Chapter 18: Thai Food

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Chapter 18:

Taylor's POV

"Um...okay well I think I like Ashton..."

Luke raises his eyebrows, "Ashton?"

"Yes, Ashton."

"Weren't you the one that rejected him though?" Sierra asks.

"I didn't reject him! I just didn't feel the same way...but now I do."

"He still has feelings for you right?"

"Yeah and I think he now knows that I have feelings for him too?"

"How do you know?"

"Uhh...well I sorta kissed him.."

"Wait, wait, wait, you kissed Ashton?"


Sierra looks at Luke and back at me. "Do you have a full story that you can share with us? Because I'm actually quite confused."

"Yeah me too," Luke says raising his hand.

"Uhh okay well you know the day when Emma apologized to me? I think it started then."

"Woah that was like a few days ago," Sierra says.

"Yeah I know."

"So what exactly happened?" Luke asked.

I explained to them the full story and everything that happened. When I was done they both looked at me with wide eyes but neither of them spoke.

"Are you guys gonna say anything or...?"

"Wow," was all Sierra managed to say.

"What she said," Luke said.

"So what should I do?"

"I think you should tell him. Well, I mean he obviously knows but I think you two should have a little talk and see if you both want the same thing."

"Wow, you're good at this," I turn to Luke. "Would you like to add anything else Hemmings?"


"Okay well I think we're done here, you two may go back to your...whatever you were doing before I walked in. Thank you!"

--The Next Day--

"Okay see you," I say to my friend Emily. We were at school the next day and I just wanted to ask her a few things for our Art project.

I was walking to where the boys and us usually meet up every morning when I see Emma run up to me. "Hey Taylor."

"Oh uh...hi," I say awkwardly. She's been acting really nice to me the past couple of days, I can tell she was really trying.

"What's up?"

"Eh nothing much. What about you?"

"Another day of school," She sighs.

I laugh, "Hopefully we can get through it."

We soon reached to our little meeting place which was a little bench under a hug tree. We always have lunch here and i think everyone knows that its our spot.

"Hello!" I say to everyone who was sitting there. Everyone was there except for Luke and Sierra.

"Where are they?" Michael asks.

"Who?" Emma says as she cuddles with Calum.

"Sierra and Luke."

"Oh Luke and Sierra are coming to school together today. They have a science project thing and they have to carry it so they took the bus together."

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