22: Pretty Little Liar

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"I-I don't k-know" raya sighed loudly

I looked from October to raya in horror. I slowly got up as I stood on the side of october

"Calm down love." I whispered as I kissed her cheek "Let her go please"

Raya quickly snatched Octobers hands from her as she turned the tables around on her. She quickly pushed October against the wall with tears in her eyes.

"You believe everything you fucking hear, don't you?" Raya yelled "is it because you dont trust me or that you don't love me or let me guess maybe it's both"

I sighed loudly and sat down as I watched the scene unfold. I knew I couldn't get in between their argument so I just let them get it all off their chest.

I knew there was no way that raya had anything to do with roses death. She just wasn't that kind of person, I mean sure I don't know her as long as october but I knew her long enough to know that she wouldn't do that to us.

"We're done" raya yelled in Octobers face "I'm tired of you blaming me for shit and being rough with me. Not even giving me a chance to explain myself."

"So if this is how you want to be. I'll leave you to it, have a nice fucking life" raya yelled pushing October to the floor.

I ran to the door and blocked it because there was no way I was letting shit go down this way.

"Move" Raya spat

"Sit down" I spat "Now!" I yelled

Raya gave me this amused looked but sat back down at the kitchen table and sighed.

The room was silent for the longest time. October was on the kitchen floor crying and I honestly couldn't understand what was happening, Raya was sitting at the table with her hands in her lap and a mug look on her face.

"Just tell me" october finally spoke calmly "Tell me you didn't"

"I didn't, it was kyria. No one told me I just sort of figured it out on my own" raya explained

"What do you mean it was kyria I barley even talk to the girl?" October asked

"Kyria killed rose" raya finally admitted "Because she was jealous of her relationship with you"

The fact that raya knew this kind of information and didn't tell us was very saddening. I understand that she may have felt that it wouldn't do any good but still me and October deserved to know.

"Leave" I finally spoke "Rightnow, I need you to leave"

"P-please Nina. I swear I was going to tell the both of you but I wasn't for sure " raya explained

Raya came up with more and more excuses as to why she couldn't tell us about kyria but honestly there was none that could ever possibly let her keep this big of a secret away from us.

"Wait" Octobered stepped infront of raya as she looked over at me "When did you know" She asked

Raya looked between me and October as if she was hesitating on what to say but I truly wanted to know.

"The day that we seen her at roses funeral." She admitted

"You knew then?" Octobers voice broke as a sob escaped her lips and I knew that any minute now she would completely loose it on raya

"Leave" october yelled as she got up and opened the door "Please" her voice was nearly a whisper due to the strain in her voice.

Raya didn't say another word but instead she walked out of the house without another word. When october was about to slam the door, raya whispered a soft "sorry" and proceeded to leave.

When raya was out of sight, october turned to me and all the color in her face drained, her lips were quivering and her eyes were so filled with tears I couldn't even recognize them. I quickly got to her side as I hugged her, I hugged her for dear life and didn't let her go.

"Raya isn't the reason you're crying. It's something else" I questioned

October shook her head against my neck as I felt the tears running down her face.

"Tell me" I pleaded desperately

"My mother, she's dead, for real this time" she sobbed "and I don't know if it was because it was her time or if it was because of kyria and I can't help but think that- that" she stopped as she wrapped her arms around me hugging me even tighter

"That what?" I asked impatiently

"That this is rayas fault. That my mother died because of her"

"Why?" She asked me but it seemed as if she was talking more to herself then to me "Why me? why can't I be happy for once? Why does this keep happening"

I didn't know what to say or what to do to comfort her so I just held her in my arms and soon we went upstairs in laid in bed and even then I still held her. I couldn't understand why raya would keep that from us, unless she was involved and how does she know kyria? There were so many unanswered questions but absolutely no answers to them and I was starting to get completely frustrated with it all.

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