Chapter 8

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Morning has come and Chanyeol wakes up from the tuft of hair the tickles his nostrils, that smells like vanilla.

Baekhyun buries his face a little more, inhaling on the... soft material? A hard one? He didn't know, but whatever it is, it really smells nice.

Both open their eyes flutter, Chanyeol looks down at the owner of the black tuft of hair, while Baekhyun looks up to see what could be that nice scent he smells, only to find out that they were on each other's arms, with their lower limbs tangled together.



Both scream as they tries to sit up and disentangle theirselves from each other, but ends up falling on each side of the bed, both hissing in pain.

"Oi!" Grandma Byun knocks on the door loudly. "If you starts propagating, you better stop it right now! I still do not approve of you, giant elf! You better open this door or I'll castrate you, young man!" Her muffled voice can still heard by the two from the outside.

Baekhyun was quick to stand up and opens the door, while Chanyeol still taking his sweet time rubbing his elbow.

"Grandma! We-we're not doing anything, I-I promise!"

Grandma Byun check her grandson, and yes he's wearing his clothes as well as the giant, whose wearing a black sleeveless shirt, that is still on the floor.

"You tell me if this giant you called your husband touch you anywhere, okay? That is child molestation!" She affectionately combs his hair with her hands, fixing Baekhyun's bird nest-like hair.

"Grandma I'm not a child. I'm 25 already." Baekhyun pouted.

"You're still a child in my eyes even if you're 50! I don't want you to just raise your white flag to him that easily, do you get me?" The old lady said. "And you giant over there." Chanyeol flinches when the old lady calls his attention. "Get up already and eat breakfast if you have work today. Your manager is waiting for you already." She said while scowling.

Jongdae and Lu Han peeks their heads towards Chanyeol's room from the kitchen, they can only see grandma Byun and Baekhyun but not Chanyeol.

"Th-thank you, g-grandma."

"What grandma? You're not my grandson yet."

"Yet?" Lu Han ask confusingly.

Jongdae sighs. "I guess I have no other choice but to disclose it to you since you'll be working with Chanyeol and see Baekhyun most of the time. But you have to promise me Han, what you see and hear in this room, leave it here. What will I tell you is a top secret, even Chanyeol's family are clueless about this. If other people knew about this, as much as I want you to work with us, I'll have to fire you."

"I promise hyung I won't say anything!" Lu Han said.

"That's enough grandma, let's just go to the kitchen, okay?" Baekhyun coax the old lady.

Grandma Byun was suppose to turn her heels when all of a sudden, Chanyeol stand up from his place, revealing him not wearing pajama pants or shorts, but boxer shorts instead.

"Why you pervert! Didn't I just told you not to do inappropriate things with my Baekhyunnie!?" The old lady shouts, making the actor flinch in terror.


After breakfast, Kris rings the doorbell to the penthouse, indicating that he came to fetch grandma Byun to drive her back to Bucheon. And although a little hesitant and even wanting to send his grandmother back, Baekhyun needs to stay behind and just say goodbye to her since he still have work.

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