Chapter 1: Introduction

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Hey guys! So here's chapter one, hope you like it. It's just an introduction to the fanfic and it sorta just sets the scene... enjoy!

Chapter 1:

Sierra's POV

"Aahh! I'm so glad you're here!" Taylor squealed in excitement.

"I know, I'm so excited! I'm waiting to see a Koala in real life, they look adorable."

"You know they don't walk around on the street right?," Taylor says while she loads my bags into the boot of her car.

"I know, I know. I love your accent though. I swear the last time I talked to you, you did not have an accent that was that strong."

"Are you kidding?! Have you heard your accent? I freaking love British accents," she says to me.

"You'll probably get sick of it eventually."

"Doubt it," She say as she pushes the empty trolley aside. "Okay!" Taylor says banging the boot shut. "We are ready to go." We hop into the car and drive off to Taylor's house.

We were at the airport and Taylor - my cousin - had just picked me up. I was here in Sydney, for a couple of months to stay with Taylor and her family before going back to London.

"So how's Jake?" Taylor asks. Jake was my aggressive boyfriend back in London. He's been hurting me since last year and there's nothing I can do about it.

I lift up my t-shirt sleeve so Taylor could see my bruised shoulder. "Ow!" She looks at it for a second and turns back to the road. "Seriously Sierra, you should really tell someone about this."

"I told Josh didn't I? And I told you, I can't tell anyone else. Everyone loves him, he's a real charmer."

"Some sort of a charmer," Taylor mumbles. "How'd he take it when you told him that you're coming here?"

"This," I say pointing to my shoulder, "and he told me I can't leave."

Taylor let's out a laugh, "who does this guy think he is?!"

"Beats me. A few months without him is all I need," I say resting my head on the seat's head rest with a sigh.

"Yes and we are not going to think, talk or relate to him in any way on this holiday of yours."

"Glad to here that!"


A few minutes later we were pulling up into a drive way of a cream colored house. The house was two stories and had a pathway to walk up to the main entrance. Around the pathway were plants, garden gnomes, pebbles and anything else you can think of that goes in a garden.

"Your mum hasn't changed has she? She still likes her gardening."

"Ugh, yeah."

We hop out of the car and grab my bags from the boot. "Here, I'll give you a hand with that," Taylor says grabbing a bag out of my hands.


"SIERRA!" I hear a familiar voice call out to me from the entrance of the house.

"Aunt Jackie! Gosh it's been forever," I say pulling her in a hug.

"Look at you! You've grown heaps since the last time we saw each other. How's your mum?"

"Yeah, yeah, she's good. She said to say hi."

"Aww, that's fantastic. Well we'll give her a buzz tonight to let her know that you've reached safely."

"Yeah that would be great, thanks."

"No worries. Now let me help you with these bags."

We finally managed to collect in all my bags and load them into the house.

When I enter the house I see my uncle and my cousin hopping down the stairs. "Sierra!" My uncle Mark exclaims. He runs up to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Wow!" Uncle Mark says looking at me from top to bottom after he pulls away. "You've grown heaps since the last time we saw each other."

"Yeah," I laugh. "It's good to see you."

I then turn to Josh who was Taylor's brother and who was mine too. I never really considered Taylor and Josh as my cousins. I've always thought of them as my siblings and Josh and I were really close.

"Joshhhh!" I scream and run into his open arms. I hug him tightly for a while and we both pull away eventually. I look at him and see tears in his eyes. He has always been my 'older brother' and ever since I told him about Jake he was even closer to me. Even though he lived on the other side of the word from me, he always had my back and I know I can tell him anything.

He pulls me into another tight hug and whispers softly into my ear, "I'm so happy to see you." In response I hug him tighter nearly crushing his bones. His brown hair was against my right cheek and I could feel his breath down the back of my neck. We both let go once again and I look right into his charming green eyes. He smiles at me, both of us not knowing what to say.

Josh was the kind of guy who was charming. When I say charming I mean really charming. Last time he came to London there were girls all over him and he gets literally every girl flirting with him. His girlfriend Haley...she is one lucky girl.

"I'm just making dinner and it's nearly done so if you want to go freshen up or something you're more than welcome to. Oh and Taylor and Josh, could you please show Sierra the guest room where she'll be staying?"

"Yup," Josh says with a grin. Was he up to something?

"Thanks Aunt Jackie," I say taking a few of my bags and Taylor and Josh did the same before I followed them up the stairs and into a small room. The room had a few floral patterned curtains with a double bed, a wardrobe, a desk and chair and a dressing room with a mirror above it. It was the perfect room!

"Wow," I say setting down my bags. "This is great! Thank you guys so much!" I say giving Taylor and Josh another hug.

"We'll give you a bit of time to wash up and unpack a bit maybe? Well whatever you wanna do."

"Thanks, see you."


As soon as they leave the room I walk into the bathroom and I pull up my shirt sleeve up and look into the mirror to see the newest addition to my bruises. Ugh, it was gone purple. I dig through one of my bags till I find the gel I use for my bruises, cuts, etc. I squeeze a bit onto my finger and gently rub it into the bruise. I wanted to scream so badly but I couldn't. What did I do to deserve this?


I cut a tiny piece of the tender meat on my plate and gobble it up in my mouth. "So you know about school and everything right Sierra?"

"Yeah," I answer. My parents thought it was best for me to go to school here in London even while I was on holiday. At first I hated the idea but when I found out that I was going to the same school as Josh and Taylor, I couldn't care less.

"Ugh, I just remembered, it's Sunday today," Josh complains.

"Well now you have someone to hang out with at school," Uncle Mark says to Josh.

"Are you trying to say that I don't have any friends?! I've got heaps of friends!" Uncle Mark just laughs in response.

"So you're ready for school?" Aunt Jackie asks again.

"Yup, totally fine!" I assure her.



I wake up the next morning to the sound of my alarm beeping. Ugh. School.

I fling my body around and smack my arm against the button on my alarm clock. "Oww," I mumble, half in my sleep.

I hear my door swing open and Josh screams. "WAKE UP! SCHOOOOOOL! YAY!"

I throw a spare pillow at him," Go away," I say still half in my sleep.

"Mum says you need to get up so...wake up!" He claps his hands and throws the pillow back at me.

"Ugh, I'll be down in a few minutes," I groan.

"Okay," Josh says and leaves me to myself.

I push my duvet and blanket away from me and swing my legs around the bed. I hop out of bed and get ready for school. When I came out of the shower I apply the gel to my bruise and sit on my bed. I'm glad I'm here, I feel safe here, like no one is out to get me.

I get ready for school in Taylor's spare uniform and run down stairs. "Morning!" I say to Aunt Jackie, Taylor and Josh. "Where's Uncle Mark?" I ask.

"He goes to work early," Aunt Jackie explains. "Why don't you take a seat and stack your plate with pancakes. There are heaps here!"

"Thanks," I say taking a seat on the dining table with Taylor and Josh. I grab a plate and do exactly what Aunt Jackie told me to do - stack my plate with pancakes.

"How was your sleep?" Taylor asks me.

"Yeah, it was good."

"If you ever need another pillow or something don't be too afraid to ask one of us or your uncle."

"Yeah of course, thank you Aunt Jackie," I say in response.

"And I see that the uniform fits you perfectly! I'm so glad you two are the same size," Aunt Jackie laughs.

After we finished breakfast and we were ready to go we left the house to go to school. Josh was driving us in his car and I have to admit, I was pretty excited to see the school I will be going to for the next few months.

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