Chapter 15: Back at it.

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Two weeks ago, I kissed Grayson. I can tell you that it was amazing. I never felt that way. It was heavenly perfect but Matt is my boyfriend. I'm not the type of girl that cheats on their boyfriend. I love Matt and I think my kiss with Grayson was a...misunderstanding.

Everything was kind off great however, I missed Thomas. He was still mad with me and I couldn't do anything about it. So I let it go.

It's 3 p.m. and I am studying books I already read. I love to do this during my free time. I'm putting fluo on terms that inspire me or make me think about Matt. It's called "Looking for Alaska" by John Green. Soon, I'll analyse the book "Paper towns" and then "if I stay". Jake is next to me, sleeping on the couch.

Grayson steps in the living room, using the front door. I'm pretty sure he has a key to this house. Greattt. He looks as rough as usually. I haven't seen him in a long time. Ethan is behind him.

" Hey Charlotte! We're going to a party. Want to join ?" questions the Nice twin.

"She's not going. We came for Jake" responds Grayson.

" Grayson, I do whatever I want. If I want to go to that party, i'm going"

He rolls his eyes. Here we go again with annoying Grayson. I didn't miss his mood swings at all.

"Don't push it. I don't want to baby-sitt you"

"You won't have to. Jake ? Wake up, we're going to a party." I shake Jake up. He wakes up and goes dress himself and so do I.

I decide to wear a white long sleeve crop top with black high-waisted jeans. Thomas bought me them once and I never wore them. I guess it's time.

When i'm done, I enter Ethan's audi, sitting in the back with Jake.


We're at the party and I directly regret it. It's not my type of parties. Why do I always end up going to one ? Each time I do, something bad happens. I can hear "panda by designer" playing so I hastily enter the house and start dancing. I think I can Be somoene else tonight. Because dancing in a innapropriate way isn't Charlotte Queen at all. I dance on the beat, with some unknown people. Nothing mattered unless me, being happy.

After, at least, an hour, I turn my eyes to the side, seeing a lot of drinks on the table. I pratically run towards them. I grab a bottle of Vodka, bringing it to my mouth and drinking a lot. My mouth was hot and I was really dizzy. I started gigling like crazy. I couldn't see straight and everything seemed so distant. If one sip of Vodka made me totally wasted the other day than I can't imagine how wasted I am now. The drink burned my throat.

Somoene taps my shoulder, I turn around and face Nate. Scared, I back away. He takes my arm and leads me far enough from the dance floor.

"Charlotte ? I..I wanted to talk to-"

"Nate ? Leave me alone !"

"Charlotte please...let me..let me explain my-"

I punch him on the shoulder, making him back away. I was drunk but when I saw Nate, my brain said three words:

Asshole & punch him.

Suddenly, Grayson comes out of nowhere.

"What do you want Nate ?" he questions angrily.


"I already told you once to stay away from her. I thought breaking your nose was enough of a warning"

"Yeah..but Grayson I really need to explain her-"

"You don't need shit" responds Grayson, pushing Nate. As a reflexe, I try to calm Grayson down. Not listenning to me, he starts punching Nate and I slap Grayson to make him stop. I need more drinks or this night going to Be horribly long.

I leave the two guys, hoping Grayson stopped beating him after I slapped him. I take a bottle and start drinking. Now, i'm really dizzy. I hear " one dance- Drake" playing, making me run towards the dance floor.


A hand grabs my arm and leads me up the stairs. I am too drunk to act and the alcohol in my system keeps me from thinking clearly. Soon, I am pushed in a room. Clumsly as I am, I Fall on the ground, giggling. I turn around surprised of who it was.

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