Chapter 13

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Baekhyun sighs as he make his rounds to check the kids when he stop in front of Yerin's old bed. It's been 3 days since Yerin was cremated, but he still misses her. There are times he wonder whether he's hallucinating or he's actually sees her ghost. One time while he's changing Jungkook's linen, he thought he saw Yerin jumping up and down her old bed, like a healthy kid she should be.

The other kids kept asking him how was Yerin, why they haven't seen her for awhile, or what took her so long to get back to their ward. At first, he doesn't know how to respond to their question so Junmyeon answer for him, telling the kids, "Yerin finally went home."

Chanyeol saw how it affects the nurse when Yerin lost her battle. His cheerfulness lessen and he sometimes doesn't talk, which he finds a little weird when the whole penthouse was quiet.

So when they're watching the re-runs of their interview with Amber at the living room, Chanyeol thought it was his chance to see Baekhyun's reaction when he sees himself on TV, but nothing.



Baekhyun just hugs his knees and bites his lip while watching TV.

Those lips.

It keeps bothering him ever since they came back from Bucheon. Chanyeol didn't know why but for some reason he feels... guilty? But he seriously didn't know why. He suddenly clears his throat when he hears him reading the "pass the nori strip" consequence they played before.

Side glancing the other male at the other end of the couch, Chanyeol studies Baekhyun's expression. He smirks when the smaller man press his lips into thin line when they hear him complaining to Amber about the nori getting shorter. And when their lips pressed together, with Amber's cheering that bounds in the 4 corners of the room, and even a slow motion of their unexpected kiss, Baekhyun squeaks and hides his face out of embarrassment, making the actor chuckles.

"You're still shy about it? You should get used to it by now."

"Easy for you to say."

Chanyeol scoots towards the nurse and asks curiously, "You seriously never kissed before?"

"Wh-why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I'm just curious."

Aish, seriously? He and Sehun are siblings indeed!

"You should practice, you know?" Baekhyun looks at him incredulously, as if he grows 2 more heads. "Of course I won't kiss you if that's what you're worrying about. Wait here."

Chanyeol jogs to his room and went out with a pillow on his hand, giving it to Baekhyun.

"What is this for?"

"For you to practice."


The said pillow, about the size of a regular pillow, has white pillow case with Chanyeol's face printed on it.

"I don't want it." Baekhyun said nonchalantly, putting the pillow down on the couch in between them.

"Why not?"

"I'll have nightmares if I saw your narcissistic face even until I close my eyes."

"What did you say?"

"And besides, your face was overly photoshopped!"

"Just admit that you're too excited to practice kissing on that pillow already. You talk too many crappy shit!"

"Why would I even like to kiss your pillow-- ack!"

Baekhyun wasn't done talking when he was tackle on the couch by the lanky actor.

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