged me no matter the case.

She was my beacon of hope and now that I've pushed her away, I wasn't sure how I was going to get her back.

She was elegant, her curly hair always fell loosely down her back, her flawless silk smooth Carmel skin was beautiful and not once did she ever need or use any makeup.

Her baggy clothes hugged her body perfectly and her smile was like the moon shining perfectly through the night. I was in love and yet I wasn't too sure how to love.

If I wasn't able to love myself then how was I going to love her but... That's when I knew that she was the very thing that was teaching me how to actually love me. She was that push that I needed to love myself.

I needed her back. I needed to accept her for who she was. I needed to stop trying to change her and I needed to actually be there for her like she was for me..

I was going to get her back, that I knew for sure..




"Rose" I yelled while walking inside our apartment. I received no answer, I called her name a few more times and didn't get an answer yet again.

I started to get a little worried as I went upstairs to our room. I finally get inside as I head to the bathroom.

And that's when I seen her (rose)

Her body was laid across the bathroom floor, her eyes were wide open while her hair was wet and her body was turning pale. I look to the side of me and I see pills and a white powder substance spread across a blue plate with a straw and a razor blade.

I hurried and called the ambulance. Once I got done I went back into the bathroom and held her until they got there. Her now warm body was getting a little cold and her once pink lips were turning a little blue.

In that moment I held her, I held her for dear life. I held her like I'd never see her again.

Thirty Minutes Later..

Me and rose were now in the hospital. Her perfectly carmel skin was back to its normal color and her eyes slowly started to open. "October" she said hoarsely.

I looked at her and once I did I completely broke down. I was crying extremely hard my chair sitting at the edge of her hospital bed while her arms were tightly wrapping around me.

"Why rose? Why didn't you tell me? You know how I feel about drugs my mother died from them." I cried hard as I slowly got in the hospital bed and laid with rose.

She wrapped her hands around me as I buried my face in the crook of her neck. "I'm so sorry love, I won't do it again" rose admitted while she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Promise me?" I asked as I looked up at her, for once in my life I knew what it felt like to almost loose the love of my life and it wasn't pretty and I didn't like it.

She nodded her head as she rubbed my back in a soothing manner "October I promise you I will never do it again" rose repeated to me over and over as she kissed the top of my head.




I went back to the place that my mom left me when she passed. I know I said I was going to a friend's house but I changed my mind. I didn't want anyone knowing where I was at especially rose.

I sat on the edge of my bed as I sat there in deep thought. I missed rose, I missed her so much but I wasn't going to allow myself to be with someone who wanted to change me and be something I was not.

I was brought out of my thoughts as my phone started to ring. I answered it without looking at the screen. I hesitated for a second but finally spoke "hello" I said nervously.

"Yes, is this miss October?" I confirmed it waiting on her to speak again "This is provena medical hospital, you were on rose galloway's emergency contact." Before she could finish her sentence I hung up and rushed out of my house speeding to the hospital.

I knew me and rose were in a bad place rightnow but I needed to make sure she was alright.

Fifteen Minutes Later...

I sat next to roses hospital bed, my mind was going crazy. I was thinking about the last time she was in the hospital and how bad it affected me and now this time was 10x worse than the last.

I scooted my chair closer to her bed as I laid my head on her stomach. I cried all night. She still wasn't waking up and it scared the life out of me and I thought maybe I was really going to loose the girl that I loved.

I stayed there all night and soon after I fell asleep in the chair next to her bed with my hands locked with hers.

The Next Morning....

I felt movement under me and my eyes darted open. As I looked up at rose, her eyes went wide as she looked at me. "October you're here"

I shook my head multiple times as tears begin to spill from my eyes "yes I'm here for you rose"

"I thought I had lost you and then you left me. I couldn't handle it, I just couldn't" she cried out.

Rose knows why I left. She knows I did it because she was trying to change me and I didn't like it.

I couldn't help but feel bad for leaving but I did what I felt was best for me.

"Rose please don't tell me you did.." And before I could finish she nodded her head. That's when I lost it, when I started to break down because she said she wouldn't do that again and now she has.

"But you promised me" I choked out.

At this exact moment I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't know what to say to rose but I knew that no matter what we had going on with eachother, I had to put that aside and be there for her.

You Chose To Love Me (StudxStud) [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt