Chapter 15: At The Beach

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Taylor's POV

"No, we cannot start fresh," She says simply and turns back to her canvas and resumes her painting.

My eyebrows raised in shock and I stood there frozen. Woah... Okay then missy, sorry about it.

I turn around and walk back to my painting and continue to paint. I honestly don't care, I'll be nice to her but I couldn't care less if she isn't nice to me.


Sierra's POV

I walk into Science with a puzzled look on my face. I feel bad for Taylor that she has to do this, I really do. She shouldn't be the one who has to try sort things out when it wasn't her fault at all. She was the victim, not the bully. The bully should be the one who apologizes and who should try sort things out, not the victim.

"Hey babe," Luke says giving me a kiss on my cheek as I take my seat next to him.

"Hey," I reply, trying to shake the thoughts out of my mind.

"Is everything okay? You look a bit troubled," Luke asks with his bright blue eyes staring into my brown eyes. Maybe I should tell Luke secretly, I know he won't do anything and I trust him.

" be honest, I probably shouldn't be telling you this but there is a problem between Taylor and Emma.

"What problem? What do you mean?" he asks looking concerned.

I explain the story to him and everything else he needed to know.

"Wow, really?" He says after I finish the long story.

"Yeah..." I just hope that they're friends now and that they've sorted everything out."

"Me too, I wouldn't want anyone to hate each other in our group of friends," Luke says. "But it's weird because Emma is such a nice girl, I honestly can't believe she would do that."

"Well I really don't think Taylor would lie about this."

"I don't think so too. I hope they sort out everything and everything is fine."

"Me too," I say with a sigh.

"How about, we go get an ice cream after school and take a walk down to the beach? Hopefully it'll keep you a bit more calm and more relaxed."

"Every second of my life that I spend with you is the most relaxing I could ever be," I reply to him with a smile. "I love you."

"I love you too," Luke mumbles before reaching in towards me and planting his lips on mine. He kisses me passionately for a few moments but then we pull away remembering that we were at school in the middle of a class.

"Now, if you're done with your little make out session, I would like to continue with my class," Mrs Dawson says with raised eyebrows to Luke and I.

I look at Luke in embarrassment and I feel my face turning a bright red. "Sorry," Luke and I both mumble.


The bell finally rang signaling us that the period was over and we start packing up our things.

"So are we still up for ice cream after school?" Luke asks.

"Of course! I'll meet you at the entrance of the carpark straight after school."

"Perfect! See you then beautiful," Luke says and gives me a cute little peck on my lips.

"Love you," I say to him.

"Love you too."


I was walking out of school just as the bell rang to meet Luke outside the entrance of the carpark.

Taking out my phone, I text Taylor: 'Going out with Luke now, don't need to drop me back :)'

She replies with, 'Okayy! See you when you get back, have fun!'

Me: 'Thank you! How did your talk with Emma go?'

Taylor: 'I'll let you know when you get back from your little outing...'

Me: 'Okay cool, thanks!'

I walk a little further and wait outside the school standing next to a sign that read, 'NORWEST CHRISTIAN COLLEGE CARPARK ENTRANCE'.

After a few minutes of waiting a pair of long arms wrapped themselves around my waist from behind and I could instantly tell it was Luke. He started kissing me up my neck and he soon reached my lips and kissed me passionately.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and weaved my fingers into his soft, blond hair. He held my waist and pressed his body closer to mine. I was pushed against a tree and I could feel my hair and clothes getting caught up in the bark of the tree.

A few minutes later Luke pulled away taking huge gasps for air. I stepped away from the tree, taking deep breaths in and out. I dusted the little pieces of bark off me and walked over to Luke. I wrapped my arms around him and looked up at him and into his blue eyes.

"Look at you Hemmings, trying to be all bad boy and everything at school by making out with your girlfriend at the entrance of the carpark," I laugh.

Luke bites his lip, and laughs at me. "Look at you Jenkins, being all cute like you usually are."

I blush at his compliment and give him a big hug. He wraps his arms around me in return. After a while we both pull away and Luke entwines his fingers with mine and we walk down the road hand in hand.

"How was your day babe?" Luke asks me.

"It was okay...but now that I'm getting to spend some time with you, I'm feeling great."

"Yay! I'm so glad!"

"And how was your day?" I ask Luke, looking up at him.

"Mine was great! So have you heard anything about Emma and Taylor yet?"

"Not really. I texted Taylor and asked her but she said she's only going to tell me once I get home."

"Ohh okay, when you find out, let me know. I don't want there to be any problems in our group now that Emma's in it."

"Its not me that's got the problem. To be honest, I think she's really sweet. It's just Taylor," I explain to Luke.

"Yeah, I know. Hopefully they've sorted everything out now."

"I hope so too."

I look up at Luke's face and see his worried face looking straight ahead. His bright blue eyes were sparkling in the sunlight and his eyebrows were knitted together. He was perfect. He suddenly turned around to face me and caught me staring, "Everything okay babe?"

"Just admiring my gorgeous boyfriend," I say with a cheeky smile and tip toe so my lips can touch his. I kiss him softly and pull away looking into his beautiful eyes.

He smiles and squeezes my hand in response. "There's a ice cream place over there," Luke says pointing to a cute, little, colourful shop. "You up for it?"

"Of course I am! It looks amazing and it's just what I need."

We walk a bit further until we reach the entrance of the little ice cream shop. We were greeted by a short, cheerful lady. Her black hair was up in a bun and she had a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Hello!" She exclaims, full of enthusiasm.

"Hey!" Luke and I both reply.

"What would you two like for today? You can choose two or three flavours."

Luke looks at me, "Two or three?"

"I think I'm going to go with two, and I would like both of them to be chocolate please," I say to the cheerful lady.

She grabs a cone and scoops two large scoops of chocolate ice cream onto the ice cream cone. "And I think I'll have the same," Luke says.

She scoops two scoops of chocolate ice cream onto another ice cream cone and put it on the ice cream holder.

"That'll be $5.50 please."

Luke hands her the money and before I argue with him about paying him back, he turns around to me and says, "It's my shout."

I smile at him in response, "Thank you Luke!"

"Thank you!" the cheerful lady says and we thank the lady, grab our ice creams and continue walking down the street.

"Ugh, this is so good! Its just what I need right now," I say.

"Me too! You up for the beach?"

"Of course!"

We walk a few blocks down till we see the beach that Luke took me to on one of our very first outing together. I sit on the sand with my ice cream in my hand and Luke sits beside me.

He grabs his phone out of his pocket and holds it up to face us, "selfies!"

"Oh my god Luke," I groan but I pose for the photos anyways. We take a few selfies and then Luke makes a little collage of all the selfies we took. He then post them up on Instagram and tagged me in it.

'@sierrajensss and I having a little date at the beach with ICE CREAM!!'

Luke seemed to have quite a few followers already because of being in the band and stuff I guess. After a minute of the post being up, he already had 20 likes.

"Well your followers love you, don't they!"

Luke just laughs in response. "But they don't love me as much as I love you," he says giving me a peck on my cheek. Aww he's so cute, I'm so lucky to have a guy like him.

"By the way, I still haven't seen you sing yet," Luke winks at me.

"Oh um..."

"Please?" Luke pleaded.

"Maybe another day..."

"Why not now?!"

"I don't have an instrument to back me up or anything."

"I don't mind! Just sing, I really wanna here you sing!"

"Hey, don't we have our music assignment tomorrow? You can hear me sing then!" I say with a wink.

"Ugh, fine. In the mean time, I'll just wait patiently."

"So how's the band going?" I ask Luke.

"Ehh, tomorrows our third live performance in front of more than two people," Luke says with a laugh.

"Really?" I ask looking shocked.

"Yeah, we've only played in front of our families once and that time I sang to you and we've got a few of our covers up on YouTube but that's about it."

"Taylor told me that people from our school have heard you guys play," I say taking a lick of the chocolate goodness in my hand.

Luke laughs, "only on YouTube!"

"Ohhh!" I say laughing. "That makes sense. I've always thought that you guys have been like, playing at our school fairs and stuff."

"Nooo!" Luke laughs. "People from school have only heard us play through our covers on YouTube."

"Aww well I'm privileged to be one of the first few people - besides for your families - to see you boys playing live tomorrow! It'll be like a mini concert."

"Hmm...I'd love to play a concert! I don't think anyone would actually come though but it would be pretty cool!"

"I would come!" I exclaim.

"Well duhh, you're my girlfriend. You have no choice," Luke jokes.

The fact that Luke called me "his girlfriend" make my stomach turn.

"Watch it Hemmings," I say slapping Luke.

"That's child abuse!"

"You're older than me and you're not a child!" I laugh, lying back on the sand.

"You don't know that, I could be a really tall little kid," Luke replies, joining me on the sand.

"But you're not, you're my big, fluffy, cute, charming-"

"Yes, go on.."

I laugh, "sexy, cuddly teddy bear!"

"I like the sound of that," Luke says entwining our hands together. We lay on the sand in comforting silence.

After a few minutes, Luke sits up, "I've got band practice in a few minutes so I've got to go."

I sit up as well and kiss Luke, "Well then I hope you have a lovely time at band practice. I can't wait to hear you guys tomorrow!"

"Aw thank you, but no. I'm not letting you stay at the beach alone, I'll walk you home."

"You don't need to do that," I say smiling at how cute he was. "You'll be late for band practice."

"Keeping my girlfriend safe is more important than going late to a band practice."

"Aww but don't worry, I'll be fine!"

"Okay well can I come with you anyways?" Luke asks.

"Of course you can! And maybe Taylor can drop you to band practice."

"No, it's okay, I'll walk. Its at Calum's house and his house is literally the street right next to yours."


"Yeah! Thanks for the offer but I'll be fine walking." We start walking down the street and walk further and further away from the beach. "I would invite you to band practice but I want tomorrow to be a surprise for you!"

I frown, "I hate surprises."

"Too bad!" Luke laughs.

We walked for a bit longer and when we reached the doorstep of Taylor and Josh's house, I turned to Luke. He held both my hands in his, "I love you."

"I love you too," I say giving him a kiss. "Can't wait to see you guys perform properly tomorrow!"

"And I can't wait to hear you sing!"

"Please dont expect it to be good."

"Nope, Im expecting it to be amazing."

"Oh gee thanks, no pressure at all!" I say sarcastically.

He laughs, "Love you, see you tomorrow!"

"Love you too!" I say and open the door to the house with my spare key and walk in. The weather was really hot outside and I was practically dying...this definitely isn't London.

"Anyone home?" I yell.

"Yesssss!" I hear Taylor's voice from upstairs. I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass of water before walking upstairs.

"Hi," I say cheerfully.

Taylor turns around and looks at me. She tilts her head to the side, "You know what I realized?"

"No but I bet you're about to tell me."

"Correct. I was just thinking that whenever you spend time with Luke you're always in such a happy mood."

I smile at what she just said and feel my cheeks burning up, "Aww. Now what did you want to tell me?"

"So I talked to Emma..."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Did she agree to you guys being friends?"

"Nope!" Taylor says popping the 'p'.

"Seriously?" I ask looking a bit shocked. I actually thought Emma was really nice and that she'd forgive and forget just like Taylor did, but obviously not.


"But..." I start but I didn't know what to say next.


"Well let's have a little movie marathon, we can just forget about our problems and watch movies for the next few hours!" I suggest.

"You're really bored aren't you?" Taylor asks with a laugh.

"I just really can't be bothered doing my math homework," I complain.

"Ugh fine, what movie?" Taylor asks.


I walk into school the next day with Josh and Taylor. It was a really hot day and I was pretty much about to faint with the heat. Coming from London, I obviously wasn't too used to this Sydney weather.

"You're gonna have to get used to this weather if you want to stay here with us," Josh says to me while I was currently fanning myself with my Science book.

"I'm trying!" I reply with my tongue hanging out. "Ugh, I can't do this."

We walk into the school building and the hot sun was covered away. I stop fanning myself and breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Much, much better."

"Hey you have your music thing today right?" Taylor asks.  She told me in the morning that all she could hear last night from the guest room was singing, singing, guitar playing and a bit more singing.

"Yeah, wish me luck!"

"You don't need it." By now Josh had disappeared off to his own friends and so Taylor and I walked over to our lockers.

I open mine up and grab everything I needed for first period.

"So what period is your music performance?"


"Oh wow!"

Just at that moment, Luke walks up to us with Calum and Emma.

"Here we go again," Taylor mumbles.

"Hey guys!" Calm says cheerfully.

"You seem quite excited today?" I say to Calum.

"Well yes, I'm really excited to hear you sing," Calum says with a wink.

"Oh god, no you aren't."

"Yes I am! I hear you're amazing at singing."

"Who told you that?" I ask looking confused.


"Luke hasn't even heard me sing!" I say and look at Luke with a questionable face.

"Well I don't really need to hear you to say that you're amazing. You probably have the best voice ever!"

"Yes, she does!" Taylor says with a nod.

"Ugh, no I don't," I say looking down at the dirty school floor.

"Aww no, I'm sure you are!" Emma pipes up.

From the corner of my eye, I notice Taylor looking away from the conversation.

"Thank you. So do you take music too?" I ask her politely.


"But she has an amazing voice," Calum adds.

"No i don't!" Emma says.

"Yes you do, it would be a lie if I said that you weren't," Calum says.

"Aww you two are so cute!" I say to Calum and Emma.

"Did you get my text this morning?" Luke asks, joining in on the conversation after looking up from his iPhone.

"Yes I did! I just couldn't reply because I had no credit to text anyone. But I love you and I hope you have a great day too!" I give Luke a little peck on his nose.

"I love you too."


The loud and piercing sound of our school bell goes off. We say our goodbyes to each other - except for Emma and Taylor who both decided to ignore each other in the conversation. Once we said our goodbyes, we made our way to our first period classes.

I walk with Calum and Luke towards the music room. When we got there, Calum opened the door for Luke and I.

"Thank you," we say in unison.

We walk in greeted by an excited Michael and a giggly Ashton. "Why's everyone so jumpy today?" Calum asks as we walk up to them.

"I'm so excited for the performance today!" Michael exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air. Ashton just bursts into a fit of laughter.

"What happened to him?" Calum asks Michael.

"I think Lauren put sugar in his Vegemite this morning," Michael explains.


I couldn't stop myself from giggling at Calums response. "Have I ever told you how cute your laugh is?" Luke says turning to me.

"Only about a hundred times."

"Settle down class," Mrs Diaz said as she walked into class.

"Today you'll be performing your items which you've been working on. I hope everyone is prepared. And you should all know by now that the way I always pick who goes first is to pick your name out of a hat!"

Out of nowhere she grabs a bunch of little tiny pieces of paper and puts them into a black hat that was sitting on her desk. "I've already written everyone's names down so don't worry. The first performer is..."

There was a long moment of silence until she finally announced the first act. "...Bianca Hamilton!"

The class clapped for a short girl with black hair and dark brown eyes. She walked up to the front of the class with her guitar around her shoulder and she sat at the front of class. Bianca looked really nervous but once she started playing her guitar you could tell she was really into her performance and the most beautiful voice was coming out of her mouth. Wow, she was amazing.

Once she finished singing, Mrs Diaz came back to the front with the hat with everyone's name in it. She pulls a piece of paper our of the hat.

"Next is Sierra!"


Weeeeee! That was a pretty long chapter but it wasn't that interesting :p Thank you all for the votes and comments and stuff on this fanfic! It really means a lot (: If you didn't know, Lauren is Ashton's little sister.

So I can tell that you all want Sierra to tell Jake about her and Luke lol and that will be coming up soon ;) but not just yet!

Also, Im on my summer holidays now so I haven't got school for a few weeks which means that  I will be updating a lot more, yay!

Shania xx

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