Chapter 5: Netflix and chill

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I just came back from WDC and i'm watching netflix with Jake. Obviously, this "netflix and chill" thing kind off stresses me out but we're living together, I don't really have a choice. I should tell him I have a boyfriend but I don't know how to. I don't want to seem like a bitch saying "sorry. I have a boyfriend" for no reason.

I feel him, getting closer to me, with his arm around my shoulders. Is that a sign ? Should I tell him now ? I'm over-reacting. I used to do this too with my best friends before.

We're watching a horror movie and we get to a part that totally gets me and I jump on Jake's lap without even realizing. Well I got myself in deep shit. He tightens his grip around me, smiling. He looks me in the eye and I don't Know what to do. He doesn't lean in so it's a good sign.

"Sorry" I mutter before getting off his lap.

I get off the couch.

"We're you going ?" asks Jake.

"Just going to have a walk"

"Want me to join ?"

"No it's alright."

When I leave the house, I see Grayson getting out of his. Yes, Grayson and Ethan are our neighbors now. So cool. I try to act as if I didn't see him and walk towards the parc.

A few minutes later I hear footsteps behind me. I look behind me and see Grayson, looking down at his phone, walking. He walks very quickly and almost passes me.

"Um hey" I tell him.

He snaps his head to my direction.

He snaps his head to my direction

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"Oh hey. What..what are you doing ?"

"Just walking"

"Really ?"

I roll my eyes at him. We're back to rude Grayson. I can't help but smile at his sarcastic comment.

"Where are you going tho ?" I ignore his remark.

"The mall. Come with me."


" Why not ? I prefer being seen with you than alone "

"What is that supposed to mean ?"

"Just chill, i'm joking" he smirks.

What the hell? He must Be bipolar. How can he Be nice ? Why with me ? What is happening ?

"Why are you Nice with me ?"

" Okay. Let's make things clear. Somoene told me you saw Ashley and I. During, the party I had sex with her. Ashley has a boyfriend and we're kind of sure that you'd snitch and tell him what we Did. Don't do it, please. My dad and his have an important contract and I can't let this ruin this. "

" Yeah, I figured you wouldn't Be Nice with me for no reason"

"So you're not snitching, right ?"

"What you're asking me to do, is disgusting."

He frowns, surprised that i'm basically telling him no.

"You're so fucking stubborn !"

"I Know" I half-smile, challenging him.

"What the Hell do you want? Sex ? I don't fucking care just tell me. Money?" I was always surprised by all the bad words Grayson could say in only one conversation.

"Sex ? With you? No thank you. I don't want this. All I want is you to Be Nice with me because y'all are hating me for no reason"

He seemed surprised by what I said. Wow. A girl refuses sex with Grayson dolan. So Crazy. Note my sarcasm.

"Ok...But, you're telling me you don't want to have sex with me ?" he laughs soflty.

I don't understand the joke here. I'm serious.


"Sure. I'll prove you otherwise. " he smirks.

"Grayson, I have a boyfriend." I respond. It was the most accurate moment to say that. Weirdly, it didn't seem to affect him.

" Just because there is a goalkeeper, it doesn't mean I can't score" he winks.

"You're out of your mind. I won't cheat on him."

" I'm sure you don't love him. You're the kind off girl that is to innocent to get really serious with someone. You don't like to open yourself and you always do your homework. Let's see if i'm right. How do you decribe him ?"

"He's Nice. And what do YOU Know about love ?"

" woah «nice» ? Sounds boring. I Know about love...believe me. But that's not even the point. You'd prefer passion. He's just boring and over-protective I guess"

Sadly, he was right with the over-protective part. But I really liked Matt.

" you don't Know anything about us Grayson."

"Whatever you say. Gotta go. Bye Queen." it was the first time he was calling me by my name. Well it was my family's name but it was better than nothing.

I rolled my eyes, mentally slapping myself for taking this habit from Grayson, and walked back home.

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