Chapter 7: great

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"Stop being rude Mario ! You said you'd Be Nice"

"Fuck off" he smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, now, I'll stop holding you. Ready ?"

"What ? No Gray ! Don't even-"

"Bye bye" he says, pushing me. I take my balance and advance. I'm skating ! That's so cool. I look behind me to wave at Grayson. It makes me loose My balance. I'm about to Fall but hard hands pick me up before I cab reach the floor. Grayson holds me.

"Are you okay ?"

"Oh my god..yes" I say embarassed. He laughs and  I punch him playfully.

"Don't make fun of me !"

"I'm trying. You're just making it way tooo hard" he laughs.

I'd do anything to see him this way All the time. It's Nice to see him laugh even if it's because he's making fun of me. I stand up and Grayson takes his skateboard.

"Let's make a race. If I arrive first, i can keep on calling you Amelia and if you win, i'm buying you pizza. Deal ?"

"No Gray-"

He doesn't let me finish and starts skating. I stay where I am, cross my arms around my chest and pout. Grayson stops and turns to me.

"C'mon Amelia ! You're lame !" he shouts from where he is.

"Okay but wait, I need to tell you something !" I shout back. I approach him and when I arrive next to him, I tell him "oh my god look behind you !"

He looks behind him and I start skating as quick as possible, to Be faster than him.

"Loser !" I shout smiling. His head snaps back to my direction and he follows me, with his skateboard, smiling and shaking his head.


He arrives next to me and I try to push him off his skateboard.

"Since when is this allowed, Amelia ? I bet I'll arrive first even if you try to push me off Mel" he says in between laughter. I giggle and keep on skating as fast as possible.

Sadly, he ends up being faster than me and wins.

"Finally ! What took you guys so long ?" asks Ethan.

"I didn't Know how to skate so Grayson taught me"

"What ? Who ? Grayson ?" questions Jack, obviously surprised.

"Don't worry..he behaved. " I smile and Grayson rolls his eyes.

"I guess you're buying the pizza Mel " announces the annoying twin.

"I'm paying tonight, i got you Charlotte" winks Jake.

"Thanks Jake. At least YOU have good-manners." I respond, taking his hand.


It's the week-end and i'm watching netflix with Jake. I still didn't get the opportunity to tell him i'm taken but I don't think I need to. He isn't flirting with me. He doesn't like me.

"Yoo Charlotte ! I'm hungry !" groans Jake.

"You have two legs and two hands..go to the kitchen and make yourself some food"


"Right, I forgot, you can't cook... " I smile, teasing him.

" What ? I can cook! I Did the salad yesterday."

" washed the salad !"

"Yeah !"

"And I had to wash it again because it was not washed proprely" I burst out laughing and so does he. He approaches me, while laughing, and puts a hand on my upper-leg. We look at each other. He licks his lips.

I have a boyfriend. I repeat, I have a boyfriend.  How can I formulate this right now ?

The door slams open and we both look at who had just entered. Grayson. What the Hell ? I really have to tell Jake that I don't appreaciate the fact that he leaves the door always open.

Grayson looks at us, choked.

"Don't you have a boyfriend ?" asks Grayson, making a "wtf" face. Jake turns to me. Oh god.

" What ? Is this true ?" 

I don't Know what to respond. I have gotten myself in some deep shit.

"What the Hell Charlotte ? You're playing around with Jake ?"

I'm about to punch Grayson right now. He needs to get beaten up, seriously.

Jake gets up sighing. He looks blow-minded. I don't blane him.

"Wait, Jake-"

"I don't want to talk right now." he responds sternly. He slams his door shut. Greaaat. Why didn't I tell him sooner ? Grayson stares at me.

"What ? You want my picture ?"

"Why the fuck are you-"

"You don't Know half of what's going on Grayson. He was being flirty with me but I didn't want to tell him I had a boyfriend for no reason because maybe he wasn't flirting with me...I didn't have the occasion to tell him that !"

He stays silent for a second.


"Leave me alone, Grayson, I really don't feel like arguing ! "

"You should thank me ! At least, you didn't cheat on your boyfriend. He was about to kiss you, okay ?"

"Shut up Grayson ! I don't need your help !  I don't like you ! And you don't like me ! Why would you help me ?Just because we laughed yesterday, it doesn't make us friends. It didn't mean anything ! And by the way, What do you think you're doing ? Things between him and I are already bad enough, I can't deal with your attitude right now."

" I don't fucking care about you ! You're so stubborn and you don't have the fucking balls to push a Guy away! How is this my fucking fault ? You're right ! I hate you ! You're a slut ! I can't even..are you crying ?"

I look up to him again. I was hiding my face with my hands. I wasn't crying but I was really tired and hurt. 

"Please leave. " I respond looking him straight in the eyes. He rolls his eyes and leaves.

Great. G R E A T.

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