Chapter 9: I Was Wondering...

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Chapter 9:

"And I was wondering...?" I ask raising my eyebrows, looking at him.

I wait for his response but he continues to look down at the water. What was he wondering?

"Earth to Luke!" I say waving my hands in front of his face.

"Sorry, its fine, just forget about it," Luke says suddenly.

"No, Luke, you can ask me anything," I tell him looking into his sparkly blue eyes again.

"Its fine, seriously," He replies. With that he bends down, collects some water in his cupped hands and splashes it on me.

"Oh it is on!" I yell at Luke, splashing water on him. I decided to let that whole thing slip by. Whatever Luke was wondering, I'm sure he'll tell me one day...I hope. I didn't want this perfect night to be ruined with anything so I wouldn't let that get to my head.

After having a very long water fight it was almost eleven thirty and we decided to head back to the car. Luke said he didn't want me to be out the whole night because we had school the next day. Aww, he's so sweet.

"Nah, it's fine," I say to Luke.

"Does your aunt and uncle know about you being out with me tonight?" Luke asks sweetly.

"Yep! You have nothing to worry about, Aunt Jackie already loves you."



We walked to where we kept our shoes and then back to the car.

"I don't know about you but I'm soaking wet. Are you sure it's okay for me to sit in the car?" I ask Luke.

"Yeah, yeah, definitely!" Luke says unlocking the car and jumping in.

"Okay, thanks."

It turns out that the beach we were at just then was only five minutes away from Aunt Jackie and Uncle Mark's house. When we reach what I was going to call 'home' for the next few months Luke hops out of the car after me. We walk to the entrance of the decorated house.

"I hope you had fun tonight," Luke says looking into my eyes again.

"Thank you, I did. Thanks for everything, I had a great night," I reply getting lost into his bright blue eyes.

"I'm really glad you did, I love you," He says saying the past part softly.

Woah... 'I love you'. Did he just say that he loves me?

"I love you too," I say to him softly.

Luke pulls me by the waist closer to him so we were inches away for the second time tonight. He reaches his lips forward so his lips and mine were about to touch...

Out of nowhere the front door opens to reveal Aunt Jackie. We both jump apart, startled by the sudden appearance by Aunt Jackie.

"Hey Luke! I'm Jackie, Sierra's Aunt who she's staying with!" Aunt Jackie exclaims.

"Oh, hey Mrs. Lynch," Luke says smiling at Aunt Jackie.

"Hello! Would you like to come in? Have a cup of tea or something?" Aunt Jackie asks.

"No thanks, I better get going," Luke replies. He turn to me, "Um, see you tomorrow," He says waving his hand at me. I pull him into a hug and over his shoulder I could see Josh and Taylor staring at us with their eyes as big as a tennis ball.

"Bye Luke, thanks for tonight," I say as he walks down the stairs.

"Anytime," He replies and soon he was off, going home.

I turn to Aunt Jackie and give her a blank expression before walking past her and into the house.

"MUM!" Taylor and Josh yell in unison.

"Yes?" Aunt Jackie says casually closing the door and turning to face the three of us.

"What did you do?!" Taylor exclaims.

"Sweetie, I know you like Luke," Aunt Jackie says turning to me, "But I'm not too sure if you two are ready to be a 'thing' yet?"

"Why not?!" Taylor and Josh yell in unison.

"Aunt Jackie I thought you liked Luke?" I say gently.

"Yes I do but you've only had one date, you two can't already be together, can you?"

"Yes they can!" Taylor exclaims. "It's the 21st century mum."

"Okay, okay," Aunt Jackie says raising her arms in defense. "I just don't want you to rush into anything..."

"Yeah, I understand," I say to Aunt Jackie. "But I think I really like Luke, like, a lot."


Luke's POV

"So did you ask her out?! Tell her how you feel?!" Calum questions me the next day at school.

"I wasn't ready," I reply.

Calum glares at me with an angry face on, "Mhmm."

"Luke, the whole idea of you going out with her last night was to ask her to be a 'thing'," Ashton explains.

"I know. I sorta told her that... Well, sorta... I told her that I really like her."

"And what did she say back?" Calum asks.

"Aww you worried you gonna lose your baby?" Michael mocks.

"Psh, no," Calum says sticking his tongue out.

"Don't worry baby I'm not going anywhere," I say to Calum with a wink.

"Woah! Cake cake cake cake cake cake cake ca-"

"Shut up Ashton," Michael demands.

"So what did she say?" Ashton laughs.

"She said she really likes me too but it didn't seem like she really meant it," I say to the boys. "I really don't think she likes me in that way."

"Well there's only one way to find out," Calum says.


Sierra's POV

I was sitting with Taylor and Josh at lunch when my phone beeps signaling that I just got a text.

I take my phone out of my pocket and unlock my phone.

'One new message from Luke:)'

I instantly open up my messages and read the unread one I just got from Luke.


Meet me at the music room now :) see you there x

I smile to myself, he wants to meet me at the music room right now! I let out a squeal thinking of seeing him after yesterday but my thoughts were interrupted.

"Woah, you okay Sierra?" Josh asks.

"Huh?" I say remembering I was at school with other people around me... Oops.

"You just squealed and now I'm scared," Taylor says sarcastically.

I show them the message on my phone while stuffing everything in my bag. "I'm going to go now, I'll see you next period," I say excitedly.

"Wait!" Taylor squeals. "I'm coming with you, I cannot miss this."

"Yeah I'm quite curious about this as well, I'm coming too," Josh says.

"Don't you think it's a bit weird if you two come?" I say trying not to sound rude.

"He won't mind," Taylor shakes it off. "Let's go."

We run to the music room unsure of what to expect. When we reach the music room I push open the door and see the boys with their instruments. They were on the mini stage that was placed in the music room.

"Hey Luke," I say awkwardly.

"Hey," He says looking nervous. "Um, I wanted to tell you something..."

I smile at his cuteness, "You were wondering...?" I ask him realizing that what happened last night had something to do with what's going on right now.

Luke let's out a giggle, "Can I tell you something first..?"

"Yeah sure," I say with a smile.

"One, two, three," Ashton mumbles and Michael starts to play his guitar.

And that's when Luke starts to sing one of my all time favourite songs.

Called you for the first time yesterday
Finally found the missing part of me
Felt so close but you were far away
Left me without anything to say

Now I'm speechless
Over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this love bug again

I can't get your smile out of my mind
(I can't get you out of my mind)
I think about your eyes all the time
You're beautiful but you don't even try
(You don't even, don't even try)
Modesty is just so hard to find

Now I'm speechless
Over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this love bug again

I kissed her for the first time yesterday
Everything I wished that it would be
Suddenly I forgot how to speak
Hopeless, breathless
Baby can't you see?

Now I'm hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this love bug again
Love Bug again

Luke finishes the song on a perfect note and I feel tears forming at the corners of my eyes. Behind me I hear Josh and Taylor cheering and clapping but all I could do was stare into Luke's eyes.

He puts his guitar on his guitar stand and walks over to me, "Sierra, I really like you," He says with a wink and I get what he's doing immediately.

I giggle, "And I really like you too." Aww he's so cute, he's trying to replay the moment.

"And I was wondering..." He stops and takes my hands in his.

"Hurry the fuck up, the bell's about to ring," Michael yells from behind Luke.

I couldn't help but laugh and Luke turns around to Michael and gives him the finger.

"I was wondering if maybe you and I you wanna..."

I decide to help Luke out and nod my head 'yes' because I knew exactly what he meant.

He laughs and pulls me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, not taking my eyes off his. He pushes his lips against mine and kisses me.

"Aww," I hear Taylor say.


I hear the bell ring and Luke and I both pull away. I was smiling from ear to ear and so was Luke. People started to walk into the classroom but Luke and I stayed where we were.

I looked into his eyes, still smiling, "I love you Luke."

"I love you too Sierra."

"Mr Hemmings and Ms Jenkins please head to your next class, the bell has gone," I hear the music teacher say. Most of the people in the class turned to look at us but we didn't move. No one could ruin this moment.

"I've told you once and now I'm telling you again. Please go to your next class," Mrs Dias repeated.

We both decided that it was time to leave so we took our things and walked our separate ways. I had drama with Taylor next so she waited for me and we walked to the drama class together.

"This is the part where you I say 'I told you so'," Taylor says with a wink.

"Ugh, I know, I know," I laugh.

I just couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.


It was around midnight so I decide to hit the sheet. I walked into Josh's room, "Night Josh."


"I'll see you in the morning," I say to him with an innocent smile.

"Yep." I was just about to walk away when Josh cries out to me. "Hey Sierra, I'm really happy for you," He days sweetly.

I smile in response to him, "Night," I say and walk away.

I walk into Taylor's room and saw her reading a book. Woah...Taylor's reading a book? Today's been a great day hasn't it?

I stood outside her bedroom door waiting for me to notice my presence but she was too engrossed in her book.

I cough trying to show my presence. She looks up from her book, "Hey," She says closing the book but leaving her finger on her page. "Everything okay?"

"Of course it is! Today has been a great day!" I exclaim.

She laughs at me and I decide to ask her about her book. "'re reading a book. Never actually thought this day would come."

Taylor laughs, "No well Ashton is in my English class and he just finished reading this book and recommended it to me."

"So if I recommend a book for you to read, would you read it?" I ask raising my eyebrows.


"Ooooh, you and Ashton," I say nudging her arm.

"Nothing is going on with me and Ashton!" She argues with me.

"Whatever you say," I say holding my hands up in defense.

"No seriously! He just isn't my type," Taylor shrugs.

"He 'isn't your type?'," I ask using my hands to quote her words.

"Yes," Taylor nods.

"And since when did you have a 'type'?" I ask with a laugh.

"I've always had one," She lies.

"Oh sure," I say rolling my eyes. "So what exactly is 'your type'?"

"Well Ashton's too innocent..." She explains.

"So you want someone more bad-ass?" I laugh.

"Yeah, sorta."

"How about Michael?"

"Yesssss! And he's actually really cute like wow, his eyes. Ugh, gorgeous."


Taylor laughs, "Shut up, I have no chance anyways."

"Why not?!"

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know my name..."

"I'm sure he does."

"Whatever you say," Taylor says imitating me.


Yay! So Luke and Sierra are officially a thing! But what about Taylor and Ashton? Or... Taylor and Michael? Who do you think she ends up with? ;)

Thanks so much for all your votes and comments! I thought I should update today because its been exactly one year since I met 5sos and since their first international show (I went to it, woo!) and also because it was my friend's birthday and she was forcing me to update so this is her present haha <3

Hope you guys liked it! :---)

Shania xx

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