Chapter 34: Choice

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(a/n ALRIGHT BITCHES ITS MY BDAY OK AYEEEEEE btw lmao I keep thinking that this story is so freacking dramatic, im sorry, if you think that's Its too dramatic too please let me know)

I stare into charming, familiar blue eyes that have a Gray rim around the pupil. Innocent, ocean blue eyes, blond locks, smooth skin, thin lips, slightly crooked jaw. It was without any doubt, Matt. He changed. He changed a lot. Matt Reed. The Guy I spent half of my life with and that I used to call my one and only true love...aka my current boyfriend.

The embarassing thing was, that I was with Grayson, who happens to be my...lover ? Or whatever it is.

And Guess who has anger issues ?


And guess who didn't tell Matt that I liked Gray ? Guess who is screwed because of a situation in which, I never thought I would ever be, happens ?

Exactly, me.

I did what any perturbed girl that just found out her boyfriend is about to meet the guy she's lowkey secretly dating, Would do. I stared, dumb-founded, at my boyfriend, looking horrifed, during a good 2 seconds.

"m-maaatt" I sutter, dragging out the «a», I let out a nervous giggle, "What a surprise ! That's really...surprising. Damn, I.. this is..." I smile before laughing nervously, loudly, and during some quite long time. I finally take him in my arms.

"God, Loulou I missed you so much! Are you okay ? You seem nervous, love. I wanted it to be a little surprise." he says and I can smell his usual soft perfume.

He changed a lot. He's wearing a black shirt with some ripped black jeans and white converse. It's not his usual type of outfit. He usually sticks to cute little sweaters with "cutie" written on it. His hair is slicked back and he's a thousand times hotter than before.

What the Hell ? What happened?

"Damn, Matt"

"Changed ? Ha, yeah I know. I love you, Charlotte. I missed you and god, you look beautiful. I'm such a lucky man. It's been so long" he says before pulling me into another hug. He always Did the best hugs.

Why does it feel like I just re-fell in love with Matt ? Or i'm making me believe I did. He's good for me.

"Charlotte ? Who's that ?" questions Grayson behind me.

But Grayson couldn't be fully mad since I'm not technically dating him, right ?


Matt pulls away and stares at me. We both know that I usually don't hang out with guys.

"um..this is Matt. Matt Reed." I tell the brown-haired boy.

"He kissed yo-"

"It's my boyfriend, Grayson" I shoot Grayson a look, for him to understand that I'm going to break-up with Matt.

"Grayson ? You're the boy that annoys Charlotte All the time! She always talks about you. What is he doing here ?" he questions, frowning.

" even in Canada, i'm a star" smirks Grayson and I shoot him a «not right now, you fucking cunt» glare. Grayson is really mad and I can feel it. How does he release his anger sometimes ? By annoying the person until they hit him, so he can hit them back. But Matt Would never in the world, start a fight.

"uh..yeah..we're friends now" I sutter. Matt doesn't seem to be believing me.

"After All the shit he has done to you ?"

"listen here, golden locks, She just told you that we're friends now so we're over All of this" Grayson rolls his eyes.

Matt seems mad and he starts approaching Grayson. He's about to punch him. Matt,the cute, innocent, boy is about to punch Gray.

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