Chapter 14: Year Six Memories

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Chapter 14:

Sierra's POV

We walked up to Taylor's room and opened the door...

And that's when i see the most shocking sight ever.

Oh my god.

My jaw drops and I stand there staring at them. Sitting on Taylor's bed was Ashton and Taylor...and they were kissing?!

I look at Luke and see him staring at them with his eyes nearly popping out of his head.

Suddenly they both pull away and they both look at each other with shocked expressions. Taylor looks up at Luke and I standing at the doorway and closes her eyes. Ashton sat there looking shocked as ever.

Taylor opens up her eyes and looks at Ashton, "Um, I think we're done here. can go now. Please."

"Uh...yeah," Ashton says packing his stuff and shoving them into his school bag quickly. "Um, thanks," Ashton says quickly and walks out the room shoving his way past Luke and I.

Luke's POV

I saw Ashton run off and I decide to follow him to find out what happened. Maybe he'll tell me, maybe he won't.

I follow him down the stairs and past the lounge where I had a quick peep and see that Josh and some other girl were watching a movie together. I assumed it was his girlfriend since they looked really cozy together. I follow Ashton out the door and he drops his bag on the hard concrete just outside Taylor's house. He sits down and buries his head in his hands.

I run up to him and sit next to him. "Wanna tell me what just happened?"

He looks up and stares at the house opposite him, "I kissed her," He mumbles softly.

"Yeah, I got that. But how? Why?" I ask, so many unanswered questions about this.

"I may have feelings for Taylor..." Ashton says softly.

I let out a heavy sigh. That explains that. "Right..."

"Ugh, I'm so stupid, why did I even do that?" Ashton says tugging at his hair.

"I don't really know..." I say, failing at trying to make him feel better.

"It's because Sierra told me that I should let her know how I feel about her so I thought that I should tell her. I was going to tell her but then I have no idea what happened and I just kissed her."

"Did she kiss you back?"

"Um...I don't know, I wasn't even thinking!" Ashton exclaims getting angry at himself. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

"Hey, Taylor's a really nice girl, I'm sure she'll be nice about it. She's probably just really shocked about it but I'm sure if you tell her the truth she'll understand why you did it."

"I'm pretty sure she already knows why I did it, it's pretty obvious," says Ashton.

"That's true but this time you gotta tell her in a different way...with words."

Sierra's POV

Once Ashton runs off I see Luke running behind him. I was left there with a shocked Taylor. She was sitting on the bed, frozen. Her eyes were staring at the ground and she looked shocked as ever.

"You okay?" I ask walking into the room and sitting next to her on her bed.

"Uhh... Um, yeah," She replies.

"Are you sure?"

"Just a bit shocked, that's all."

"If you can't already tell, Ashton may have feelings for you..." I say.

Taylor looks up at me, "Yeah, I got it."

" like him too?"

"I do...but not in that way," Taylor replies. "He's a great friend."

"Ouch. Friend-zoned!"

"I'm sorry," Taylor says. "But we've discussed this already. You know I don't like him like that."

"So you still like Michael aye?"

She let's out a sigh, "yeah."

"Why don't you have a little talk to Ashton? Find out what he feels and tell him how you feel."

"Yeah, I'd like that," Taylor says with a smile creeping up on her face. "I think that's the best thing to do in a situation like this. I'll talk to him tomorrow."

Taylor's POV

---The Next Day, At School---

Yesterday I was pretty shocked at what happened and I have to say, I did not think Ashton liked me! That was some weird news to take in...

I was walking into school with Sierra, and Josh was about a meter away from us.

"So are you gonna talk to Ashton?" Sierra whispers so Josh doesn't hear. He still doesn't know a thing of what happened last night.

"Yeah, I will," I reply.

"You will what?" Josh asks walking up to us and joining in on the conversation.

"Um..." I start. I look at her for help but she had nothing. "Um, I'm trying out for the girls soccer team."

Josh gives us a weird look and walks off to his friends. "So we're not telling Josh?" Sierra asks me.

"Hell no!" I exclaim.

We walk into the school building and towards our lockers when all of a sudden Sierra starts nudging me frantically. "He's right there, he's right there!" She yells in a whisper.

I follow her gaze to where she was looking and see Ashton looking into his school diary next to his locker. "Ugh, okay."

"I'm just going to get something out of my locker, I'll come back soon. Good luck," She says looking at Ashton and then walking away.

I look back at Ashton and let out a heavy sigh. I have to do this, as awkward as this is going to be, we need to sort this out. I walk up to him and as soon as he notices my shadow his head shoots up.

"Um...hi," I say awkwardly.

"Hey," He replies slowly, closing his school diary. He looks at the ground and starts talking a few moments later. "I'm really, really sorry about yesterday."

"It's fine, seriously. But I think we need to sort this out."

"Yeah, we do. Look, I really like you.."

"Yeah, I got that," I laugh.

He laughs with me then continues, "And I didn't know how to tell you so I just sorta let the kiss happen."

"I understand," I nod my head. "Look, you're a really nice guy Ashton. I really really like you...but as a friend. Not anything more than that, I'm really sorry."

"There's no need to be sorry, I fully understand. But just know that I still do have feelings for you. I hope we can still be friends? Or would that be weird?"

"No! Of course not!" I exclaim.

His face glows up and he holds his hands out, "Friends?"

"Aww," instead of shaking his hand I pull him into a tight hug.

"Thank you," He whispers in my ear. I pull away and smile at him.

Just at that moment Calum walks up to us with a huge smile on his face and he was holding hands with a very familiar girl.

"Emma! You're back?" Ashton says as Calum and this mystery girl walk up to us. And that's when I get a good glimpse of the girl. She had medium brown hair that was tied up in a high ponytail. Her nose was pierced and then memories of year 6 started playing back. Emma Phillips.

"Hey Ashton," She says hugging him. She looks at me and her eyebrows raise. "Taylor?"

"Um, hi Emma," I say with an awkward wave of my hand. Emma Phillips, the girl who made my first year of Norwest a total nightmare. I was the new kid and she was the bully who everyone was afraid to talk to. That pretty much explains everything.

We haven't talked since year 6 when we started a fight in the middle of the elementary playground. I was a feisty little 10 year old and so was she and let's just say that the fight didn't go too well. There were bones that got broken but it was also the day I stood up to a bully. Never will I forget that day.

From then on Emma hasn't talked to me and I haven't talked to her. I still haven't forgiven her for everything she's done to me but now I see her holding hands with Calum? This is all too weird.

"So you two know each other?" Calum asks happily.

"Uh, yeah..." Emma mumbles. "Something like that."

Calum nods, "That's great!"

"How was Hawaii?" Ashton asks Emma eagerly.

"It was absolutely amazing! Like the beaches and stuff there are so pretty and pretty much everything there is pretty! And the food! Ugh, so good!" Emma babbles.

"Ahh, sounds like you had a great time!"

Just at that moment Michael, Luke and Sierra walk up to us. "Emma! You're back already?" Michael asks.

"Yes, I am!" She pulls Michael into a hug and then Luke. "How are you boys?"

"Pretty good," Luke replies. "And while you were gone, I gained a girlfriend. So Calum isn't the only one in the band who has a girlfriend anymore! Emma, this is my girlfriend, Sierra. Sierra, this is Calum's girlfriend, Emma."

Girlfriend? Oh my god, no no no no no. Calum is dating my worst enemy. Yay...?

"It's nice to meet you," Emma says shaking Sierra's hand.

"You too!"

"How was the study date last night?" Calum asks Ashton and I out of the blue.

"Um.." I look at Ashton, "Yeah, it was good. We got a lot done."


I was sitting next to Sierra in History class which was the only class I had with her. "So how did the talk with Ashton go?" Sierra asks.

"It was good! We talked and he told me that he had feelings for me and he apologized for the kiss and stuff. And we talked and we're all cool now! I totally forgive him and we can forget the kiss ever happened. He said that he still has feelings for me but we promised to be just friends."

"That's good! And he's okay with that?"

"Yup," I reply.

"Well that's even better!" Sierra says. She hesitated for a moment before saying her next sentence. "Hey Taylor, are you okay? You seem a bit troubled."

"Uh, yeah..." I lie. To be honest, I am still feeling a bit awkward with the fact that Emma is dating Calum and that the rest of the boys are all friends with Emma. Which also means that she's going to hang out with us...oh boy.

Sierra puts her pen down on her book. "Taylor, I'm your cousin, friend and you're practically my sister from another mother. You can tell me what's up."

" know that Emma chick?"

"You mean Calum's girlfriend?" She asks.

"Yeah, her."

"What about her?" Sierra asks me looking concerned.

"In year six - which was my first year at Norwest - she bullied me and well...let's just say that we weren't very good friends. And now that I find out shes Calum's girlfriend...that's really weird.

"Oh..." Sierra mumbles. "I'm sorry Taylor."

"No, it's fine. I just think that now I'm friends with Calum and the other boys so she's obviously going to sit with us at lunch and hang out with us and that's going to be really awkward."

"Have you guys sorted out your problems or are you still in a huge fight?"

"Well she stopped bullying me when the principal talked to her and from then on we haven't talked. Except for this morning..."

"What did she say this morning?" Sierra asks listening carefully.

"Nothing really, she just said my name and I said hi to her and then Calum was like, 'oh you know each other' and stuff. It was just really awkward."

"Well I think that if you want this to work you will have to maybe talk to her and sort out your problems? Just tell her that she's forgiven or something."

"I guess so, she's in my Art class next period so I could talk to her then?" I suggest.

"Yeah, that would be great," Sierra says cheerfully. "So she's in your Art class and you still haven't talked to her?"

"Nope," I laugh. "Shes been in so many of my classes in the past year but we still haven't talked."

"Wow..." Sierra says, amazed.

"Yeah I know," I laugh.

"So you'll talk to her right?" Sierra asks.

"Yup, I will! I don't want to hate her forever."

"That's good. To be honest, she seems really nice. I didn't think she would be such a bully."

"Well maybe she's changed? I really don't know."


I was in Art and we were finishing off our paintings from last lesson. I spot Emma from my seat and see her paint a red colour onto her canvas. She was focusing hard and her eyes were following her paint brush.

Putting my paint brush down, I slowly walk up to her. She looks up from her canvas and an awkward smile is plastered on her face. "Um...hi," She says.

"Erm, hi Emma," I say with a weird little wave.

"Can I help you?"

"Um, sorta... So we've had a rough patch in the past and today I learned that your Calum's girlfriend?"

"Yeah, I am. Look, if you have feels for him, I'm really sorry but-"

"No, no, no!" I exclaim with a laugh. "That's got nothing to do with things! And no, I don't have feelings for him. He's all yours."

"Glad to hear that," She says with a smile.

"Uh yeah, so anyways, while you were gone on your trip to Hawaii - and wow that sounds great - I became friends with the boys and my cousin Sierra started school here and she and Luke are now a thing. So we've become really close friends with the boys and I know you probably are too..."

"Where exactly is this going?" She asks looking impatient.

"Well I just wanna say that we're obviously going to spend a lot of time together and I just hope we can forgive and forget about everything happened in year six. Can we just forget everything that happened then and start fresh please?"

"So you're saying that because we're now in the same group of friends you expect me to be nice to you?" Emma laughs, "you still have a lot to learn in life, wow."

"Excuse me?" I say, taken back at what she just said.

"No, we cannot start fresh," She says simply and turns back to her canvas and resumes her painting.



I wasn't meant to update till the weekend but I saw all your comments to update and I thought I'd be nice :)) And yes, you all guessed right, Ashton and Taylor were kissing.. well Ashton kissed Taylor and Taylor was too shocked to do anything lol

So what do you guys think of Emma?

Just to clarify, if you're from America or something, 'year 6' is pretty much grade 6 and it's when you're about 10-11 years old I think? And Norwest is the school they go to :)

Follow me on twitter: @5secsofR5_ and I'll follow you back :) tweet me that you're read my fanfic and then we can talk and stuff yay ily

Shania xx

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