Chapter 9

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9 AM

Chanyeol wakes up from the pounding pain of his head. He always dreaded the feeling of waking up with hangover but depression leads him to take a trip to the nearest convenient store and bought 10 cans of strong beer. He just can't understand why his heart would never stop aching for someone who keeps on turning him down over and over again. Can it just move on and stop throbbing for the same guy?

Chanyeol rubs his eyes then gently sits up. He looks down to his shirt and-- wait a minute! Chanyeol racks his brain, remembering what is he wearing yesterday. As far as he can recall he's wearing his tracksuit, but why is he wearing cotton tee instead of his hoodie? He cranes his head to left and see a packet of advil. He grabs the medicine and decided to take it after he buys his breakfast.

After grooming, Chanyeol went out his room and was about to leave the penthouse when he notice something was covered on top of the dining table. He took the note on top of the table and reads it:

"I prepared your breakfast already. You probably woke up late so I made soup for hangover but I haven't put any salt on it, since I don't know your prefered taste. Heat your food first in the microwave before eating, then take the medicine I left on top of your bedside table. There's also some fruits on the counter top if you want some.

- Baekhyun ^^"

Chanyeol blinks his eyes when he saw fried fish and a bowl of soup with beans sprouts. Beside those are salt shaker and a jar of honey, with an instruction of how to make honey water. He went near the counter top and his empty fruit basket is now filled with fresh citruses and apples. Steam comes out when he opens the lid of the rice cooker. He then scans the living room to see if there's remnants of his last night's intoxication, but none.

Chanyeol's face devoid with any expression. Should he thank Baekhyun when he gets back from work? How should he say thank you? He almost forgot how to say thank you. The genuine one. The last time he said thank you was 4 years ago. He do say thank you in his congratulatory speech in awarding ceremonies, but those were generic.

He sighs as he place the soup inside the microwave and have his breakfast before he leaves the penthouse for his schedule.


Sehun takes off his helmet after hopping off of his white Ducati. He was about to walk to the parking lot's elevator to get his weekly allowance from his hyung, when he spotted a certain pretty Chinese stylist, loading Chanyeol's stuff in the actor's van.

"Hi there, gorgeous!" Sehun greets as he leans at the van, winking at Lu Han.

"Excuse me?" Lu Han asks, his eyes widen with confusion.

"Well there's no other beautiful person here." He smiles sheepishly.

"There's me also here." Jongdae suddenly pops out coming out of nowhere, batting his eyes to the younger Park.

"You're not included, hyung!"

"Okay." The manager said before he turn his attention to the other male. "Lu Han, don't you ever talk to this brat here."

Lu Han nodded then load 5 sets of Chanyeol's shoes.

"What are you doing here again?" Chanyeol directed his question to his brother once he saw him, coaxing his stylist to talk to him, when he came down from the penthouse.

"To collect my money from you, as well as my princess' heart." The younger replies, still looking at Lu Han.

"Will you stop harassing him? It's really annoying." Chanyeol frowns.

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