15: Old Flames

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OCTOBER'S P.O.V (October In Media)

Nina put the car into drive when I got inside. Once we got to the cabin she turned the ignition off and faced her whole body to me.

"October. What is it that you're not telling me?" Nina asked "Where is rose and who was that girl at your door?" She asked

I looked away holding in the tears that were threatening to spill out. I sighed tiredly and look directly at Nina to see that she was now crying

"Rose wrote me all the time. She'd always write me on Mondays and I wouldn't get them until Friday but each Friday I got a letter from her and out of no where they suddenly stopped" her tears became more evident now

"You stopped writing me all together. You promised me that no matter what we'd all always be together" she ran her fingers through her hair as she sighed

"Did that change? Do you guys not love me anymore?" She asked "Did you break up while I was away?" She asked.

I didn't say anything I kept quiet for a long time. I knew that this wasnt going to go well.. for one I had stopped writing her when I promised I would and two rose died and I didn't even write her to let her know. I just felt that telling her through a letter would be a really bad way to do it and three rose meant alot to her as well as I did and I didn't even have the decency to think about how she'd feel. I honestly didn't think about her at all

What was I supposed to do, I thought Nina was dead

"Yes we did break up but that's because she cheated on me or should I say us" I looked over at Nina to see her crying yet again

If she was crying this bad over the fact that rose had cheated then I knew she'd be even worse if I told her that rose was now dead.

"Rose is" I hesitated before continuing "Shes.." the words couldn't come out and I tried and tried for awhile to say it but I just couldn't. I took a few minutes to collect myself and calm myself down

"Rose is d-dead" I finally confessed

When I looked up at Nina the look on her face was a look I'd never forget. She held her hand to her mouth as a loud gasp and sob left her mouth.

"And you tell me this now?" she yelled angrily "why?!"

"I-I thought you were d-d-dead" I stuttered out.

Her eyes softened for a second then I could see pain and anger in them.

"I was never dead. I was injured, you would have known that if you fucking kept in contact" she spat

"I-I'm sorry" I tried to lean over and hug her but she pushed me away.

"How long?" She looked over at me again this time I was silent. "October how fucking long?"

"Five months" I ignored her gaze this time because I knew what was coming next

"Five fucking months?" She yelled "And who is this raya chick I've been hearing about" she asked

"We're kind of talking. She was my first love, child hood friend" I confessed

"So this is what the hell you've been doing since I was away. How could you do that to me and rose?" She yelled "she's probably turning in her fucking grave"

"I'm sor-"

Next thing I know she was out of the car and speed walking to the cabin. She opened the door to the cabin as she slammed it shut.

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