16: Alzheimer's

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RAYA'S P.O.V (Raya In Media)

I was almost there with her and somehow some way we always get interrupted, when she went downstairs I over heard October at the door.

"Nina I thought I told you to stay at the cabin" she sounded as if she was annoyed

For awhile I was wondering who exactly is Nina. It was rare for October to ever have company and when she did it was her family coming to check on her but that's about it.

My phone rung again while I was in the middle of heading downstairs to see what exactly was going on.

"Hello" I answered annoyingly

"Its Jessie. I'm in some trouble I need you to come and help me." She yelled frantically

"I can't really talk about it. Just come to my house"

After the phone call from october's cousin Jessie. I quickly put on my clothes and shoes and headed downstairs only to see that October is no where in sight.

I was slightly irritated she could have atleast warned me. A few minutes later I ended up getting a text from her saying that she'd explain everything later.


I was now at Jessie's house. I knocked on the door a few times, a few seconds later I was being yanked inside.

Jessie looked different. Her hair was a curly mess. Her eyes were droopy and she had dark bags under them like she hadn't slept in weeks. It was very evident that she had been crying from how red and puffy her eyes were as well as the dried up tears that still lingered on her face...

"I have to tell you something and before you say anything you have to promise me that you won't tell october" she glared

"What. I can't do th-"


I sat there for a few minutes contemplating on whether or not I should promise something I don't even know about.

But Jessie has never kept anything from October unless it was for her own good. Or it was extremely serious, I didn't want to keep things from her though.

Honesty was something I was very serious about. I never liked lying or keeping things from people especially my loved ones.

"Raya I don't have all day" Jessie spat

"You have to tell me what It's about first"

She sighed in annoyance as she sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to her gesturing for me to sit down.

"Its October mother"

"Yeah. She's dead right?"

She moved off the couch as she started to pace back in forth in front of me.

"No. Octobers mother is alive" she stated in nearly a whisper but I heard it.

"Wait what?" I asked confused

"I know I just found out myself not to long ago but she's alive!" She yelled

I was confused October told me that her mother died from a drug overdose. So why was Jessie telling me that she was alive? Unless October doesn't know her mothers alive..

And then something in my head went off like a light bulb. Thats why Jessie said "promise me you won't tell october"

Why would I keep this from her. How could I keep this from her?

"This is good news right? We should tell october"

"We can't!" She yelled again

This girl was trying to burst my eardrums.

"Why not?" I asked again confused

"Because she has Alzheimer's. She doesn't remember anything not even October. This would break her heart."

I automatically knew that Jessie was right. October thought her mom was dead and maybe it should stay that way? But then again she isn't and maybe that could give her some comfort

But the fact that her mom had Alzheimer's would break Octobers heart. Her own mother not remembering who she is. This situation was so fucked up and twisted.

What was I going to do?

- Okay, so I know this is a short chapter but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for too long. . . The next chapter is going to be bittersweet.

Is it a good idea for them to keep this secret away from October or should they just tell her?

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