Chapter One

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"Can I take a one year break from school?"

I asked my parents during dinner after we knew the results that I passed and I'm proceeding to my fourth year in Med school next school year.

I hate it when people expect you to follow who and what your parents are. Back when I was a kid, I would always go with my parents to work. Their co-workers would ask me, "So, will you also become a doctor when you grow up?" I never answered it.   Well, it was a dream of mine but my surrounding is pressuring me too much.

People expect you to meet their expectations or else, you might end up being compared to your parents. Now... I still won't answer it. 

Can I take a one year break?

"No. How about your studies? You'll surely be left behind from your friends. They'll graduate first and you... you'll still be in your last year. Then after that, you'll face a few more years until you finally become a doctor." Here goes my mother again, feeling all the competition between me and my friends.

I calmly replied to my mother, "If I force myself to study when I don't want to, it might result to something worse Mom." 

"Like what?" 

"You know... I might not get good grades because of pushing myself too much. Please, Mom. Please. Dad, please. I just wan't to leave this place for a while. That's it."

My parents suddenly stopped eating and they looked at each other. Please, give me an answer. My dad then said, 

"Sorry sweetie. We've also been through the same situation you are right now," I know. You already told me that a hundred times, Dad. "Back then, it was even harder. Sorry but we're not allowing you." I swallowed a big lump in my throat.

Ever since I started Med school, I rarely had time to enjoy the things people my age are doing; hanging out, going out with friends, going on trips, parties with family and friends. Except for Sunday when we attend, I just can't miss that. I always prayed for a break because mind was always filled with the words 'study, study and study'.

Before I entered, my cousins always scared me, "Nah, you'll spend less time with us. No more parties! We'll have fun while you, you'll have a date with a 2000-paged book!" 

The words they said didn't matter to me at first. I can't deny the fact that they were right but this is the future I want to have soon. But I guess, the process isn't really just as easy as I thought it would be.

I silently continued to eat, accepting the fact that I'll be facing another year of sleepless nights after two months.

I decided to grab coffee inside Starbucks the next day. I seriously want a break. People always say that traveling once in a while makes life better. It helps relieves stress. It gives you time to know more about yourself, it gives you an opportunity to meet new people and it gives you knowledge to learn new things.

"I would like to have one caramel macchiato with two extra shots of caramel and a blueberry cheesecake." Woah, I' eat like a depressed woman. "Sure Ma'am. Please take this number. We'll serve your order in a few minutes." I spent my time thinking of how I'll survive one last year. I sighed at the thought.

When you enter you third year in Med school, that's the time you don't just learn through books, lectures and cadavers but that's the time you get to experience pressure inside a hospital. They start to teach you handling patients, how to do this and that when a patient has this kind of illness. The feeling of finally working inside the hospital boosts excitement seeing how your future might end up, the future you've always wanted. 

Especially when you feel down, it gives you hope that you can still somehow reach your goal.

I was enjoying my 'alone time' when I received a call from my dad, my parents wanted me to have lunch with them at a restaurant called Choogi. My parents greeted me with sparkling eyes and wide smiles. They weren't always like this since they were always stressed from work.

I wonder what they want from me. "Your mother and I know that these past few months has been so hard on you," then what? My dad continued, "We just wanted you to finish everything first before we send you off wherever you want. But then we realized there's nothing wrong about taking a break."

"A-are you-u a-allowing me-e?" I can't believe what I'm hearing!

"Yes, we are." My parents gave me another wide smile. "Really?!" I seriously can't believe this.

"We thought it wasn't that bad and I guess, traveling won't just give you joy but it can also train you to become an independent woman." But my mother had one condition, 

"You must promise us that after this break, you must have the motivation to study and finish your last year in Med School. Okay?" 

I replied with enthusiasm, "I promise, Mom and Dad! Thank you very much! I really love you guys. And I'm sorry too."

"It's okay dear, let's eat lunch now." my mother said. Oh yes, thank you Almighty.

"Uhm, unfortunately, I just got a call from the hospital. I have an emergency. I need to go now." Since my parents are both physicians, we can't avoid these situations to happen. I'll be in that situation, soon. Before my father left for the hospital, he whispered something in to my ear, "Let's talk about where you want to go for your break later, okay?" And then he smiled. 

It is finally happening! I can't wait!


I stuck myself in bed with my laptop on. I searched for places perfect for my break. I didn't just want to have a break, I also want to learn a new culture, meet new people, discover new food and experience endless shopping the less-expensive way. 

After almost an hour of searching, I still couldn't decide of a place. I opened Youtube instead to watch makeup tutorials to learn new makeup styles.

After I graduated college, I was conscious about having a pale face so I started wear light makeup. I learned to apply makeup on my own by just watching tutorials on the internet. I don't like to wear heavy makeup (except if it's really needed) but I know how to apply different makeup styles. I entered a quick course to become a makeup artist and after it, I finally got licensed. That's when I started to accept clients who want their makeup and styling done by me.

I got my wallet to pick up something, an old polaroid picture. It was a picture of me and my childhood friend whom I already forgot the name. He was my best friend. He protected my from boys who bullied me back then. He left me saying that he needs to go back to the place where he came from. I had been looking for him ever since the day he bid farewell. 

I hope to see you soon.

I started to randomly think of the things. Hmmm, I hope that the place I'll go to sells the cutest slip-ons, cute coffee shops, famous historic spots that I could visit, sells delicious spicy food, has my favorite shop, Etude House and... 

Where I hope to see someone I've been looking for... And that's when I realized where I wanted to spend my break...


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