9: Childhood

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OCTOBER'S P.O.V (Raya In Media)

I gasped when her fingers came in contact with my vagina. "R-raya" I said before I quickly pushed her hands away.

She gave me a look "you don't remember me do you?" She spoke into a whispered before standing up off the couch.

She walked to the front door before opening it. I was confused. She just tried to have sex with me and then she drops this bomb shell on me and now she wants to just leave?

"Raya wait!" I grabbed her hand

"Ive known you since we were in diapers. You were taken away from me when we were 13. When your mom decided to move here back to where the rest of your family were. Yet you don't even remember me" she looked away from me before heading out the door.

I watched her drive away and I didn't even try to stop her. It was something about the way her face looked. She looked in pain and not only that but she looked extremely hurt.

A single tear fell down my face and I didn't know why. Why was I crying?

That's when all the memories flashed before me.

From when we were about 4 years old. Our mothers were Bestfriend back then. They did everything together and so did me and raya.

I remember me and my mom going to feed the ducks and raya and her mom were right there with us. Raya was holding my hand and telling me that everything would be okay.

I remember the time when I was 6 and my mom and dad got into a big argument and I called raya crying. Her mother came to get me. I spent a whole week at raya's house and we'd cuddle and watch movies together.

Or even the time when we were both 8 years old we were at the park with the dog that our mothers got for us. It was a Siberian husky, all white with blue eyes. It was adorable. That was the first time me and raya kissed.

I remember when I was 9 and my 10th birthday was coming up. I was so afraid to grow up that I started acting like a little brat and raya calmed me down.

She'd always do this thing where she'd kiss me on the top of my head and hold my hand while rubbing circles around it. That's the only thing that could calm me down and only raya could do it.

I remember when I was 10 that's when me and raya officially became girlfriends. Our mothers thought it was so cute they'd smile and take pictures of us all the time.

It was such an amazing memory to be able to see my mother all happy with me.

I missed her. I missed seeing her smile and laugh.

More memories flashed before me.

I remember when I was 11 and we had first started middle school. I was scared and afraid of what everyone else would think. Me and raya had been officially dating for a whole year and no one knew but our families.

I remember that it was her. It was raya who made me be comfortable with who I am. It was raya who was always there for me. She never judged me nor did she even care about us both being studs.

I remember when I was 12 that's when my dad first started touching me. I remember crying to raya and sobbing to her about how disgusted I was with myself. I remember her telling me that I was beautiful and that it wasn't my fault. She was the only one I had ever told about that at the time. From that day forward she promised me she'd be there for me and never tell anyone my secret..

I remember when I was 13 my mom decided that she wanted to move out of state. Me and raya were still dating then. I left 3 days before my 14th birthday. Raya cried her eyes out to me that day. She told me how much she loved me and that was the first time I had ever heard her say that to me. I was astounded but I said it back.

I remember I spent that whole day with her at her house. My mom and her mom were there. We were all laughing and giggling while making breakfast together. My mom still would always try to get me to make pancakes but me and raya preferred waffles.

I remember being at the airport saying goodbye to raya and crying on her shoulder. Telling her how much I'd miss her and how much I loved her.

I remember kissing her for the last time and how sad I felt after I got on that plane.

Once we got there. I remember calling and texting raya everyday. We'd talk all night and all day. I remember my dad getting mad about it. That's when he started touching me again and abusing me physically. He didn't like the fact that I was with a woman, let alone raya.

He beat me everyday after that and told me to stop talking to raya or else he'd hurt me again.

So I did the only thing I could. I made myself forget. I stopped texting her. I stopped calling her. I ignored her messages and her phone calls and after awhile I changed my number. I completely made myself forget about raya. It became so bad to where my self conscious completely blocked any memory of her out. .

Which explains why I didn't remember her. Why I didn't recognize her when she answered the door. She was much older now and she looked way different from how she use to look. Her hair was longer, she dressed more like a stud and she had this cold and dominant mentality.

Like she didn't give a fuck about anyone. I'm stunned at the fact that she remembered me. I promised her before I left that day that I would never forget her. I broke that promise.

I realized now that I really had no choice.

"So she wasn't just some stranger" I whispered to myself. As I quickly got off Jessie's couch and left.

I texted my cousin Jessie asking her what raya address was and that it was important. She texted back super quick and I got in my car and drove off


I was now sitting in front of raya's house contemplating on whether or not I should go and knock on her door.

I'm pretty sure she was angry with me. I mean how could I not remember so many years of my life that I spent with raya. How could I just allow myself to forget her. I mean I knew the predicament I was in but to allow myself to just forget her completely was kind of cruel.

Before I realized it. I was now standing in front of raya's front door and my hands were knocking on her door. I sat there impatiently

After about 2 minutes her door swung open. She looked me up and down for a minute before she cleared her throat.

"Uh, what's up?" She said.

That's when I did it. I kissed her. Completely forgetting about rose. I kissed her passionately and deeply.

Her body tensed up for a second. She didn't kiss back but after awhile she did. Her lips moving in scene with mine. She pulled me into her house shutting the door as she pushed me against it bringing her lips back to mine. I moaned into her mouth which gave her the opportunity to slip her tongue in.

She smiled into the kiss. Our tongues dancing hungrily against each other's. Barley being able to breath with the lack of oxygen I still continued kissing her before we finally broke away from the kiss panting and breathing extremely hard.

"You remembered?" She whispered in my ear and for some reason it made me shiver. I didn't respond for a long time before nodding my head and connecting our lips once more.

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