Epilogue {Part One}

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Epilogue {pt. one}

Years had gone by. Harry and I were sort of off and on, but we had lasted all throughout the years. It started to get hard when I really started to dive into my college courses. We saw each other less and less, but we both knew the feelings were still there. He understood my priorities and I understood his. We worked in funny ways. We were funny people.

I wanted to make something of myself. I wanted to be able to provide for myself. I did not want to live off of Harry, no matter how much he made with One Direction and all their gigs. After years of questioning who I was and all my indecisive, irrational behavior, I wanted to do something good for once.

The inner feminist that had been in hiatus during my adolescence. She was trapped her shell of ice and now she finally had the strength to break free. The ice melted from around her and turned into a river. She had to learn how to dance again. She had to learn how to feel again.

And so she did.

The fire within her, her drive, her source of power, her spark, became active after thousands of years it seemed. It would spread. As soon as she touched the ground her mark would be on the world. Not destructive angry flames, but controlled ones. Small, but bright, and tended too.

My flames caught like wildflower and it would take a lot for me to burn out.

I cooled when Harry came around. My appetite for destruction always seemed to settle when he looked at me.

He looked at me in disgust when we first met. He looked at me with hope when I first began to talk to him. He looked at me with love when we first kissed and shared special moments together. He even looked at me in pain when I stood at the bridge with all intentions of throwing my life away, along with my body.

He looked at me with pride as I graduated from college. He sat beside my parents and clapped and whooped inappropriately as Ed and the other boys stood up to their feet, causing a ruckus. I remember blowing them kisses and laughing before straightening up to and accepting my diploma. I had a speech to go through with too so it was hard not to laugh at my loud group of supporters.

I tapped the microphone softly and started to speak. I asked Louis and Ed to help me with it. They both had their way with words and they both immediately helped me out for my valedictorian speech.

"I'd like to thank the Academy, for this wonderful award," I started off with, earning a sea full of laughs. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Scarlett Robinson. I'm seconds away from graduating so this speech will be short and sweet because in all honesty, I can't wait to get out of here.

"I really want to thank my professors for all their patience with me because I know I could be difficult at times. Thank you for answering my never ending questions and taking the time to dive in the book with me.

"I'd also like to thank my parents," I shot my mother and father a smile and they sent me back one in approval. "My sister Clementine,"

"YOU'RE WELCOME." She yelled, making everyone laugh, even the head of the college who threatened to send people out if they made too much of a fuss.

"Stay away from her," I coughed, and continued with a big smile. "I'd like to thank my very best friend, Edward. Your love reminds me of your collection of sweatshirts. Warm, cozy, and seemingly endless." I laughed as he joined in from several rows back. "I can never thank you enough." My eyes went to the boys sitting in the same row, all looking dapper and smiling at me.

"Thank you to my boys. You've become like my brothers. A massive, massive thank you to each and everyone of you. I love you all." I sighed, looking in the crowd for Harry.

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