Chapter 20: The One and Only!

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Chapter 20:

Luke's POV

I woke up the next day with my arms still around Sierra. She was still sleeping and I could feel her soft breath on my chest. As I was about to close my eyes again my phone vibrated on Sierra's bedside table. I slowly reached over her to grab my phone and she woke up with a start.

"Good morning!" I greet her.

She rubs her eyes, "Morning," she mumbles.

"Hey, it's our one month anniversary, do I get a kiss?"

Sierra looks up at me and rolls her eyes, "Fine," She says sarcastically.

We had a little make out session until I pulled away. I reached over her again and grabbed my phone. I saw that it was 10:58AM and I had one new message. It was from Calum:

Hey lukey, don't know whether you're up or not but when you do wake up call me back? :)

"Who is it?" Sierra says putting her hand on my bare chest.

"Calum, he wants me to call him back."

"Aw why?"

"Not sure..."

"I hope everything is okay, we wouldn't want anything to happen...especially today."

"Yeah that's true. Are you feeling better?"

"From what?" Sierra asks looking confused.

"From your...nightmare last night."

Sierra looks down, "Uh, yeah, I'm fine."

"Hey, is everything okay?" I ask. I lift her chin up so her face is looking up at me again.

She nods and smiles, "Yeah, everything is fine. We just need to forget about all our worries and everything today. Today's a happy day!"

"So true! Should we go down for breakfast?"

"I need to call Cal first..."

"Oh yeah, okay. I'll wait for you."

I sit up from Sierra's bed and dial Calum's number. "Luke!" He says answering the phone after three rings.

"Hey! Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. Mali is making the food with help from Emma and Ashton's helping out as well. Michael's on his way with the drinks."

"Aah thank you so much Calum! I will definitely pay you back."

Calum laughs, "Don't worry about it bro. And congrats! So happy for you! You scored well!"

"Shut up!" I say looking at a confused looking Sierra who was staring back with a blank face.

"Is the gorgeous girl with you? Can I say hi?"

"Yeah sure, I'll put it on speaker." I pull my phone away from my ear and put it on speaker. "Cal wants to say hi," I inform Sierra.

She grabs the phone from me, "Hey Calum!"

"Hey Sierra! Congrats for one month! Wow it felt like just yesterday that Luke was singing Jonas Brothers songs to ask you to be his girlfriend."

Sierra laughs and looks at me. I couldn't help but blush. "Thank you Calum!"

"Calum a little help would be appreciated," I hear a voice in the background.

"I'm talking to Sierra and Luke," Calum replies to the girl.

"Ooh let me say hi!"

"Emma wants to say hi," Calum explains.

"Hi Emma!" I say.

"Hi Luke, hi Sierra, congratulations for one great month! There'll be more to come hopefully," Emma says.

"Of course there will!" I say.

"HIII!" A voice from the background says. There was a bit of talking and Calum comes back online.

"Ashton and Mali say hi as well and congratulations for a month!"

"Thank you!" Sierra and I say.

"We better get going and get ready, bye guys!" I say.

We say our goodbyes and hang up. "Should we go down for breakfast now?"


We get out of bed, I walk over to my bag and try finding a spare shirt I could wear just for now.

"What are you doing?" Sierra asks.

I grab a tshirt from my bag, "Putting a shirt on...?" I laugh.

Sierra frowns, "You know, I think I like you better with your shirt off."

I laugh, "Too bad!"

Sierra frowns again, "You're mean!"

"Let's go," I laugh. We walk downstairs and Jackie, Mark and Taylor were downstairs having breakfast.

"Good morning!" Mark says to us. "Happy one month anniversary!"

"Happy one month anniversary!" Jackie says.

Taylor comes up to us and gives us both a big hug, "Happy one month anniversary!" She grabs a square shaped present that was neatly wrapped with a bow on it.  She hands it to us, "Your present from me to you!"

"Aw Taylor," Sierra says taking the present.

"You really didn't have to get us anything!" I say and pull her into a hug. "Thank you so much. Can we open it?"

"Of course you can open it, it's your present," Taylor laughs.

Sierra unwraps it and beneath all that wrapping paper there was a photo frame that had cute little laugh hearts around it. Inside the frame there was a picture of Sierra and I from school the day we stole Taylor's phone and Sierra and I took a bunch of selfies together...oops.

"Awww," Sierra laughs.

"Out of all the pictures we've taken you had to take this one?" I laugh.

"Yes!" Taylor replies and pulls us both into another hug, "My favourite picture of you two! Okay so because it's your anniversary I thought I'd make you guys breakfast. So I made you eggs and bacon."

She hands us both a plate that had a perfectly cooked egg and a few pieces of bacon.

"Thank you so much! You really didn't have to," Sierra says.

"No, I wanted to."

"Thanks," I say taking the plate from her.

Sierra and I sit down on the dining table and start gobbling up the breakfast that Taylor made for us - that I have to say is delicious.

"What are your plans for today?" Mark asks.

"Luke isn't telling me because it has to be a surprise," Sierra replies emphasizing on the word 'surprise'.

"Aww that's cute," Jackie says.

"No it's not cute! I don't like surprises!"

"Jackie ignores Sierra's comment about surprises, "So what time will you be leaving?"

"Around twelve I guess?" I say.

"Okay well Mark and I are going to do our grocery shopping so you two have a great day together!"

"Thanks," I say and Mark and Jackie leave.

Once they were out of ear shot Taylor turns to us. "Did you guys have sex in the middle of last night?" She yells in a whisper.

"Did I hear that right?" Josh asks as him and Hayley enter the room.

" one had sex last night..." Sierra laughs.

"Why are you asking?" I laugh, nearly choking on my eggs.

"I heard screaming going on last night and I don't think it was in my dreams..." Taylor replies.

"Oh yeah I heard some yelling last night too!" Hayley says.

I had to think about it for a second and then it hit me. "Oh, Sierra had a bad nightmare last night."

"Wait, a nightmare?" Josh asks looking up from the cup of tea he was making.

"Yeah. You know, like a bad dream...?"

"I know what a nightmare is but um...Sierra are you okay?"

Sierra seemed a little lost in the conversation and I felt like she was somewhere in her own world. "Uh...what? Oh yeah, um I'm fine."

"Are you sure babe? You look a bit troubled, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Well hey! Its your one month anniversary so just forget about all the bad things!" Hayley exclaims.

"I like that attitude!" I agree.

Josh and Hayley wish us both and we walked upstairs to get ready.

Sierra grabs my bag and dumps it in my hands. "Okay you go get changed in the bathroom next to Josh's bedroom and I'll get changed in mine...just because I need to get changed and stuff. You know where the towels are right?"

"Yup." I walk out the door and into the bathroom next to Josh's bedroom. I strip off my clothes and walk into the shower, I have a quick shower and grab my clothes from my bag. I put my skinny black jeans and my Vans tshirt on. I then grab out my red plaid shirt and where it over the top of that. I look at myself in the mirror and I was pretty happy with how I looked. Except for my hair...ew.

I fix my hair and grab my bag and run downstairs to wait for Sierra. Girls take forever to get ready. Taylor, Josh and Hayley were now in the lounge sipping cups of tea.

"How do I look?" I ask them as I enter the room.

"Hot!" Taylor yells out. Josh and Hayley give me a thumbs up and I take a seat next to Taylor on the couch.

I grab my phone out and open up my twitter app. I see a tweet from Calum:

@Luke5SOS and Sierra's one month anniversary today !! Hopefully she'll enjoy what he's got planned for her. I feel like such a great friend helping out haha :D

I retweet the tweet and reply back to him:

@Calum5SOS thanks for all your help man ! Much appreciated ! And thank you to @Ashton5SOS @Michael5SOS @Malikoa & @Emma_1207 :-)

"Hey uh, Luke?" Josh says bringing me to his attention.

"Yeah?" I look up at him from my phone.

"Well I don't know if you know this but Sierra and I are really close...I'm like her older brother. So I'm really quite protective over who she dates and stuff but I think choosing you was a good idea. She's been really happy and stuff and you can tell she really loves you. Just uh...please don't break her heart."

Those words hit me hard. The thought of me breaking Sierra's heart and making her sad made me cringe, I couldn't ever do that to her. Ever.

"I promise, I won't."

"Thank you," Josh says, a bit quietly this time. For the next half an hour we watch How I Met Your Mother - best show ever - in complete silence.

After about half an hour I could hear footsteps walking down the stairs. I looked up to see Sierra standing at the doorway. Oh my god. She looked beautiful. She was wearing high-waisted shorts and I white top with black Vans that matched mine perfectly. Her hair was let out and she was wearing a cute little flower crown on her head. She had a little purse hanging from her shoulder.

"Oh my god," I say again. This time, out loud.

Sierra laughs shyly, "Do I look okay?"

"P-perfect. You look beautiful Sierra."

"You don't look too bad yourself. Should we leave now?"

"Yeah," I get up from the couch and walk up to Sierra, holding her hand.

"Bye! Have a great day you two!"

"Thank you."

We walk out the door and I see Luke's car in front of Taylor's house. "Wait, how'd your car get here?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you that! It's magic."

Sierra slapped me, "Ouch! Okay okay, Calum came and dropped it here for me. Now let's go!" I say walking to the car and hoping in after her.


"Yes, Calum. Buckle up." I start up the car.

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see."

The drive was about fifteen minutes and on the way we were just singing along to the music on Sierra's iPod. I must say, she has great taste in music. We got a few stares from people but neither of us actually cared.

I park my car and hop out to help Sierra get off. I check my phone and see a text from Calum:

Everything's set. Good luck!!

I put my phone away, back in my pocket. "So now are you going to tell me where we are?" Sierra asks looking hopeful as ever.


"What?" She whines.

"Just don't worry," I take her arm and continue walking. "Come with me."

Sierra's POV

We walked a little through this forest looking place, there were heaps of trees and flowers. "Are we camping?"

Luke laughs, "No, of course not!"

We walk down an alley that had beautiful artwork on the walls. There was a little pathway that lead us to another car park but the car park had no cars in it. Not one single car.

"Luke are you sure you know where you're going?" I ask him getting worried.

He laughs, "Yes."

We walked through the carpark and there was another little pathway filled with bushes and flowers. "Okay, close your eyes." Luke says.


"Close your eyes!"

I close them, unsure of what will happen next. I grip on Lukes hand harder. "Okay now just walk to the left a little."

I do what he says. "Now just keep walking straight." I follow his instructions and he guides me to a place where I could feel the sun hit my face. It was a hot day today and the sun was really bright.

"You can open your eyes now!" I open them and see that we were in something that looked like a meadow. There were daises everywhere and it looked beautiful. There was no one there but a little picnic mat with a few things on it.

"Happy anniversary!" Luke exclaims.

"Oh my god, this is so pretty!" I say in shock. It really was beautiful. I pull Luke into a long hug. He presses his lips against mine and our lips move together softly. I pull away from him and whisper, "Thank you."

He smiles, "I'm glad you like it. but I have to admit, it wasn't all me. Calum, Ashton and Michael helped heaps. And Mali and Emma!"

"Ohh so that explains the phone call in the morning," I say as everything clicks in my head. He takes my hand and sits me down on the picnic mat.

"I have one more thing for you!"

"Oooh what is it?" I ask eagerly.

He pulls a little gift bag out of a bag that was on the picnic mat and hands it to me.

"What's this?" I ask him looking confused.

"Open it!"

I open up the bag and a small little box was in there. I take the box out, opened the it and a little slip of paper fell out.

I took the piece of paper and read it in my head:

To my dearest Sierra,
Instead of writing something long and emotional telling you how much i love you I thought I'd give you this. Every time you wear it I hope it reminds you how much I love you and just remember, you mean the absolute world to me :-)
Love from Lukey xxx

I look into the box and see a beautiful shiny necklace. It was a sliver heart shaped locket. I opened the locket and inside was a picture of me and Luke on our first date. Carved at the back of the necklace, in fancy writing, it said:

Love from Luke

I looked up at Luke and he had his signature innocent face on. I jumped on him and pulled him into a hug. "I love you Luke."

"I love you too Sierra," He hugs me back. "I hope you like it," He says as I pull away.

"I don't like it, I love it! You're so sweet, thank you so much Luke."

"Here let me put it on for you," Luke says, grabbing the necklace from me.

He walks behind me and puts it on for me. His head pops up over my shoulder from behind. "I love you," He whispers in my ear. I look up at him and press my lips against him. We both fall on the grass and I lay on top of him. It was not a gentle kiss at all, the total opposite.

"I love you too," I reply in the middle of kissing him. After a few minutes I pull away and get off him. I help him up and he walks back to where he was sitting on the mat.

"My turn!" I exclaim and pull out my present. "I have two presents!"

"Aww now you're making me feel bad," Luke says with a frown.

"No, no! The necklace you got me is nowhere as cool as what I got you."

I hand him a gift box that had both his presents in it. He opens it up and looks at the larger present in it.

"What is it?" He asks looking at it.

"It's a taco kit - to make your own tacos!"

I watch his eyes bulge out of his head. "Oh my god! This is so cool! Thank you Sierra! Can we have tacos for dinner today?"

I laugh, "Sure!"

He picks up the next present which was in a little gift bag. He opens up the little gift back and peeks through it. He pulls it out and looks at it.

"Woah! This is so cool!"

"Do you like it?" I ask unsure if he actually liked it or not.

"I love it, thank you so much Sierra," He pulls me into a hug. He puts it on and looks at it. It was a pick necklace with his name on it.

"Oh, and I have one more thing! Josh bought them for me yesterday and told me to give one to you. So technically this is from him..."

I reach in my purse and pull out two wristbands. On the wristbands it had both mine and Luke's names. I hand him one and he examines it. "Woah this is awesome!"

"I know!" I say putting mine on.

"Shall we eat?" Luke asks.

"We shall!"

"None of this stuff is fancy, I hope that's okay," Luke says looking into the picnic basket.

"That's perfectly fine by me, it's better that way."

Luke pulls out a plate of homemade pizza and a plate of tacos. "That's all," Luke laughs, looking at the food. "Ugh I'm sorry its not a lot. Tacos and pizza was the only thing I could think of. I know you love pizza."

"Aww Luke, no this is perfectly fine. I love it! Pizza and tacos - the best!"

"And this is why I love you," He says kissing the tip of my nose. "Now let's eat!"

"I swear that's your motto in life."

"How did you know?" Luke asks with a laugh.

"How can I not know?"

Luke grabs a taco, "That's true."

He pulls out a beer from the basket, opens it for me and hands it to me.

"Thank you!" I say taking a sip of the beer.

Luke takes a beer for himself and takes a sip out of it. "If you can't tell, Michael was in charge of drinks."

I laugh, "It makes sense."

We talk for a while and eat our pizza and tacos. After we finished we spent the rest of the time talking, laughing and fooling around. Everything was perfect. I felt so care-free when I was with Luke and I could just forget about all about my worries.

"Frozen yogurt or ice cream?" Luke asks all of a sudden.


"Would you like to go for frozen yogurt of ice cream for desert. Your choice."

"Which do you prefer?" I ask him.

"I love them both."

"Okay well I love ice cream but I've never tried frozen yogurt so...frozen yogurt?"

"You haven't tried frozen yogurt?! Oh we definitely have to go then!"

I help Luke pack up the remaining food and the mess we made while eating.

"I'm excited to try it!"

We take everything and dump it into the trunk of Luke's car. "Have you got everything?" Luke asks me.

"Yes! To frozen yogurt we go!"

I hop in the car and Luke drives us to the nearest frozen yoghurt place we can find.

"Frozen yogurt!" Luke exclaims excitedly while pulling up in front of the little shop.

"I like this place already, its so cute and cuddly," I say unbuckling the seatbelt. Luke helps me out of the car and locks it. "Thank you!"

He takes my hand and we walk in together. We were the only ones in the shop and we were greeted by a young girl who looked around our age. She was blond and blue eyed and had a perfect tan. She was gorgeous. The name tag on her shirt informed us that her name was Yasmin.

"Hello!" She greets us with a warm smile. "How are you two today?"

"We're good thanks, how are you?" Luke replies.

"I'm doing good!"

Luke turns to me, "Small, medium or large."


"Can we have two medium cups please?"

"Of course," Yasmin says tapping on the screen in front of her. "That'll be $11."

Luke hands her the money, "I'll pay you back," I say turning to him.

"Are you kidding? It our one month anniversary!"

"Yeah but ther-"

"Aw it's your one month anniversary today?" Yasmin says cutting me off and handing us both a cup and a mini spoon. "That's so cute! Congratulations."

"Thank you!" Luke and I say in unison.

"So do you guys know what to do for the frozen yogurt?"

"Yup! We should be fine," Luke says and I follow him to where a few machines were. "Choose a flavour."

I look through all the flavours and choose strawberry. Luke helped me put the frozen yogurt in my bowl. He took a bit of it and put some on my nose. He starts laughing.

"Luke!" I whine, rubbing off the frozen yogurt that was on my nose. "Is it gone?"

"Yes," Luke laughs using the machine to put the cheesecake flavored yogurt in his cup.

I take some from his cup and rub it in his nose. "Payback! I dare you to leave it on till we go back home."

"Fine," Luke says walking back to the other side of the shop where all the toppings are. We take all the toppings we want and leave the shop, thanking Yasmin.

We sit on a little bench outside the shop eating our yogurt and talking. "So are we going home after this?" I ask him. I found it hard to take him seriously with the bit of yogurt that was on his nose.

"Yes, we'll go home and cuddle. Are you fed up of me already?" Luke asks frowning.

"No, you've already done so much. You've put so much effort into today and you're making this day so special, thank you." It was true. This day was going great, I really don't want it to end. Luke's put so much of effort into today and I just want to enjoy every moment of it because today is our day.

"I'm happy that you've enjoying yourself!" Luke says taking another spoonful of his yogurt and popping it into his mouth. His eyes turn huge and he looks like he saw a ghost.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, rubbing his muscular arm.

"Yeah," He says letting out a long breath. "Brain freeze."

"Oh," I laugh, eating more of my yogurt - that was delicious.

As if reading my mind, Luke asks, "Do you like your frozen yogurt?"

"Yes! Its so good!"

We finish off our frozen yogurt and drive back home. We enter the house and see Taylor and Ashton cuddling on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. They were staring at the TV in owe and didn't even notice us walking in.

"Oh my god, I can't look!" Taylor yells and buries her head in Ashton's chest.

"OH MY GOD," Ashton yells nearly jumping out of his skin. What were they watching? He grabs the TV remote and turns the TV off. Taylor looks up again.

"Well that was...interesting," Taylor says.

I turn to Luke and we both had to bite our lip to stop ourselves from laughing. I have to admit, that was pretty funny to watch.

"Hey! Luke, Sierra! You're back?" Ashton exclaims, finally noticing us.

"How was it?" Taylor asks.

"I chose a good one," I say looking at Luke and I could see his face turning red.

"Aww, cuties."

"So what are you two up to now?" Taylor asks.

"We're here to 'cuddle'," I reply using my hands to show that Luke quoted it.

"Aww cute. We were just going out to the park, wanna come?"

Luke looks at me, "I think we'll just stay here for the rest of today. Spend some time together at home."

"Okay, well if you need us, call or whatever," Taylor says and she and Ashton get off the couch. "Mum and dad are at work and Josh is at uni so you have the house to yourself."

"I totally forgot it was Monday today," I say thinking aloud.

"Bye!" Taylor and Ashton say ignoring my comment and walking out the door.

"Bye!" We call after them.

I turn to Luke and he grabs my arm and pulls me upstairs. I fall on my bed and he climbs on top of me. He sends kisses up my neck and when he reaches my lips he bites on my bottom lip, asking permission for his tongue to enter my mouth.

We make out for a few minutes and my mouth leaves his lips and I lick the bit of yogurt that was still on Lukes nose. I get the taste of his cheesecake flavoured yogurt and it sweetens my mouth. Luke lingers around my chest and sends soft kisses up my neck again. I run my hand through his fluffy hair, tugging on it gently.

"I love you," I say while he kisses up my neck.

"I love you too," He manages to say between kisses.


After about half an hour of some 'alone time' I was lying in my bed with Luke next to me. His fingers were entwined between mine and his fluffy hair was a mess. I look at him and bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. Though I have to admit, it was very cute.

"Today's been a good day," Luke sighs. He plays with the necklace I gave him earlier on today with his free hand.

"Couldn't agree more."

The short moment of silence we had was interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

"Ugh," I groan, rolling off the bed.

"I'll wait here for you," Luke says trying to fix his messy hair.

"Okay." I lazily walk down the stairs taking my time. The person outside rang the doorbell again. "Coming!" I yell.

I twisted the key that was hanging on the doorknob and open the door.

My jaw dropped when I saw the brunette boy in front of me. His charming smile was too familiar for me not to notice him. The sun reflected on his black leather jacket and his arms were open wide asking for a hug.

"Sierra!" Said the voice that usually brought me tears.


"The one and only!"


WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ;) JAKE IS BACK! hehehe :3 what did you guys think of that? Its not as cute as I wanted it to be but the main idea was that Jake is in town! Lol if you liked it please vote and leave me a comment on anything! Follow me on twitter - @5secsofR5_ and tweet me if you read my fanfic so i know!

Mali = Mali-Koa Hood = Calum's sister(for all those who dont know)

Sorry this took so long to update but I promise the next chapter will be up soon and IT WILL BE GOOD. The next chapter is really intense, I've already started writing it and it might be my favourite chapter so far :p

Shania xx

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