Chapter 33: Worth it ?

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A/N: sorry for not updating lmao wtf I left for like two weeks wut 😂😭 I deleted the app for some cheesy reason and ever since I put it back, I was way too busy to update but I finally did so here we go, enjoy, I hope I didnt lose All of y'all :((((( if y'all are still there comment ur thoughts on this chapter

I looked towards Thomas' direction, then Grayson's. Should I follow one of them and apologize ? If yes, who should I follow?

Am I really trying to choose between my best friend and my fucked up boyfriend? God, I can't lose Grayson. I lost Thomas and got over it but he still is way too important to me. Grayson is someone that will always Be hurting me but he likes me and I like him. He is like a piece of me. I have no idea how I got so attached to him. It's not because of his looks. Not because of the way he's Broken. I guess It's because he's one of a kind.

The Bell rings, making me snap back to reality. The corridors start filling itself with students and I tell myself, "Maybe I shouldn't follow any of them. Ever since I met Grayson, I have nothing but problems and Thomas believed Ashley instead of believing me. Maybe I just deserve better. Or maybe I deserve worse for cheating on Matt and not telling Thomas right away for Gray and Ashley. All I that I have to be away from everything that has a link with Grayson.. including him"

I duck my head, breathe heavily, meaningless tears are threathening to Fall down my cheeks. I walk towards my class, trying to think about anything but this hard decision I made.

I am going to break-up with Grayson.


I enter my house and let myself Fall on the comfortable couch. My mind won't stop pounding, I have a terrible headache. Too many questions are filling my mind.

How am I going to break-up with him ? Is it worth it ? After everything we've been through, should I break-up with him ? Will he care ? Will he let me go ? Will he Be mad ?

But I had an answer to three, specific questions. Will I ever feel the same way I felt with Grayson ? Will I ever experience this type of happiness I had with Grayson ? Will ever have the chance of changing him if we break-up ?

The answer remained the same for All these questions: no.

But let's be realistic, Grayson doesn't only bring me happiness. God, he makes me mad, sad, disapointed, and a lot of other negative feelings.

I stand up and take a long, hot shower. When I finish, I get dressed.

I have to do this now or I'll never do it.
I have to break-up with him right now.

I get myself to walk towards the Dolan's house and I hesitate before knocking. A few seconds later, Grayson opens. I find myself locking gaze with him and he seems to look...reassured ? But only during a fraction of second. Then, I see his usual rude eyes.

"I-I " I mumble, trying to get myself to talk. He's just so intimidating.

"What do you want?" he asks.

"Grayson what the Hell ? You can't be mad at me for trying to not let you kill somoene! You were the one that told Thomas something I didn't want you to say !" I barely shout.

"But fuck, Why won't you defend ME ? Why didn't you hug ME ? Why didn't you insult him for hitting me first ?"

"Grayson, I-" I draw in a deep breath, "I'm sorry I-"

"No you're not ! You Would have done it again ! We always fight! There is always a problem. First, I see you come out off the men bathroom, smelling like alcohol and he happened to be in it with you! He looked high and, and..You were acting like a hoe and-"

Broken - Grayson dolan Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu