Twenty Nine

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yay, scarlett's okay :)

Twenty Nine

SCARLETT'S POV (if you're tired of her pov, harry's is next chapter. whew)

Ed was in Harry's flat when Harry led me inside. The car ride was quiet except for my sniffles and coughs. He played some soft music in an attempt to relax me. It worked because I knew all the indie artists he loved and it reminded me of how he would dance around the house with me as he played their songs. 

The Arctic Monkeys had a special place in our hearts. Most of their songs we'd love to listen to when we had our lazy days. Those were the days I pretended to be okay - for Harry's sake. 

Coldplay's Fix You came on, and Harry held my hand. He sang softly along and started to join in with the harmonies. I loved the sound of Harry's voice so it was all I needed to calm me down. 

I kept thinking about the bridge. I couldn't deny it. I wanted to jump. I still wanted to be out of this world. I didn't like who I was or who I was becoming. When you're unsure of the future, it's simply like you have no future. I didn't see the point of living if I wasn't even sure where I wanted to go or who I wanted to be. 

I couldn't scar Harry. I couldn't let him see me fall down the bridge. I couldn't let him see my lifeless body splash into the rocky waters. He'd follow me and Ed would be so disappointed. 

I was only alive for their sake. 

Harry walked with me up to the front door and I wanted to hide from Ed, but I couldn't. I awaited his wrath and a well deserved lecture - I always spoke of suicide, but never successfully carried it out - but he showed me grace and welcomed me as if nothing ever happened. 

It drove me even more insane than I already was. 

We ate dinner. I was famished but felt incredibly out of place when I saw Ed had prepared a meal for the three of us. 

Harry and Ed passed dishes back and forth and chatted as I stared at the food solemnly. 

"Aren't you going to yell?" I whispered in disbelief. 

Ed put his fork down and adverted his attention to me. "Why would I yell?" He innocently shrugged before continuing. "You know I don't yell very often, Scarlett."

Harry did not speak. His silence was loud and pierced my ears. 

"You aren't angry with me?!"

"Of course I am." Ed was too calm. 


"And what? Are you awaiting the attention you believe you deserve, Scarlett?" 

I blinked. Where had my best friend gone?

"Who are you." I whispered. "If you think I jumped off that bridge for attention, you're way off, Ed!" 

"Then enlighten me, Scarlett. Tell me why you almost left this world!" 

I swallowed. "You don't understand." 

"You're not God, Scarlett." 

"Never said I was." 

"You sure act like it." 

"Well, just like Jesus, I've been to hell and back."

Ed rolled his eyes. I could tell her was annoyed. "You are not the only one in pain, Scarlett! You don't know pain!" For once Ed yelled at me and I didn't like the feeling at all. 

Picking Up the Pieces // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now