Chapter 2

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"WHAT??!" The two unknowing people both exclaimed.

"No way, sir! I'm not going to marry that over grown man! Just find someone else!"

"You're the one to talk? Wow! Where did you get that guts of yours to deny me?"

"I don't even see you like your boss' idea either, so might as well voice out my opinion which is more like just the same as yours." Baekhyun said with a roll of his eyes.

"This kid--"

"Excuse me I'm not a kid!" Baekhyun huffs, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Look, I don't see how this proposition of yours will do anything good for all of us." Chanyeol said to his boss. "Can't you see we're already at each other's throat not more than 5 minutes, yet you still want us to approve of your silly idea?"

"Excuse me? Did you just scold your own boss? Your. Own. Boss?" Baekhyun sass.

"Mind your own business will you!?"

"Alright you two, stop it already." Mr. Park raise a hand to stop the two bickering man. "Okay let me explain this silly idea of mine." Mr. Park looks at Chanyeol, mocking what the actor said, before he diverts his attention to the other male. "I'll be honest with you Mr. Byun, the reason why you're here is because I want you to play the role as Chanyeol's husband. A fake husband to be exact. But of course this secret will remain among the three of us. Just think of it as your break in acting career. You don't have to quit your job but you'll still get a compensation from us, just like any other talents. All you have to do is to act sweet to each other in public and live with Chanyeol."

"Wait, wait, wait! Hold it there Mr. Park." Chanyeol raise his palm, getting his boss' attention. "I don't think him living with me is a good idea."

"Well not living with your spouse is rather weird than him living with you, isn't it?"

"But Mr. Park, I don't think getting me as this man's fake husband is a good idea. I'm not sure whether Mr. Park Chanyeol had clarified it to you that we didn't do anything promiscuous."

"Who else should I get then? I just can't let my artist to be involved with any other person while were still under siege of fans. It'll only cause too much trouble if we won't do anything, plus the damage has done, we just need to patch things up."

"Is there another way to solve this problem?" Chanyeol asks.

"Do you guys have any idea other than mine?"

The two younger men thought for a while but they can't think of anything.

"It seems like you both don't have any idea, right?" Mr. Park says. "I know you two hate each other's guts, I can see that. But this is just a temporary set up. After a year or two you guys can 'divorce' and we'll tell the media that you guys realized you don't jive very well after so much effort and decided to part ways. That's it. End of story." Mr. Park smiles.

"That's absurd. I don't think it's convincing enough. That's so lame." Chanyeol rolls his eyes to his boss.

"Why don't we ask Mr. Byun then? What do you think, son?"

"Umm..." Baekhyun press his lips into thin line before he says, "I don't think it will be fine, sir. I believe marriage is sacred and both parties should agree about it. Besides, what would my grandmother says if she knew about this?" Baekhyun lowers down his gaze to his lap. "I'm sorry Mr. Park, but I don't think I can do this. I'll just go ahead, sorry to be rude." Baekhyun stands up and walk towards the door. He already turns the knob when Mr. Park speaks.

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