Chapter 30: Hospital Visits

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Chapter 30:

Taylor's POV

I feel terrible. Who wouldn't? I'm the reason Michael is in hospital. He's been unconscious for half a day already. No one has gone to visit him since yesterday so as soon as I wake up the next day, I get changed for school and make Josh drive me to the hospital. I may be late for school but at this point in time, I really don't care.

As for Luke and Sierra, they're doing much better. The nurse I talked to yesterday told me that they should be out of hospital by today - which is great. But Michael will be kept in for a few more days.

"Good morning," a small lady with short black hair greets me when I enter the hospital.

"Morning," I smile at her. "I'm here to see Michael Clifford."

The short-haired lady types on her keyboard, clicks on the mouse a few times and then tells me where to go. I go up the elevator to Michael's floor and eventually find Michael's room. I knock on the door slightly and he turns his head around. He had red marks and bruises all over his face and a few bandages here and there.

"Hey Michael," I say softly.

"Hi," he smiles at me. How can he even smile at me? It's my fault that he is here like this.

I stare at him and around the room for a few long moments before letting out a long sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Its fine, it's not your fault that Jake's a dick," he chuckles slightly.

I roll my eyes, "A bit of an understatement."


"But all jokes aside, I'm really sorry Michael. I just...I wanted to help Sierra, and Luke of course. I didn't realize that I was putting the three of you in danger by dragging you all into this. I should of thought this through and I obviously didn't. I only thought of myself, actually no. I didn't think of anyone I just-"

I was rambling on and on but Michael interrupted me. "Taylor, stop." I stopped instantly.

"I'm just really sorry," I say to him so softly that it may even be a whisper.

"Please stop saying that," Michael takes his eyes off me and stared straight ahead. "A lot of worse things could've happened to me. I was really lucky."

"I'm sorry," I sigh once again.

Michael glares at me, "This wasn't your fault. I was the one who made the decision to take that punch."

"Yeah, and what you did was amazing. You really are a hero Michael," I smile at him. "You know, that lady was really thankful for you. She kept going on about how sweet you are. The fact that you gave up pain and suffering just so an old lady wouldn't have to is truly amazing."

"Thank you," Michael looks up at me for a second and then found an interest in his hands. "She came to visit me last night. It was late and she was telling me how grateful and thankful she was of me. And then she told me her name."


"Louise. My grandma's name." I couldn't help but smile.

"It's kinda weird. It's like you were saving your grandma." I knew nothing about Michael's grandma, whether she was dead or alive, I had no clue.

"I wish I could've saved her," Michael shrugs. There was a long moment of silence. It almost felt like forever. I didn't know what to say, what could I say? To my luck, a nurse entered the room.

She smiled at me, "Sorry, do you think you could leave the room for a few minutes? I just need to check up on Michael."

"Its fine, I was just leaving anyways," I tell her. I turn to Michael. "Get better soon okay?"

"Will do," Michael smiles back at me. I was just about to walk out the room when Michael calls out my name, I turn around instantly. "Yeah?"

"How's Luke and Sierra doing?"

"They're perfect fine," I smile. Although I really didn't know. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. I leaned up against the door and let  out a sigh before I kept walking. I walked to the lady at the desk and asked her about Luke and Sierra. Apparently they were both in the same room on the same floor - which made everything a lot easier for me. I travelled up the corridor and found the number the lady at the desk gave me. The door was closed so I knocked and waited for a response.

"Come in!" I heard a voice from inside. I couldn't tell who it was but I opened the door. I saw Sierra and Luke in a bed each. Next to Luke, a lady who I hadn't met before - who I'm assuming was Luke's mum - was standing there. She was the first to speak up.

"Hi," she smiles. "I'm Liz, Luke's mum."

"Hi Liz," I say and take her offer to shake hands. "I'm Taylor, Sierra's cousin."

"Well I'll leave you three together."  And with that, she walks out the room, closing the door.

"Hey," I turn to them as soon as Liz leaves. "How are you guys?"

"I feel terrible," Sierra sighs. "This is all my fault."

"No its not," I say, in hope to make her feel better. It really wasn't her fault.

"It is."

"It isn't," Luke spoke up softly, his voice cracking like he hasn't spoken in a while. "We've talked about this Sierra, it's not your fault."

"It is my fault," I saw tears forming in my eyes and she looked away.

"Sierra, Jake is gone to jail. He isn't coming back, he won't come back. He's gone. This is his fault, it's not yours."

"But I happened to get everyone dragged in it didn't I?" Sierra asks, she rubs her eyes and her face puffs up. I feel bad for her, I really do. This isn't her fault, it's Jake's fault. I'm upset that she thinks that it is her fault.

"No you didn't. Not really, I did."

There was a long moment of silence. None of us talked. None of us knew what to say but finally Sierra spoke up. "You should go to school."

"What?" I sounded a lot ruder than I had intended. I was taken back by her response and quite shocked. I was trying to help her, I just wanted to see how she was going. Maybe I should go, she doesn't want me here anyways, and I don't think Luke cared at all. No one was in the mood.

When Sierra didn't reply, I got the message. I looked at Luke, hoping to ask him what was up with Sierra but he just shrugged. I silently waved at Luke before walking out the door. Part of me wanted Sierra to call out my name and call me back in the room to hopefully tell me what was going on. But that didn't happen.


Michael's POV

It was later that night, Taylor had come to see me in the morning and a few hours later, Luke had come. Him and Sierra had apparently been discharged but when I asked for Sierra, he felt uncomfortable. He seemed fine though - thank God - a lot better than I felt. I knew that I wasn't too bad, the nurse who was attending to me today told me that I had to do a few more x-rays and most likely would be discharged early tomorrow morning.

I had my head resting on the over-stuffed pillow and my eyes were shut when the door had opened up. Just as I was about to fall asleep, a gentle voice filled my ears.

"Michael, you awake?" I heard the voice whisper. I had my head turned away from the person and it took me a while to realize that I was still trying to figure out the person's voice.

"Michael," this person sang out. I furrowed my eyebrows, finally giving up on guessing who it was and saw Kayleen standing in the doorway with a bouquet of colourful flowers.

"Oh, hey." I smile at her, "you can come in."

"Thanks," she says quietly, almost in a whisper. She walks forward and sits on the chair that was set beside my bed. She puts down the flowers next to me, "um...these are for you."

"You didn't have to," I laugh.

"I wanted to."

"Well, thanks," I take a look at them. Flowers weren't really my thing, but they were pretty...I guess.

"I know you probably don't want flowers and will probably end up throwing them out, but I didn't really know what else to get. I mean, you usually get flowers for people right?"

"You didn't have to get anything. And for the record, I won't throw them out."

Kayleen sends me a small smile before sitting on the side of my hospital bed. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah, a lot actually."

"That's good," Kayleen replies quietly, almost in a whisper. She runs her thumb over the few red marks on my face. "What you did was really brave."

"People keep telling me that," I whisper.

"And they're right."

"I guess so."

"I mean, I would never take a punch for anyone," Kayleen shakes her head.

"What about me?"


"Aw, how nice of you," I say to her sarcastically.

"I'm a lovely person," she rolls her eyes. I had only just realized how close our faces were from each other. Kayleen was still running her hands through my messy hair.

"Sure you are."

Kayleen had somehow gotten a lot closer to me and there was now just a little bit of space between us. She looked into my eager eyes and then glanced down at my red lips. I felt the space between us close in and her lips press against mine.


ew bad chapter and it took such a long time, sorry. Not happy about where this fanfic is going :0

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