Chapter 13: Study Date

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Ashton's POV

I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face. Today's the day.

Ugh Ashton why are you getting so excited? It's just a study date. I shake those thoughts out of my head and get ready for school. I brush my messy hair and walk downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning mum," I say.

"Good morning sweetie."

I turn to Harry, my younger brother who was sitting on the dining table with two pieces of toast in front of him and a cup of Milo. "Morning Harry."

"Morning," He says with his mouthful.

I make myself some toast and grab the Vegemite from the cupboard. My sister Lauren comes strolling down the stairs with bed hair and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing at her.

"Ugh," She moans. "Why does school even exist."

"I feel the same way," I say and take a bite of my toast that was covered in Vegemite.

"Good morning to you too," Mum says with raised eyebrows. "What were you doing up all night?"

"Homework," She says with a yawn.

"Lauren, you really need to stop leaving things till the last minute. Now you better get going or you're gonna be late for school."

Lauren yawns in response and makes herself toast.

Once I finish my breakfast I walk back upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my bag and everything else I need for school.

"Ready to go?" Mum asks the three of us.

"Yup," Harry replies grabbing his bag and walking towards the door.

Mum grabs the keys of our car and walks out the door behind us. "So I won't be picking you up from school today, right?" she asks me.

"Yeah," I say to mum. "I'll text you the address of her house when I get there and I'll text you when I'm ready to be picked up."

"Her?" Mum asks.


Mum winks at me and hops into the car. I feel my face burning up and look away from my family so they couldn't see me.

"Wait, where's Ashton going?" Lauren asks.

"He's going on a study date after school with his friend," Mum explains to her as she backs out he driveway.

Ten minutes later we were pulling up at the entrance of our school. "Have a nice day kids," mum says as we climb out of the car.

"You too," I reply to my mum.

We walk our separate ways and soon I was in the big, white building. I walked straight to my locker and was greeted by Luke and Calum.

"Hey!" I say as I walk up to them.

"Good morning," Calum says.

"Hellooo!" Luke replies looking up from a book he was studying.

"What're you studying?" I ask Luke.

"I totally forgot about the History test we have today. I'm screwed," Luke replies.

"Wow, you really are."

I opened my locker and grabbed a few books out when I heard Taylor's voice.

"Hey hey hey!" Taylor says. I turn around immediately and look at her. She looked beautiful as always. type of beautiful anyways.

"Hi!" Sierra says after her. Sierra walks up to Luke and gives him a peck on his cheek. "Hey babe, what're you doing?" She says looking down at Luke's book.

He frowns, "Studying for a History test I have second period."

Her eyes grow big, "Good luck!"

"You didn't study for that?" Taylor asks.

"No! I didn't even know we had that test," Luke replies. So apparently they're in the same History class...since when?!

"Oh Luke," She says shaking her head.

"Hey Taylor!" I say awkwardly.

"Hello! Wheres Michael?" She asks.

"I heard my name," Michael says popping out of nowhere.

"Oh, hey!" Taylor says.


"Ugh, I'm so tired," Michael says opening his locker and getting a book out of it.

"Nothing usual," Calum says.



The sound of the loud bell rings and we walk to first period. We had music first - all of us except for Taylor.

"See you Taylor," I say as she walks away from us.

"Bye," She replies. Every time she looks at me I feel my heart skip a beat.

We walk into music and I sit down beside Sierra. As soon as I take my seat Taylor starts, "Ashton, you're making it really obvious."

"Making what obvious?" I ask feeling clueless.

She looks around and whispers closer to me, "That you have feelings for Taylor."

I sigh, "What did I do?"

"Well, you keep talking to her and only her."

"Yeah, I think I know what you mean..."

"Believe me, it's really obvious," Sierra comments.

"What should I do?"

"Wait, aren't you coming over today after school?" Sierra asks.

"Yeah, I am. For a study date. She's helping me with my homework and I feel so stupid. She probably thinks I'm stupid as well."

"No, she doesn't." There was a long pause before Sierra continued. "When she came back yesterday she actually said that you were cute."

"What?" I say nearly yelling it out. I got a few stares from but I ignored them.

"Why couldn't you tell me this before?!"

"Hold on, I'm not done." Sierra says. "When she said that she thinks you're cute, she didn't mean it like that..."


"Yeah...really sorry."

"Does she even like me at all?" I ask with a frown.

"Yes...but not in that way."


"I'm really sorry Ashton," Sierra says apologizing to me.

"No, it's fine, you really don't need to apologize to me. So did she say anything else or...?"

"Okay well I talked to her a few days ago and I saw her reading a book. And apparently you were the one to recommend some sort of book to her right?"

"Yeah...this was ages ago though."

"Yeah I don't really know why I haven't already told you," Sierra laughs. "Anyways, she never reads books so when she said that you recommended it I just thought she had feelings for you. Like maybe she decided to read the book because you asked her to read it. If anyone else asked her to read a book, she would say no. That's what I thought but then I asked her if she likes you and she said yes, but just as a friend. And then she said something that might hurt your feelings and crush you so I really don't know if I should tell you..."

"Well you've already told me about it so you might as well tell me the whole thing. Don't worry, I should be fine."

"Hmm...okay. So she then said that you weren't her type..." Sierra says biting her lip waiting for a response out of me.

" what is her type?"


"Michael?!" I say a bit too loudly and I sorta forget that he was sitting right in front of me.

"Yeah?" He turns around looking at Sierra and I.

"No, not you," Sierra says quickly. Luckily Michael shrugs it off and turns back around to face our teacher.

"I'm really sorry..." Sierra says to me with an apologetic look.

"No, it's not your fault."

To be honest, I didn't really care. Well...I did but I knew I wouldn't have a chance with her. I guess I was okay though.

"You know what though Ashton, you should tell her."

"That I have feelings for her? You're kidding right?" Ashton says laughing.

"No, I'm not. Believe me, she'll want to know the truth and besides, you're going to have to tell her someday. Why not just do it now?"

"Because now is too soon!" I say back to her.

"No it's not! You'll be fine, I promise."

"Do you really think I should?" I ask.


Hmm...Maybe I should. Maybe it will be good for me? I mean, you never really know if you don't try right?

Taylor's POV

It was fourth period, one more period left to go. I was sitting in Maths with Michael and Luke. All three of us decided to not listen and now we had no idea what we're supposed to do so with ten minutes of the class remaining we decided to just talk.

"Should we be doing something?" Luke asks.

"What?" Michael says with a bored tone. Ugh he's so cute. He looked up from playing around with his pen and his sparkly green eyes looked up at me. "Taylor, do you actually wanna do anything? Because the bell is gonna ring really soon."

"Ehh, I don't mind anything," I say.

"Ugh fine okay," Luke mumbles. "So have you guys got any plans today or over the week?"

"No, not really," Michael replies.

"Ashton's coming over tonight for a study date," I reply. "I guess that's something."

"Hey, why wasn't I invited?" Michael asks giving me a look.

"Because we're in extension Maths right now and we don't need any help. I just offered to help him out."

"Aww what a good girl," Michael says sarcastically.

"Luke I swear you're married to your phone," I laugh.

"I'm not!" He argues back, locking his phone and looking up at us.

Michael turns to me, "He is."

I laugh, "Yeah Luke, I think you are."

The last few minutes of the period went like this and we just talked. Michael is so freaking cute! I just want to squeeze him into a big hug ugh.


I walked into English with a tired look on my face and took a seat next to Ashton.

"Hey!" Ashton exclaims.


"How's your day been going?" Ashton says flashing me a smile.

"It's been pretty good so far I guess. What about you?"

"Yeah, my day has been good too."

"So are you ready for heaps of tutoring tonight," I say winking at him.

"Um..." Ashton says making a face.

"Hey, you better be!"

He laughs, "Yeah, yeah, I am."


So after school Ashton followed me to Josh's car and on the way to his car we caught up with Sierra. "Hey," I say to Sierra.

"Hellooo! And hello to you too Ashton," Sierra says smiling at Ashton.

"Hi!" Ashton exclaims with his happy self as usual.

We walk to the car and as we were approaching I could see Josh and another guy with blonde hair talking to Josh.

"Who is that?" I think aloud, squinting my eyes to see who it was.

"Is that Luke?" Ashton asks.

The blonde guy turns around and was now facing us. "Yup, that's Luke," Sierra says. "Oh and he's talking to Josh."

When we approached the car Luke ran to Sierra and pulled her in the tightest hug ever. It was like they haven't seen each other in years! What I was staring at right now was so cute, they're so cute together. He holds her face gently and pulls her into a passionate kiss.

"Ugh, get a room," I yell at them. In response, Sierra pulls the finger at me, not letting go of Luke.

I shake it off and walk over to Josh and before I let Ashton climb into the car I introduce him to Josh. "Josh this is Ashton, Ashton this is my brother Josh."

"Nice to meet you mate," Ashton says smiling at Josh.

"You too," Josh nods at him.

"Climb in," I say to Ashton, gesturing for him to get into the car.

"Thanks," Ashton says flashing his smile at me.

He climbs into the backseat of the car and I've got shotgun. "Josh I don't know about you, but we have to go study. So if you don't mind, let's go."

"Sierra! We're going," Josh calls out to Sierra while she and Luke were still trying swallowing each other. Okay that was a bit of an exaggeration but you get the point.

They finally pull away, breathing heavily. "See you," Sierra says walking towards the car.


Sierra gets in the in backseat of the car with Ashton and puts her seat-belt on.

"Everyone ready to go?" Josh asks.

"Yup," We all reply.

He starts the car and drives off. A few minutes later we were at our house and we hoped out of the car and into our comfy home.

"Welcome to my home," I say to Ashton as we walk in.

Dad, who was washing up a few dishes in the kitchen looked up when he heard us. "Hey guys! How was school?"

"Good!" Sierra replies.

"Dad, this is our friend Ashton. Ashton this is my dad," I say introducing the two of them together.

"Hey there Ashton, nice to meet you," Dad saying shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too," Ashton replies shaking dad's hand.

"Okay, we are going upstairs to study now. Please don't interrupt," I say. "C'mon," I say to Ashton and he follows me up the stairs and into my messy room.

"Sorry for all the mess.." I say clearing a few clothes off my bed.

"Don't worry, its not nearly as bad as mine," Ashton replies.

"Ahh anyways, we should start with what we're here for."

"Yup," Ashton says staring at me for a few seconds. There was a bit of awkward silence but I broke it by asking him if he could get his books out. He grabs his bag and takes out his book and a math textbook.

We sit there studying for quite a while and after an hour of studying non stop I ask Ashton if he wants to take a break.

"Uh, yeah sure."

"Do you want a drink or anything?"

"That would be good, thanks."

"Okay, come downstairs and you can see what's there," I say to him. He follows me down the stairs and into the kitchen. "So what would you like? There's some apple juice, orange juice, coke, sprite and there's lemonade."

"I'll have a lemonade please!" Ashton exclaims.

I get out two cups and pour some lemonade in each cup. "Do you want a few biscuits or something?" I ask looking in the kitchen cupboard trying to find something to eat. "How about Tim Tams?"

"Yes please!"

I pull out the Tim Tam packet, hand Ashton his lemonade and walk into the lounge with my lemonade in my hand and the Tim Tam packet. I was stopped in my tracks when I saw Josh and Haley making out on the couch. I grabbed the nearest cushion I could find that was lying on a chair and throw it at them.

"Get a room!" I yell. Both of them pull away from each other, gasping for breath.

"What the hell?" Josh yells back. "I thought you were studying!"

"Yeah, and we're taking a break!"

"Ugh, fine. Whatever," Josh mumbles.

"Oh and hey Haley!" I say in a sweet tone to Haley. Haley is honestly one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. And she is absolutely gorgeous. I would die to be her! She's perfect in every way. Her long, dark hair was let out lose and she was wearing short shorts and a pink top with straps.

"Hey Sierra," She replies in her soft tone if voice. "Um..." I turn to Ashton, "Ashton this is Josh's girlfriend, Haley. Haley, this is my friend Ashton," I say with a smile.

"Hey," Ashton says to Haley.

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"Now if you don't mind..." Josh says waving his hand to me gesturing to leave.

"Ugh fine. But I'm pretty sure Sierra was desperate to meet Haley though."

"Where is Sierra?" Josh asks.

"I think she's upstairs."

"You can bring her here if you want," Haley says sweetly. "She's your cousin aye? I'd love to meet her!"

"Okay, we'll go up and get her."

Ashton and I leave the lounge and walk upstairs. "Haley seems nice," Ashton says as we walk up the stairs.

"Yeah, she's a darling." I walk up to the door of the guest room where Sierra was staying in and knock on the door. "Sierra! You in there?"

"Yeah!" She opens the door and I look past her shoulder to see clothes scattered everywhere around the room.

"Um what're you doing?" I ask staring at her room.

"Luke and I are going out for an ice cream."

"You're kidding right?" Ashton asks.

"Yeah... He's my boyfriend...right?"

"Yeah!" Ashton laughs. "But are you really going to put all this trouble to dress up just to go get an ice cream with Luke? Believe me when I say this, but Luke is a really simple guy. What you're wearing is perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?" Sierra asks biting her lip and looking down at her outfit. She was wearing denim shorts and a t-shirt that had a picture of the Eiffel Tower printed on it.

"Yes! I am!"

"Okay, thanks Ashton. How's the studying going?"

"Very well actually! Taylor seems to be a better teacher than my actual math teacher," Ashton says.

I laugh, "no way!"

"Yes! You are actually," Ashton says smiling at me.

"Well then, thank you! But anyways Sierra, we came up here to tell you that Haley is downstairs. Didn't you want to go meet her?"

"Oooh, yes!" Sierra pushes past us and halfway down the stairs she yells at us, "Have fun studying!"

Sierra's POV

I run downstairs like a child running down to the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. I walk into the lounge and catch Josh and a brown haired girl lying on the couch making out.

"Um..." I mumble under my breath.

Nope, they didn't hear.

"Hi Josh," I say loudly. They both pull away in an instant and gasp for air.

"Oh..hi," Josh says through deep breaths. He looks at Haley and they both laugh at each other. "Haley this is Sierra. Sierra, Haley."

"Hey Haley!" I say to her. She is beautiful, wow.

"Hiya!" She says sweetly. "I've heard a lot about you."

"And the same about you," I nod. She laughs and turns a bright red.

I sit on one of the empty couches and Haley and I start talking. She tells me about how she's studying to become a chef in her uni work.

"So what do you wanna do when you get to uni?" She asks.

"Umm... A singer." I think about dad and how he wants me to be a doctor. Sorry dad..

"Oh, cool!"

Haley and I were chatting about girly stuff and to my surprise Josh was joining in on the conversation a few times. All of a sudden the loud doorbell rings and I remember about meeting up with Luke to get an ice cream.

"Oh shit," I mumble.

"What happened?" Josh asks.

"I forgot that Luke is picking me up to get an ice cream," I reply. The doorbell rings again, "I'm coming!" I yell.

I walk up to the wooden door and open it wide. "Hey Luke!" I decide not to tell Luke that I forgot... I don't want any problems or fights just yet.

"Hey beautiful," Luke replies pressing his lips to mine and pulling away after a few seconds. "You ready to go?"

"Almost, can I just grab my bag and stuff from my room? Ashton is upstairs by the way. Come say hi!" I drag Luke up the narrow stairs and we walk into my room to get my bag first.

I grab my bag which was already packed and then walked out of my room followed by Luke.

We walked up to Taylor's room and opened the door...

And that's when i see the most shocking sight ever.

Oh my god.


Hey! I feel like I haven't updated in forever haha :p Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It gets really interesting from now on wards, i promise you! I really hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic and please don't forget to vote/comment and if you don't mind, share this fanfic around!

Follow me on Twitter: @5secsofR5_

Shania xx

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