Chapter 24

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Sehun was waiting for someone to arrive in the coffee shop. He's been waiting there for 20 minutes yet he still can't see the guy who asked him to meet.


"You're late, bastard."

"Yah! I'm older than you, you ingrate child."

"You're still 20 minutes late. Not a good example to kids." Sehun said nonchalantly, making Jongin roll his eyes. "Why did you called me here then?"

"I just want to ask if you knew anything about Baekhyun hyung and Chanyeol hyung."

"Well, all I know was Baekhyun hyung is lying about him having a secret lover. His friend who lives with him in his apartment says that his claims at the press conference aren't real. But I'm clueless about the reason why he wants us to believe those things." Sehun said nonchalantly.

"How about Chanyeol hyung?"

"Not good." Sehun shakes his head. "Chanyeol hyung are too stupid to listen to what I say. He keeps on saying 'I'll only listen to what Baekhyun says....' blah blah blah! He's been locking himself in his room, refusing to eat or to go to work even if everything went back to normal."

"Went back to normal? What do you mean?"

"Jongdae hyung said they had trouble with contract renewal or something? Plus hyung was pulled out from the movie he was currently filming. Although he was casted back, hyung doesn't want to shoot the film anymore. I mean, I would do the same if I were him. After wasting my time and effort to film in New York for 3 days only to kick me out because of unknown reason, I won't accept the project anymore. Tch!"

Jongin frowns. Because for whatever reason he think he needs to butt in the current situation, involving Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"I think we need to find the answer to this whole fiasco."

"Yeah. We should." Sehun looks at him with determined eyes. "But for now, order me some food and drinks. I'm hungry."

"Aish this kid!"


Baekhyun was shocked to see Jongin standing in the doorway when he opens the door. Good thing that his panda friend are still at his work, or else there will be a pandemonium if Tao sees Kim Kai in the flesh.

"How are you doing, hyung?" Jongin asks once they were both seated in the couch.

"Pretty good." Baekhyun gives him a small smile that did not reach his eyes, and Jongin knew that the older was lying.

Jongin noticed the older lose some weight and he looks skinny than the last time he saw him. His brown orbs lost their spark and there's darker shade of bags under his eyes.

"I learned that you resigned from your job." Baekhyun gnaws his lower lip. "Junmyeon hyung said you resigned when I visited the kids last time. I... I even saw you crying at the back part of the hospital after Chanyeol hyung left." Baekhyun looks at him with wide eyes.

"You... you saw me?"

"Tell me the truth hyung. You didn't cheat on Chanyeol hyung, right?"

"I... I-I am--"

"Liar! You wouldn't stay here at your friend's house if you really have a lover! So please tell me, hyung. Why do you have to lie in front of everybody? Why do have to do that? Why--"

"Because I am trying to protect the people I love, Jongin." Baekhyun said firmly. "I don't want to see the people I love suffering, even if it means it'll hurt me in the end."

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