Chapter 25: The Black Van

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Chapter 25:

Sierra's POV

It was Friday after school and I was finishing a bit of homework before I got ready for Jake and I's date today. He went out and said he'll be back in time to get ready.

Taylor walks into the room and sat on my bed. "You ready for tonight?"

"It's just another date with him," I say dropping my pen down on my book and rubbing my eyes. "I'll be fine."

"You really don't want to go do you?" Taylor says, laughing.

I cock my head to the side. "I don't know. Maybe it'll help me get my mind of all this Luke stuff."

Taylor looks at me like I'm insane. "You're kidding right?" I shrug in response, not knowing what else to say.

She let's out a heavy sigh dropping her head into her hands. "Sierra how many times have we had this talk?"

"Many times, and I don't need it again. Yes, I know. Blablabla, I messed up, I should go talk to him. It's not that simple Taylor, he's made it pretty clear that he doesn't want to see me."

"You don't know that!"

"No, you're right. I don't know that. But I do know that I can read between the lines. And I know for a fact that he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. We're done. Its over. Deal with it."

"No, I will not 'deal with it'. You need to sort this out, fix it."

"There's nothing to fix! I can't fix anything! It's already happened!" By now we were both yelling at each other.

"No, you can f-"

My door bursts open, "I swear to god, if I hear you two talking about this same thing one more time, I-"

"I'm sorry, it was my fault," Taylor says to Josh. We both knew that was a lie and Josh knew it too. Somehow everything I say, happens to relate back to Luke.

Josh walks into the room, closing the door behind him. "We will sit down, talk this through, sort something out. I'm not leaving here till we do."

"Sort what out? There's nothing to sort out!" I yell at Josh, flinging my hands around.

"Sierra, there is a lot to sort out. You and Luke need to sort this out. You need to go talk to him, let him know how you feel."

"I've tried that already!"

"Try again Sierra! If you love him that much you would fight for this relationship," Josh says to me.

"I'm not going to fight for something that I know wont happen. If I love him that much, I'd let him be. I'd let him do what he wants. He doesn't want me, we're over."

"I'm out," Taylor says throwing her hands up in the air. She was walking towards the door. "I give up, I can't do this anymore. You can sort it out yourself. I can't help someone who won't listen to me."

And with that she was out the door.

There was a long moment of silence. The room was filled with tension, neither Josh or I dared to look at each other. Finally, Josh spoke up without lifting his head up. "Sierra, you need to talk to Luke."


"Yes, I get you've already done that. You've tried. He won't listen. I get that. But please, try again. Go talk to him again. Try and at least reclaim your friendship with him...if not relationship."

There was another long pause and it gave me some time to think. Maybe Josh is right. Josh is always right. I can go and talk to Luke again, I just want to be friends with him. Is that too much to ask for? Friends?

After a while Josh got up from the chair he was sitting on. "You should probably go get ready for Just...try to have fun. Try. Please, for me?" He got up and was halfway out the door when he turned to me. "And, think about what I said about Luke and you. Just think about it."

And with that he was out the door.


I got out of the shower and changed into shorts and a T-shirt. I sat down in front of my mirror and straightened my long, brown hair. I put on a bit of makeup and walked over to my bed where my dress was laying on. The dress was black and fell just above my knee. I sat down on my dressing table stool and opened the first draw. There was a box with a silver horse shoe necklace in it. I took it and put it on, around my neck. I get an instant reminder in my head about the necklace Luke gave me and how Jake has it.

Letting out a sigh, I grab a little shoulder bag and put my phone, purse and everything else I needed into the bag. Opening my messy closet, I took out my black heels that made me a lot taller than I actually was and slipped them on. I took one last look at myself in the mirror and glanced at the clock on my wall. It was around 6:50PM and Jake said that we'll leave the house at 7pm. I slowly walked downstairs, realizing that it was probably a bad idea wearing my heels just yet. Walking down stairs with heels on isn't very easy.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I made my way to the lounge where Taylor, Josh and Jake were sitting. Jake was wearing a blue shirt and black jeans. He also had his famous leather jacket on, which he almost wore every second of his life, not bothering what the weather was like.

I really didn't want to go on a date with Jake tonight. It was probably the last thing I wanted to do. But I held myself together. Like Josh said, I could at least try to have fun.

"Wow," Jake raised his eyebrows, looking at me, up and down. "You look amazing."

"Thanks," I reply quietly. "You don't look too bad yourself."

Josh smiled at me and Taylor's face was blank. She was pretty stubborn at times but I've learned over all these years to deal with it.

"Should we go now?" Jake says, looking at the silver watch on his hand. He seemed very eager for tonight, like he had everything planned out and we weren't allowed to be a second late.

"Yeah, sure," I fake a smile.

He gets up from the couch and walks over to me, taking my hand into his. He smiled at Taylor and Josh and walked towards the front entrance of the door.

"Have fun!" Josh yelled out before Jake shut the front door. As soon as we were out the door, Jake let go of my hand and his smile fell. "I booked this place at a Chinese restaurant and they're very particular about timing, hurry up." I silently  follow him down the front porch steps, finding it yet again, hard to walk down stairs in my heels. I tried my best to walk down the stairs quickly but managed to slip on the last step. I clutched onto the railing in fear to keep my balance. "Hurry up!" Jake called over his shoulder. He was already walking a few meters ahead of me.

I walked faster to catch up with him and followed him to a small, black car. I sat down in the passenger seat.

"This isn't much, but it'll get us there," Jake says, referring to the car.

"Its fine," I reply quietly, buckling up my seat belt.

"How was your day?" He asks me, not turning his head away from the road.


"Good? That's all it was?"

" was just another day," I shrug in my seat. "How was yours?"

"Eventful," he replies with a smirk on his face.

"What happened?"

The smirk on his face dropped, "god Sierra, why do you have to know everything." I rolled my eyes and stared out the window.

The rest of the drive to the restaurant was quiet except for when Jake asked me to get his Blink 182 CD out from the glove compartment and put it in the stereo because it was "too quiet."

When we finally arrived at the restaurant, we were greeted by a short, Chinese woman wearing a long Chinese outfit. She had on a lot of makeup and had pale skin. Her bright red lips were spread out in a small smile.

"Welcome," She gives us a small smile and bows slightly at us while escorting us to our table. We got a small table enough for the two of us. There was a window at our table and we could see a lot of Sydney, it looked beautiful in the night.


Jake's stomach growled. We had just finished eating our main courses and were waiting for our desert.

"So how's your friend Luke?" Jake asks, taking the last sip of his beer.

I look down to the floor, not making eye contact with him. When I don't respond immediately, he continues. "You know, the one who ran out when he found out we were dating," Jake laughs. "He really wants you doesn't he." He laughs harder.

I look at him, I could feel my face turning red with anger. I wasn't laughing. To my luck, the same lady who took our order, came back with two bowls of chocolate and vanilla ice cream. She sets one down in front of me, and one down in front of Jake.

"Thanks," I force a smile to the lady. She bows slightly and walks off.

I dig into the bowl of ice cream not saying a word. If the waitress didn't come to give us our desert, I would be at it with Jake.

"You didn't answer my question," Jake says with his face stuffed with chocolate ice cream.

Using the small, silver spoon I was given, I melt the ice cream slightly. "Good."

"You really like that word 'good' don't you?" He smirks at me and stuffs his face with another spoon of ice cream. He waves the spoon around. "You're good, Luke's good, everyone's good!"

"Yes," I reply simply. What else am I meant to say?

"Is he just good?" Jake asks.

I let out a heavy sigh, "Yes Jake, he's just good."


I shake my head, I couldn't be bothered with him anymore. I continue eating my ice cream silently. Is he good? Maybe he's great? Besides, he's moved on, he has another girlfriend. He's probably more than great. He's probably having a date right now with her. And she's pretty, really pretty. Prettier than me. Of course he'd like her. Of course he'd forget about me. He doesn't care about me anymore. He doesn't care.


"Wanna go to the beach?" Jake asks, turning his head to face me for a second.

"Nah, I'm really tired. Home is wear I want to be right now," I made up whatever I could for this night to end. I was tired, I did want to go home. But if it was someone else, I wouldn't mind going to the beach late in the night at all.

We were driving for quite a while and suddenly I could see the ocean. I furrow my eyebrows, was this the way home? I'm pretty sure we didn't pass by the beach...

"Where are we going?" I ask, turning my head to face him.

"The beach."


"Ahh don't worry, you'll be fine." Jake waves his hand.

I slouch back in the car seat and fold my arms. Jake drove to the beach car park and parked his car. There was only one other vehicle in the car park which was a black van. There were four guys around the van and all of them turned to us and looked at me from outside as Jake parked his car. I felt uncomfortable, unsafe. But I didn't say anything.

I hoped out of the car and looked over to the four guys in the car park. They were still staring at me and I managed to see that the boot of their van was wide open. It looked like they were waiting for us.

Jake locked the car and I quickly walked behind him, feeling very unsafe about this. Jake was walking towards the four guys and suddenly we were in front of their open boot. I feel a pair of hands push me and another pair shove me into the back of the black van that belonged to the four boys.

I was slapped hard on my left cheek. I screamed in pain, my cheek was stinging. The same hand slapped me again and again. Until finally I collapsed on the floor of the black van.



Ive been really busy, im so sorry omg :0 im not 100% happy about this chapter but i just wanted to update as quick as i can so here you gooo :)

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