Chapter Three

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I woke up realizing that it's my first day of work today at SM. I was excited and happy. I hope and pray that today will be a good day!

Oh, that rhymed.

On the way to SM, I texted my mom to inform her about the job that I got into. At first she was scared. She thought that what I entered wasn't safe - she thought it might be a scam or what - but I was able to convince her afterwards. I made a quick glance of my surrounding and I noticed that I was already a few steps away from the building's entrance. There were a few people on the streets because it was still early so I didn't bother to continue using my phone.

I continued to walk while browsing the internet until someone bumped me. "Ouch!" A guy just hit my head! I put my hand on my forehead, trying ease the pain before I looked up to him.

"Hey! You better watch where you're going." A tall, deep-voiced guy said.

I couldn't recognize his face because I got a little dizzy. He was wearing a cap, and a scarf but above all, I could feel my face burn because of embarrassment knowing that it was my fault. Before I could even say sorry, he already went inside the building.

That guy must be a trainee. I found on the internet just last night that trainees were mostly being told hide their identities before they debut.

It was 2 minutes left before my call time so I rushed into the lobby and saw Mr. Seo waiting for me. "Just on time." He greeted me.

A card and an ID was given to me, "So this is the room where you'll be doing Chanyeol's makeup. Just follow the directions written in that card. And this is your ID. Always wear this or else you might get mistaken as a fan or outsider. Understood?"

"Yes sir, understood. Thank you."

I immediately took the elevator and headed to the 4th floor. When the door opened, there was a guy standing inside, busy with his phone. I assume he was an idol so I greeted him and he greeted me back. I could tell that he was handsome even though his face was covered. We were quiet as the elevator went its way up. I felt happy and excited for work.

Until then, the elevator was on it's way to the third floor when the lights turned off and we could hear the elevator's machine turn off.

"AHHH!" I shouted like a three-year old and I wrapped my arms to him. He didn't bother about my arms wrapped on his. Instead, he went near to the control buttons to see if the elevator would work.

How can my first day of work end up like this?

"Are you okay? I'm trying to call someone but my phone can't get the signal. Let's just wait for help." I could hear his voice asking with concern. His voice sounded good just like the way he looks. I started to feel embarrassment as soon as I became calm. I unwrapped my arms from him. "I-I'm sorry. I just got shocked." I let out an embarrassed laugh.

I could sense that he was laughing at me. "No, it's fine." Here goes his handsome voice again, ugh. I was trying to make myself calm especially that it was so dark. I like watching horror movies but when the situation happens to me, that's the time I get scared.

A minute of silence and the things running inside my head were; What if the guy I'm with is a ghost? What if he'll do something to me? What if when the lights turn on, a white lady is already standing in front me? Ahhh! Those thoughts made me crazy. I actually have anxieties when I get trapped inside a small room or closet. Finally, the guy spoke.

"Are you scared?" It was bright outside but inside the elevator, it felt like night.

"Yes. Really. I'm just trying to calm myself especially that it's my first day of work today and I promised not be late." I explained.

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