Chapter 28: Jake

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Chapter 28:

Michael's POV

Once I picked up Kayleen, I drove her to Taylor's house. I realized that we should probably talk about this together. First Sierra went missing, then Luke. It has to be related.

I rang the doorbell of Taylor's house and she opened it straight away. "Hey," she smiles at Kayleen. "Come in." We walk into the lounge where we were before, watching Friends. Ashton still hadn't moved from his place on the couch. "Hey Kayleen."

"Hi," she smiled.

Taylor sat down next to Ashton and he wrapped his arms around her. I took a seat next to Kayleen. "You know what happened about Sierra, right?"

"Wait...what happened?" Kayleen asks. "I only know that she went missing."

"Yeah, that's it," says Taylor.

"Oh right, yeah."

"So how exactly did Luke go missing?" Taylor asks.

Kayleen explains to us about how they were meant to go kayaking and that he went to get the kayaks but never came back.

"Was anyone else there? Did you ask people if they've seen him?"

"There was this one guy...he was really shady and he just wore full black. He was leaning against a kayak shed - sort of like he was protecting it but I don't know, it was weird. Anyways, he was leaning on it and I asked him if he'd seen Luke and I gave him a description and everything and he said no and he was just really annoyed and-"

"Jake, that was Jake," Taylor nods, looking down at the ground.

"Who? Oh wait, Sierra's boyfriend, right? Luke told me."

"Do you think it could've been him?"


"So this obviously has something to do with Jake," Ashton says.

"It might not be. We have no proof," I disagree.

"But it has to be Jake," Taylor says to me.

"You never know. Jake is a suspect but we don't have any evidence that it is actually him." I explain to them, sounding a lot more smarter than what I had expected.

"Yeah, I agree with Michael. We can't just assume it was Jake," Kayleen agrees with me. I look at her in shock, we're actually agreeing on something... "I have no idea if it was Jake anyways. It could've been anyone."

"Well, what did he look like?" Taylor asks, running a hand through her long brown hair.

"He was pretty tall, about Lukes height. Short brown hair, brown eyes, a bit of stubble. And he wore black."

"Black leather jacket?"


"That's him."

"Any guy can be outside a kayak shed in full black. We still don't know that it's Jake," I say my input.

"Who wears full black - black jeans, a black T-shirt and a black leather jacket? No one except Jake. That's all I've ever seen him wear."

I tilt my head to the side and lick my lips. "Okay, so it is most likely Jake, right?"


"Can we try calling him?" Ashton asks. He turns to Taylor, "Do you have his number?"


"Wait, wait, wait." Kayleen speaks up again. "So we think that Jake has kidnapped Sierra - and most likely Luke too - and kept them in the kayak shed he was leaning on?"


"Well if he did kidnap them properly, he would've taken their phones, correct?"

"Yes...where are you going with this?" Taylor asks, I was pretty confused as well. Where was she going with this?

"One way we can find out if it was Jake at the beach is that we could try call him."

"But I don't have his number, none of us do..." says Taylor.

"No, I mean you can call 'Sierra' and because he'd have their phones, he would pick up, right?"

"Yeah..." Taylor says slowly, trying to fit in all the puzzle pieces.

"But how would that help? What would we say to him?" Ashton asks.

"Shh I'm not done. Usually when you call someone at the beach you can hear the ocean's waves in the background. If we call him, we can hear for any waves or ocean or things like that and identify if he is actually at the beach or not. And if he is at the beach, we know for sure that it was Jake who I saw." Kayleen explains.

"Wow, you are smart," I point to her with one eyebrow raised.

"We've tried calling Sierra's mobile so many times though, no one has picked up or answered our texts."

"We could always try again...?"

Taylor sighs, "I guess." She pulls out her phone and dials Sierra's number. Pressing it to her right ear, she waits as the phone rings loudly. It rings for a while and soon the line goes blank. Taylor sighs and puts the phone down. She looks at Kayleen, "Now what?"

"Try again! Don't give up so easily!"

Taylor does the same thing but this time, the phone is picked up. I heard a low voice on the other end. "Hello?"

"Hi, could I please speak to Sierra? ...oh hi Jake..." she looks up at us, a worried expression on her face. "Wheres Sierra? She didn't come home after your date with her...she's been with you?" Taylor's eyes furrow together. "Mhmm...well I gotta go, have fun. Bye."

She puts the phone down and stands up. "Let's go to the beach."


Luke's POV

Sierra and I were talking for quite a long time. We said our "I miss you's" and everything once again. And then she fainted. She hasn't eaten in days, that's probably what Jake wants. He's literally trying to kill us. This is not how I wanted to die, I don't want to starve to death. I'd rather die in any other way.

She had passed out about an hour ago next to me and I was leaning against the shed wall. I was starting to feel weak but definitely not as weak as Sierra.

I needed to go to the bathroom and lying here in a kayak shed near the ocean where you can hear the waves slap against the sand is not helping. I wanted to help out Sierra as much as I could but I felt hopeless. I couldn't do anything. Why don't people want to hire kayak?

Michael's POV

We drove to the beach that took us quite a while. The traffic to get here was very busy and it was the closest beach next to Luke's house - like Kayleen had said earlier. Luke lived far away from all of us so we had to travel for a while. I was thinking of dropping Kayleen to her house but Taylor thought otherwise. So here we were, Ashton, Taylor, Kayleen and I trying to find our missing friends.

We walked out on the beach looking out of place in our jeans and tops compared to everyone else here in their shorts and bikinis. In the distance I could see a large blue shed and an office opposite it.

"Is that the shed Jake was leaning on?" I ask Kayleen, pointing at the shed.

Kayleen holds her hand up to her face to block the sun from her eyes although she was already wearing large black sunglasses. "Yeah, looks like it."

We walk in a slightly faster pace than before, towards the blue shed. When we came closer to the shed I managed to read a sign that was hanging off a tiny clip on the shed that read, 'KAYAKS'.

There was a guy who looked a few years older than us leaning against the shed. He matched the description that Taylor had given us earlier, perfectly. His messy dark hair blowing in the wind, black jeans, black shirt and his famous leather jacket was hugging his body - despite the hot weather.

Taylor holds her hands out to stop all of us from moving any closer to the shed. She looks at Jake with big eyes. "That's definitely him."


Just a quick fill-in chapter :)) hope you guys like it though! - I'll update soon

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