Chapter 20

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Chanyeol cranes his neck from left to right, trying to spot him from hoard of fans.

The cast of his new drama are holding a fan meeting at one of the shopping mecca in Seoul, Myeongdong, to promote their drama.

"Looking for something? Perhaps... someone?" Gayoung playfully nudges the tall actor on his arm. "Are you waiting for him?"

"No, I'm not." Chanyeol answered nonchalantly.

"You should've told him to come here to see you."

"I already told him yesterday... I guess he's busy."

"So you're really expecting him to come today, didn't you?"

"Of course not!" Chanyeol rolls his eyes to the girl.

"You may be a good actor but you're not a good liar, oppa." Gayoung giggles.

The crowd scream at the top of their lungs when Kim Kai starts introducing his self, as well as the character he'll portray in the drama, followed by Seo Kang Jun then Moon Gayoung. When it was Chanyeol's turn to speak, the crowd gets even wilder. His fans held their banner higher to show their support for him, but what caught his attention was when he saw a neon pink cardboard, bouncing up and down, with only an arrow pointing downward occupying almost the entire board. He halted his introduction when he saw the person who was holding the neon pink cardboard and smile ever so widely, that even his fans have to crane their neck to see who managed to caught their oppa's attention. Some of his fans scream when they realized a certain someone joined them in the crowd to support the actor for his promotion, starts snapping their cameras towards him, and even whispered to the person beside them.

"It's his husband! It's his husband!"

"Oh my gosh! He's really cute in person!"

"That's so sweet of him!"

"That's Byun Baekhyun, right?"

Chanyeol stifle a laugh. He can hear the crowd's whispers, their attention was completely on the short male whose still waving his neon pink cardboard.

"He's not waiting for him... yeah, right." Gayoung cackles when Chanyeol scrunch his nose.

The long queue for autograph signing are somehow bearable for Baekhyun. He wasn't use of attending such events or getting some celebrity's autograph just like what avid fans always do - this is the first. Some of the fans were kind enough to engage him in a friendly conversation (and even had his own mini greet and meet/fansign event because some fans were fascinated by him) while waiting for their turn to get near to the artist's table. It took him about an hour before he finally meet the artist on the stage.

Chanyeol occasionally glances at him when Baekhyun finally walk towards the long table and give Jongin the poster (that one of the fan gave him) for the actor to sign. He frowns when he heard the tiny nurse call Jongin's name excitedly even before he reached their table, then glares at them when he saw the smaller male smile at the other actor as they talk to each other animatedly.

The only girl among the group of celebrity whose sitted between Chanyeol and Jongin, noticed how her leading man glares at the two.

"Calm down oppa. You don't want your pictures showing how possessive you are with your cute husband scattered all over the internet, right?" Gayoung teases the actor.

"Stop annoying me before I even forgot we're friends." Chanyeol playfully glares at the girl.

"I know you wouldn't, like duh, we've been friends since we started working together, with 2 movies and 3 drama's together."

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