Chapter 30: Madness

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I spent hours working at the library with my boss, Tania. She was slightly mad with me, arriving late but I couldn't listen to a word of what she was saying. I was thinking about Grayson. We made it. We were finally a thing. He said that he liked me, he kissed me, we laughed.

Even if the morning was Pretty rough because he was calling me names, I forgive him. He has been hurt by two girls and he was scared I'd hurt him too.

“I refuse to like someone because when you do, you give them the power to destroy you”

These words wouldn't get out of my mind. He was totally right.

I gave him the power to destroy me and he gave me the power to destroy him. But I was ready to take that risk because I really liked him.

“I kind off think I like you”

He never failed to make me blush.
My thoughts were cut by Tania speaking up, “It's lunch time Charlotte. The Bell rang. What's gotten into you ?”

“Love” my subsconscious whispers.

“Oh sorry.. I was just thinking about My..finals”

“Alright...well, Since you always work extra-hours, I'll give you free for the week, okay ?”

“No, ma'am i-”

“Don't worry. I don't want you to work if you have a lot of finals, honey.”

I smiled at her, thanked her and left the library. Fortunately, I actually had a lot of finals coming up, so I could be revising.

When I left, I looked to the side to see a happy Grayson. He wasn't wearing the same thing as this morning. He was wearing a white Nike bomber with a black shirt underneath and some casual jeans. He looked so hot.

I pulled him into shy a hug. He was waiting for me, to go to lunch. Wow.

“Woah Grayson, you were waiting for me ?”

“No, I just happen to be here.” he mocks and I smile. Grayson is beginning to be like me.

“You're so cheesy and cute Grayson, I like it” I smile, while we walk towards the cafeteria.

“Fuck no, i'm not”


“don't make me regret it” he chuckles while rolling his eyes.

“I won't” I whisper, kissing his cheek. He starts blushing and I burst out laughing. Grayson is blushing ? Damn.

He tells me to meet him at his usual table. Obviously, I Know which one he talks about. The popular table. Gosh, it looks like we're still in high school...

We go seperate ways and I buy myself a pizza and some sprite. I can't stop stressing because eating with the populars means eating with Ashley and Thomas. As I walk towards the table, where Grayson is already seated, I see the couple laughing. Thomas really likes her.

But She cheated on him.

God, I want to kill her.

I finally arrive at the table and Thomas and her girlfriend stare at me. If I had the chance to shove her 1000$ dollar Gucci bag down her throat, I wouldn't give it a second thought.

But jail isn't for me.

Plus, Grayson had sex with her. What's so special about her ? Why does Thomas like her ? She isn't THAT Pretty, is She ?

Ethan sits next to me but he seems to be thinking. So does Grayson. I decide to not talk to them and keep on eating, listenning to everything the others girls and guys talk about. They don't seem to have a problem with me eating with them since i'm supposed to be in the group because of Thomas.

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