Chapter 5: Madly In Love...

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Chapter 5:

Luke's POV

"Luke?" I hear a familiar British accent say my name. I look at the girl who I just spilled my drink all over.

"Sierra? I'm so sorry!" I exclaim.

"It's fine," She laughs as her shoulders relax.

"Oh my god, what did I do?" I mumble looking around and at Sierra.

A lady who looked like she was in her mid thirties came running towards us with a mop in her hand. She had brown hair that was pulled back in a bun and she wore dark red lipstick. A green apron was hugging her body and she had a name-tag that read 'Jessica' on her black shirt.

"Here, let me get that for you," Jessica says. She mops the pink floor and cleans up the place.

"I'm so sorry," I say again.

She turns around to me, "Eh, don't worry about it," She says waving her hand.

"Do you need any help or anything?"

"Nope, I've got this."

"Thanks," I say and turn back to Sierra. "Are you okay? I'm really sorry!"

She laughs again, "Calm down Luke, it's not the end of the world. Although it would pay to be looking and not on your phone when you're walking around."

"Yeah...I know," I say with a guilty look on my face.

"So you really are everywhere," She nods.

I laugh, "I guess so...?"

"Hey, do you wanna go buy another Starbucks? I was just about to get one anyways."

"How about I pay for yours?" I suggest.

"That won't be necessary," She replies politely.

"Yes it is."

"Usually the person who didn't have the drink in their hand buys the drink for the person who did have the drink," Sierra explains.

"Well not when it was the person who had the drink's fault. I'm buying you Starbucks whether you like it or not."

"And what if I don't want Starbucks?" She asks me with a cheeky smile.

I glare at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Ugh fine," She finally accepts.

"What would you like?" I ask looking up at the menu.

"Umm... I think I'll have a double chocolate frappe."

"And I think I'll just have a strawberry smoothie."

"Which you just bought but i had to come in the way and you lost your whole drink," Sierra says with a cute frown. Ugh she just looked so damn cute.

"No, it's not your fault!" I say to her and walk up to the counter. "Hey Luke," a young girl says behind the counter. She had blonde hair that was tied up in a ponytail and it had a black ribbon in it. She had curious green eyes that stared at me in awe. She was wearing the Starbucks uniform with a name-tag that read, 'Courtney'.

"Umm... Hi?" How does she know my name? Sierra looks at me, a bit creeped out.

She shakes her head, "I'm sorry. That probably sounded really creepy. I'm just a huge fan of 5 Seconds of Summer!"

"Oh really?" I ask with my eyebrows raised. Wow, I didn't even think we had fans other than our family, friends and people from school.

"Yeah..." She says nodding her head. "You guys are great."

"Awe thank you," I reply.

"Um, if you don't mind, could I please get your signature?" She asks grabbing a napkin and a marker out of nowhere and handing it to me.

"Sure!" I sign the napkin and hand it back to her.

"Oh my god, thank you so much. Anyways, what would you like to order?"

"A strawberry smoothie for me," I say to her. She grabs a plastic cup and a marker and starts scribbling things on it. "And Sierra, would like a double chocolate frappe."

"Sorry, whats your name?" She asks, turning to Sierra.

"Sierra. S-I-E-double R-A," Sierra spells it out for her.

"Got it," Courtney mumbles. "So are you two a couple or something?"

I look at Sierra just in time to see her eyebrows rise. "Oh no!" I exclaim. "We're just friends."

"Oh, never mind then."

There was an awkward silence before Courtney continues. "That'll be $9.45."

I hand her the money and she hands me back a receipt. "Just wait to the side, your order will be ready soon. Nice meeting you Luke," Courtney says. "And you too," She says turning to Sierra with a smile.

"You too, and...thanks for all the support," I smile at her. She smiles back in response.

Sierra and I walk off to the side and wait for our order. "Well you know how to handle meeting fans at Starbucks, don't you," Sierra says with a cute little laugh. She was wearing denim blue jeans with a pink and black top and black Converse. Her brown hair was tied back and I could tell she was wearing a bit of make-up - but not too much that she looked like a clown. She looked gorgeous.

"It's happened to me before when our family went out for dinner a couple of weeks ago. There was a girl who served us and was a fan of the band and she nearly started crying! It was pretty cute to be honest."

"Aww that's so cute! Was that the first time it happened to you guys or...?"

"Well it was the first time it happened to me. I don't know about the other boys though."

"Luke and...Sierra," A loud voice says making both of us jump. We look up to see a man with a thick mustache giving us our Starbucks.

"Thanks," we both say.

"So... Have you got any plans for today or did you just randomly come to the mall?" She asks trying to make some conversation between us.

"Just randomly decided to come because I was bored. What about you?" I ask taking a sip of my Starbucks.

"Well, Josh is at his basketball training and Taylor is at work so I was bored and decided that I really don't have a lot of clothes to wear here in Sydney so I should go shopping."

"So you've come here by yourself?"

"Yup," She says popping the 'p'.

"You better get shopping then, you probably don't want to waste your time with me."

"What? No, of course I do! I'd love to spend the day with you," She exclaims.

"Just a thought: why don't I help you shop. I can be your little shopping buddy for the day!" I say cheerfully.

"You want to shop with me?" She asks laughing. Ugh, why did I even ask. "Okay! Yay! I have a shopping buddy."

"Really?!" I ask in shock.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Oh okay then. do you girls do this?" I ask.

"We're exactly the same!" She exclaims.

"I find that hard to believe," I say.

She thinks about it for a second, "Okay maybe it's not the same but it's definitely not bad."

"I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it's different from how you girls shop."

"Whats different?"

"Hmm...well we probably don't take as much time as you do to decide on things."

She laughs a cute laugh, "That's true I guess."

Sierra then grabs my hand which sends a million sparks off and drags me into a store filled with girl clothes. She was still holding my hand when she said, "This looks like a good shop."

When she let's go I look at my hand in awe. "Is everything okay?" She asks looking concerned.

"Uh, um, yeah."

"Okay cool. Oooh, that looks nice," She says walking up to a rack overflowing with dresses. She pulls out a black and white dress out of the rack and holds it to her body. "I think I'll try it on later." Sierra hung it over her arm and walked further into the shop with me following behind.

We shopped in there for about fifteen minutes and then Sierra decided to try them on. We walked to the changing room area and she walked into a changing room, locking the door behind her.

A few minutes later she comes out wearing a really pretty blue top that looked really good on her. "What do you think?"

"I quite like it! It suits you really well," I respond.

"So... Should I get it?"

"Its a yes from me but its your choice so you choose."

She looks into the mirror once again and says, "I think I'll take it."

So the rest of the day went by with Sierra and I walking into different shops, picking clothes, trying on clothes and then buying them. By the end of the day our hands were filled with bags.

"Luke I cannot believe you spent the whole day with me, shopping. I can't believe you!" She laughs.

"Why not?" I smile. "I enjoyed it. We had a good laugh didn't we?"

"Yeah, I have to admit: shopping with you is actually really fun," she says nodding her head.

"Thank you," I reply awkwardly.

"Um, well I better get going now. I'll see you on Monday I guess," She says.

"Definitely," I smile to her. "Do you know where you're going?"

"Not really... I came out from the closest entrance to Victoria's Secret. Do you know where that is?" She asks biting her lip. Ugh, she was perfect.

"Yeah, why don't I walk you there. How are you getting home?"

"I'll send Uncle Mark a text and let him know I'm ready to be picked up," I reply.

"Oh okay, well we can walk there and I'll wait with you till he picks you up," I say. "Just to make sure you're safe."

"Aw thank you Luke, but seriously, you don't have to do all that. I'll be fine by myself."

"It wasn't a question," I smile. "Lets go."

She follows me and soon we were waiting outside the mall where Mr Lynch seemed to drop Sierra off.

All of a sudden a silver car pulled up in front of us. "This is my ride," Sierra says turning to me with bags in her hands. "Um, thank you for being with me and helping me today. I had a great time today."

"So did I," I smile. "Today was really fun. We should do it again sometime."

Ugh, she probably thinks I'm gay for going shopping with her. What kind of guy goes shopping with a girl? Ugh.

She puts the bags in the car and I see Mr Lynch in there. "Hey Mr Lynch," I say. He probably doesn't know me... oops.

"Hello there, you must be Sierra's friend...?" He says in a low voice.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Luke," I say awkwardly.

"Would you like a ride?" Mr Lynch asks me.

"Oh no, that's fine. Thanks for the offer. I wouldnt want to bother you."

"No, no, no! Don't worry about it. It's perfectly fine. Just let me know where you live and I'll drop you to your house."

"You sure?" I ask still unsure on whether I should take his offer or not.

"Of course. Hop in the car."

"Thank you," I say and climb into the silver car.

Today has been a great day. Sierra is such a beautiful person inside and out. I think I'm in love...madly in love.

Im really sorry for not updating earlier! Ive been so busy! School is starting tomorrow so the updates will be slow - sorry :(

So yesterday I met Michael - just thought I should share that with you guys haha

Thanks so much for reading, please dont forget to vote, comment and share the fanfic around. And follow me on twitter - @5secsofR5_

Shania xx

Only You // 5 Seconds of SummerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora