Chapter 27: Missing Luke

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Chapter 27:

Kayleen's POV

After putting my stuff in the cubbyhole, I walk out of the little office to the shed. There was a guy wearing full black, leaning against the shed. Luke was nowhere to be found. I looked out to the beach where the water was but he wasn't there either. I looked around for quite a bit but had no luck in finding him.

It was getting a bit cooler and I had only my bikini on with my towel wrapped around my body. Where did Luke go? If he isn't going to come back here soon, I'll just change back into my clothes.

"Hey, sorry to bother you but have you seen a guy around my age around here? Blond hair, blue eyes, quite tall." I ask the guy leaning against the shed with his arms folded. He looked annoyed that I interrupted him doing nothing at all...


"No one?"


"Oh um...thanks anyways," I quickly walk away, with my head down. He was no help. I walk around the beach and pull out my phone from my bag. I rang Luke up but I got no answer. I rang him again, no answer. I sent him a text:

Where are you? Can't find you anywhere!

I waited a while for a response but I got nothing. Usually Luke would respond immediately to a text, he always has his phone with him. I look around the beach again, there were just a few people here since it was getting dark. I couldn't find Luke anywhere. Where could he have gone?

Luke's POV

I woke up to find myself in pitch black darkness. The last thing I remembered was getting beaten up by Jake and being thrown in the kayak shed. I look around and see kayaks and paddles all around me. I was definitely still in the kayak shed.

I knew Jake was bad news, Sierra was right. It made sense even more now. After having that talk with Kayleen, - and all the other talks we've had about the exact same thing - she has convinced me to look at this through Sierra's point of view. She came here to visit her cousin, she left behind her family and her abusive boyfriend. The guy who was ruining her life. Then she met me, I fell in love with her, she fell in love with me, it was a mutual feeling of love. She then had that decision to make: should I tell him that I already have a boyfriend in London who I hate or should I just go with it? And obviously she chose to 'just go with it'. I mean what could go wrong? I'll tell him eventually and he'll understand.

But I didn't understand. I went mad at her, stopped talking to her, I shut her out of my life. Now that I think about it, what I did was wrong. I'm aware of that and I just want to make it right. I need to talk to her. But first, I need to get out of here.

Rolling over, I was on top of a...a body? A person? There was another person in here. I screamed, I yelled, who was this?

The person got up in a fright and and looked around. In the dark, I managed to make out it was a girl. She had long, straight hair that was left out just past her shoulders. She wore a dress and her figure wasn't too skinny nor too fat. It was perfect.

"Um...hello?" I was too stunned to speak. The girl had a gentle British accent and she sounded weak, almost like her voice was strained. Wait...Sierra?



"Oh my god," I let out a sigh of relief. At least I know that I'm safe in here. I have to be honest, if I didn't know who the person was, I would've been scared out of my guts that I would get killed in here by the other person.

"What are you doing here?" Sierra sounded sick, her voice sounded like it was hard for her to speak.

"Your boyfriend beat me up and threw me in here." I shrugged, "No biggie."

"I'm," she coughed. "I'm s-sorry."

"Sierra, are you okay? How long have you been in here for?"

"I-I don't know. I lost track," she spoke slowly, coughing in between.

"More than a day?"

"Probably...about a day?" she coughs again.

I put my hand on her shoulder. She coughs more and more. "When was the last time you ate or drank?"

"F-f-fri-day ni-ght."

"We need to get out of here," I mumble to myself. I stand up and start to bang on the walls and door of the shed. "HELP! HELP!" I yelled. I hit the walls with my hands till they went red. I grabbed a kayak paddle and hit it against the door, in luck to force it open. Nothing happened. Dropping the paddle, I started yelling again, "HELP! HELP! GET US OUT OF HERE!" I knew no one was going to come in for us, no one can hear us. The only way we can get out of here is if someone opens the kayak shed for a kayak. But if Jake is standing there the whole time, we'll never get out of here.

I look over at Sierra, she was lying on the floor of the shed, her face gone pale. She was still breathing but her eyes were closed. This is not good. I bend to my knees and take a piece of her hair and place it behind her ear. Her eyes snap open and I jump back, startled. "What are you doing?" she asks.

I look around, what was I doing? "Sorry..." I look down to the floor when she reaches out and holds her hand against my cheek, drawing circles on my cheek with her thumb.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry Luke, for everything. I hope you know that."

I nod looking down again, what do I say to her? "I know." I sigh and lean against the shed. "Sierra I think we should talk...again."

She nods, "I think so."

"I miss you." I went out and said it. I didn't want to have this full on conversation telling her how much I love her and all that sappy stuff. I wanted to tell her how much I missed her. I need her. I wanted to get straight to it.

She smiled, "I miss you too."

"I miss all those times we used to come to school together, all those English assignments we used to do together. Those times when we used to go have ice cream together, stay up late watching chick flicks with you. I miss that Sierra, I miss you."

Sierra smiled, "I miss you too Luke. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for using you, I'm sorry for not telling you about Jake."

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you Sierra, I know Jake properly now. I'm sorry for getting mad at you." I lean forward to her and take a piece of her hair and push it behind her ear again. Leaning forward, i rest my hand on her neck and gently press my lips to hers. It takes a bit of time for her to kiss back but she does eventually. I missed the taste of her lips on mine. Our lips mold together, hungry for each other. I pull back and lean my forehead against hers. "I love you," she whispers to me. In response I kiss her again.

She pulls back and bites her lip, her hands resting on my chest. "What about Kayleen?"

"What about Kayleen?" I asked, confused with my eyebrows knitted together.

"Aren't you two together?"

"Oh my god Sierra! Of course we're not!" I couldn't help but laugh.

" two were holding hands and stuff and-"

"Did you really think I moved on from you that fast?" I laugh.

"No!" She laughs with me. "I just thought that you two were together," she shrugs.

"Well we're not, I promise you, we're just friends."

"We shall continue then," she laughs, pressing her lips to mine.


Michael's POV

I hop into Ashton's old silver Toyota and put my seat belt on. "Hey."

"Ready to go?" He asks. He was wearing a Marvel tank and black jeans.


Ashton and I were meant to go watch The Lego Movie together but then he made plans with Taylor so instead we decided to take Taylor with us so we could all watch the move together and then go to Taylor's house to spend the night. I was just picturing me third wheeling with them.

"So we're picking up Taylor from her house first and then we'll go to the movies," Ashton explained.

"Sounds good."

We drive to Taylor's house, pick her up and then we were on our way to the movies.

"Any luck on finding Sierra?" I ask.

"Nope." I could tell Taylor was stressed and one of the reasons we wanted to go to the movies was because Ashton and I wanted Taylor to be distracted by the fact that her cousin is missing.


We were at Taylor's house eating pizza and watching Friends. Both her parents were out and her brother was out with his girlfriend so we had the house to ourselves.

I picked another piece of pizza from the box when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I take it out, almost dropping it, and see that I have one new message from Kayleen. What does she want now?

Do you know where Luke is?

I reply back to her:
I thought you were with him...

I was but then he just disappeared, it was so strange

What do you mean 'disappeared'?

He disappeared Michael! He's gone! I can't find him
Do you think you could pick me up? I can't find him anywhere

No way! We're not friends remember?

I know I used to think Kayleen was annoying - and I still do - but now I think I'm used to her being annoying. She's pretty hot if we're being honest here and her being hot makes her annoying side less...annoying. She also claimed that "we're not friends" so I'm just playing along

Ugh shut up Michael! I'm serious, I can't find Luke and I need a ride..I have no idea where I am

Hahahaha aren't you and Luke at the beach?

I've only been in this country for a week and I'm aware that there are about a million beaches here, I have no idea which one. I was just following Luke

Ugh I'm at Taylor's house with Ashton, I came here with him so I'm going to ask him to get you

No way! I don't think we've even talked to each other before, that's going to be waaaay too awkward

Ugh fine, do you have any idea what beach you're at?

We went to Luke's house before and it took us about 20 mins from his house and he said that this beach was the closest to his house so...whatever the closest beach is to his house?

Oh my god


That's sooo far

Oh come on!

Ugh fine, just hold on. It might take me a while to get there

Thank youuuu!

I look up at Taylor and Ashton and see them cuddling on the couch together. Taylor's head was leaning on Ashton's shoulder and his arm was around hers. Ugh.

"Ashton, could i maybe use your car?"

Ashton and Taylor both look at me. "What for?" he asks.

"Apparently Luke went missing at the beach and Kayleen is stuck there," I explained.

"What do you mean, 'she went missing'?" Ashton's eyebrows furrowed together.

"He went somewhere and never came back," I run my hands through my hair. I must admit, I'm slightly worried. It's not like Luke to pull a prank like that.

"That's kinda creepy. Did she try calling or texting him?"

"I'm assuming. I mean, who wouldn't do that?" It's just common sense that someone would call or text the missing person before they ask someone else to pick them up.

"So, can I use your car..?" I ask, standing up from the couch.

"Yeah sure," he takes the keys out of his pocket and throws them to me, I catch them without fault. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, it's fine. You two can...spend some time together," I say, wiggling my finger around towards Ashton and a very quiet Taylor.

"You okay Taylor?" I ask her, spinning the keys on my finger.

"Don't you think it's kinda creepy that first, Sierra goes missing, and then Luke. Do you think it could be related?" Taylor says with worry in her voice. She leans forward and rests her elbows on her knees. I get what she is saying, they both go missing, a day after each other. It's strange, really strange.

"And Jake is missing too," Ashton says. "Don't forget about him."

"Ugh, I wish I could. Maybe Jake has something to do with all of this...?" Taylor leans back into Ashton's arms again and props her legs up on the couch.


"Michael, how about you go pick up Kayleen from wherever and bring her back here. Maybe when she comes she can explain a bit more in detail about what happened and how Luke went missing."

"Yup, I'm going now. See you soon." I wave them goodbye and started Ashton's car to pick up Kayleen.


After about half an hour, I reached the beach were Kayleen was standing there with her arms folded across her chest. "What took you so long?"

I pulled up in front of her as I rolled down the window. "Just get in."


sorry for taking forever to update, i was on holiday and didnt have proper wifi :3 thanks for all the votes and comments!

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