Chapter 1

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Baekhyun gulps down, trying to ease down his nervousness as he fidget to his seat in front of his superiors. He can feel their scrutinizing look, judging every fiber, cell - perhaps even atom - of his whole being.

"For 15 years that I have been working in this institution, I have encountered various cases, but this is the first time I have encountered such terrible case like this!" The grumpy old medical director said.

"Director Song, we shouldn't judge the person base on the picture on the internet, unless proven." The chief nurse, Mrs. Han, said.

His and Chanyeol's picture where in they were caught in a very compromising position has scattered all over the internet. Good thing that Chanyeol's arms covered his face, but that doesn't mean he's excused from interrogation. He didn't know how did that picture leaked in the internet. For sure Chanyeol, his fans, as well as his talent agency are cursing at him right now when he clearly didn't do anything. Yes, he's guilty of breaching the actor's privacy but not on the obscene part that people are thinking.

Ever since the scandal was released, Baekhyun got even more stressed. There are angry fans that would wait outside the hospital in hopes of having a glimpse of the slut who seduced their oppa. He heard them once that they wanted to strangle the slut and break his bones so that he'll learn his lesson. Although they didn't know what the so-called slut looks like, the fans (or more like sasaeng fans) ask every guy they saw who have the same honey brown hair color just like in the picture that they've printed. And since his hair color was their only basis, Baekhyun dyed his hair black to avoid instigating the ferocious fans.

At home, Tao gives him cold shoulder and even his senior, nurse Hyemi didn't talk to him, although she didn't say anything to the superior regarding the quite suggestive possition she saw.

He doesn't even open any of his social media anymore to avoid further depression he is feeling for the entire week.

The greatest prison people live in is the face of what other people think. Baekhyun sighs.

"Now Mr. Byun, do you want to defend yourself? You know that this issue regarding this scandal could be a ground for your termination from the hospital, right?"

"I am innocent with all of these issues, ma'am. I swear to God we didn't do anything inappropriate inside the hospital room! I wouldn't dare to do that inside my work area, and in broad daylight! And besides I'm... I'm..."


"I-I... I'mstillavirginsono!" Baekhyun squeaks and lower down his head, trying to hide his flushing face, when Mrs. Han chuckles at him.

Gosh! I never knew confessing to your superiors that you're still a virgin is rather embarrassing than being questioned about his scandal with Park Chanyeol! Baekhyun thought.

"So how will you explain those pictures on the internet?" Grumpy Mr. Song scowlingly said.

"I honestly didn't know, sir."

"Well that's what people like you always say! You people always play the I'm innocent card when you're not!"

"I'm sorry Director Song, but should we let Mr. Byun explain his side without throwing insults at him. We all didn't know what really happened, unless you're there when it took place to judge him that rudely."

"Are you trying to take this worthless newbie's side, Chief Nurse Han."

"I am not taking his side, nor anyone's side Mr. Song. But I won't allow anyone, not even by a grumpy director, to look down anyone of my nurses, novice or not." Mrs. Han staunchly said.

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