Chapter 21

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The screen suddenly lights up, with the picture of Connor's face.

"So what did they say?" Connors pixelated face looks at me concerned.

"They came up, took my phone, my old laptop, because they don't know I have this new one, and told me that I needed to go to school tomorrow."

"Won't they know you are talking to me?"

"Nah. Taylor's music is too loud, and they are in the study, which is the floor below, and mostly soundproofed."

"I guess that's good." Connor's soft laugh rings through my ears.

After I had calmed down and my parents had mostly grounded me, I called Connor. I also had another tab open, and was texting the girls, telling them about my situation.

I'm driving everyone tomorrow. You want us to pick you up? -Mia

Sure I type back. All week without the girls has definitely taken a toll on me.

"I guess if I am going to school tomorrow I should probably catch up on all the work..." I sigh into the microphone. Hopping off the bed, I grab the bag that holds all the paper of work, my pencil case and glasses.

"You have glasses?" Connor questions.

"Yeah... I don't normally wear them. I wear contacts if I actually need to wear them. I've worn them at school before." I hinge open the beige case, revealing my tortoise shell round glasses.

"Can you see without them?"

"Yeah. A bit. Just makes everything a little clearer. I normally need them more for reading and writing, but distance as well. But as I said, normally I have contacts in."

"Does Taylor have them as well?"

"Yeah. Well she doesn't have glasses. She only wears contacts. Says 'glasses make her face look fat'." We both laugh.

"That's such a Taylor thing to say." Connor says in between laughter.

Sliding the glasses onto my face, I look back up to the camera.

I most definitely wasn't as against glasses as Taylor, but I was slightly self conscious about them. It was the rare occasion I wore them at school.

"I think they look great." Connor softly, making my whole body warm up, and my cheeks go a slight shade of pink.

"Thankyou..." I grab out my the maths notes and homework Connor had carefully written up for me today.

"Now Mr Marklin, may you please teach me?"


"You know, you can go to sleep. I can see that you are tired. This is a video chat." Connor gives me back a sweet smile.

"I don't want you to be lonely." He says, his voice laced with tiredness.

"Connor, go to sleep. I will see you at school tomorrow. Okay?"

Connor nods his head obediently, saying a soft goodbye, before ending the call. I shut my laptop and place it in my desk to charge.

My clock read the glowing numbers of 11 o'clock.

Although I had my medication about 2 hours ago, which had made me really sleepy on other nights, tonight my mind felt as if it was wired to explode. There were so many things that happened today, starting with my doctors appointment, and ending with my 6 hour Skype call with Connor, that cause millions of thoughts to begin being processed.

Lying down under my covers, I stare up at my white ceiling.

I lay there for hours.

And hours.

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