6: Decisions

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Two weeks later...

It had been two week with no word from October. Not a single one, she didn't call, she didn't text nor did she come to check on me. Which I understood.

I couldn't believe myself. I couldnt believe that I did that to the one person who truly loved me. Six years, six fucking years went down the drain all because of the choices I made.

I wanted to be angry with her but I couldn't be mad at anyone but myself. I made a choice to go back to drug. Just like I made a choice to cheat on rose. I may have been high but I was completely aware of what I was doing.

I knew that this could be the last straw. That after this I could possibly never speak to her again. I was afraid, afraid to loose her yet I made her leave me. How could I make such a huge mistake.

October had been there for me for over 8 years. 2 years of being Bestfriend and 6 years of being a couple.

I knew there was no way I could possibly make this right. I had to give October her space or I'd never see her nor speak to her again....

I feel ashamed. I was continuously breaking promises. I promised her that I'd never do drugs again and I broke that promise. I promised that I'd never cheat on her and I broke that promise as well.


I was now laying down in the guest house. When a sudden knock came to the door. I was confused because no one knew I was here but October.

I sat there for a moment deciding to just let the person knock. When I heard the door open. "Rose" I heard a familiar voice yell. I quickly ran out the room to see October standing there with tears in her eyes.

She didn't look sad, she looked angry. For a moment I was afraid. The look in her eyes told me that this wasn't going to end well for me. "I just came to get my things that I left" she responded quickly before brushing past me.

I quickly walked back to the room. To see her getting a few things. I wanted to touch her, to hug her, to tell her how sorry I was but it was simply no use. "October..." I spoke as i started to walk closer to her. She simply gave me a quick glare before putting her hand out to stop me "Dont" she spoke into a whisper.

She went into the bathroom and collected a few things before walking back out the room and heading for the door. "October I know you love me. So please just hear me out" I croaked out. She stopped right in her tracks before turning around without speaking she gave me a nod to continue.

"What ever has passed between us. Whatever hatred you are holding on too. In me you see the kindred you have always longed for. To spend an eternity without me. It would be a curse your frail heart could not endure" I spoke once more as tears begin to fall. October looked at me for a long period of time before her lips curved into a smile.

"Oh my dear Rose. That is where you are wrong. You see my feelings for you don't compare to the joy I'll soon feel once I break your heart the way you did mine" she responded with an evil chuckle.

The smile that was once on my face faded. I soon realized what I had done. I've never seen October like this before. She didn't have a rude bone in her body yet she was being so cruel? I knew that she was angry with me but I didn't realize how much.

"October.. Please I do not want to fight with you" I slowly walked up to her. I stared at her for a long moment. Not once did the smirk on her face leave.

"Says the woman who I thought could never hurt me. Says the woman who not only cheated on me with one of our highschool friends but cheated on me with a much girlier female which you claimed you never cared to have. This is how I know that you've been feeding me nothing but lies when you claimed to accept me as I am."

She gave me a slight push as she backed me into a corner. We started at each other for a long period of time before my lips finally met hers.

She quickly pushed herself away from me before walking out to her car. I followed her before grabbing her hands. She stopped again but this time she didn't look at me. She looked everywhere else but at me.

"Rose we are done" she spoke into another whisper as she tried to free from my grip but my hands were to tight around her wrist. I pulled her closer to me before looking into her eyes and saying anything I could to possibly make her stay

"Are you so certain october?" I whispered into her ear "We are flames in the darkness of each other's worlds and we both know that we burn brighter together than we ever did alone." I whispered a little louder this time "So please stop this madness, stop this anger you have towards me" I spoke again as I brushed my hand against her cheek. "And I would forgive everything. If you would only forgive me. For what I have done, for what I have placed apon you. For once I am owning up to my mistake and asking for forgiveness" I cried out finally letting the tears fall. For a second her eyes locked with mine before she pulled away

"You did this to me" she screamed in my face "so if I have to suffer for what you have done. So should you." Before I could process her words she smacked me and pushed me to the ground

I stared up at October in shock. Me and her have been together for six years and not once has she ever put her hands on me, not even something as little as a smack and a push. October was never the one to get physical nor violent. She was not a fighter.

Now... I understood how angry she was. If she was angry enough to put her hands on me then October was more then angry she was livid.

October gave me a small smile as she got into her car speeding off.



I got into my car as I speeded off. My thoughts were everywhere. I was hurt and sad but what I felt more was anger.

I quickly got out my car as I walked up to her door and gave it a light knock. It was now night the sky was beginning to dim. I knocked on the door one more time before turning around ready to walk away.

I heard a door open as I turned back around looking at the now feminine girl with a smirk on my face.

"October" she looked at me with a confused expression.

"Kyria, May I Come In?"

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