Chapter Seven: Actions Have Consequences

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Camille took a deep breath as she stared at the television as they talked about her pregnancy, she had never thought that things would work out this way and it scared her that the media were having a field day with this news. 

Everyone now knew what was going on after Pilar's outburst in the restaurant and Camille had been quick to head back to Monaco to protect herself. 

She also hadn't heard from Sergio and Camille wasn't going to hold her breath, she was sure that he was busy dealing with his very angry girlfriend after what had happened. 

Albert sighed turning off the television, they had not expected this and the moment that Pilar had made this public knowledge had taken a dramatic turn. 

He was relieved that Camille had come straight back to Monaco when she had, Albert couldn't have imagined what would have happened if she had stayed in Madrid after she had been confronted. 

"It could be worse," Albert mused sitting back in his chair, they were in his office and he had hoped to talk with Camille about what she planned to do now. 

They would have to move forward and with the palace already making the announcement that Camille was pregnant after what had happened; there would be no hiding what was going on anymore. 

Camille was only eleven weeks pregnant and Albert knew that Pilar's decision to try and slap her had turned public opinion slightly; they were furious that the mother of two would try and hurt the mother-to-be. 

Pilar had every right to be angry about what had happened but her anger should be focused on Sergio, the one that had cheated not the woman that had slept with him unknowing that he had a girlfriend at home. 

Charlene sat next to her husband, things had been so tense for them all recently and she wished that there was something that she could do to make this easier.

"Have you heard from the father?" Albert asked knowing that they could not wait to see what Sergio had planned, he was sure that the man would take his time making a decision after what had happened. 

From what they had seen things were not going well in Madrid for Sergio and Albert could only imagine what things were like at home; it wasn't going to be easy after what had happened. 

Camille shook her head, she was doubtful that she would be hearing from him anytime soon and right now she was okay with that; it meant that she could focus on their baby while he sorted things out with his girlfriend. 

"Then we will carry on like we planned to," Albert insisted with a frown, he did hope that Sergio would come around and want to be a part of the baby's life; he couldn't imagine any father willingly turning their back on their child. 

The plan was to cut back on Camille's royal engagements and keep her away from the press until things had calmed down with the media. 

They wouldn't be answering any questions about what had happened and Albert was sure that things would calm down soon; he didn't want Camille to get stressed out. 

The baby was due in January and there was plenty on time to prepare for the birth, Albert was sure that they would be able to settle down soon and focus on what was important. 

Camille was going to have to deal with the media talking about her pregnancy and her one-night stand for a while; they wouldn't be letting this go especially considering Sergio had cheated on Pilar. 

They were just going to have to wait and see what happened, it was going to take time for all of this to settle and being patient was the only option that they had.


"I can't believe that you did this," Paqui Ramos whispered shaking her head at her youngest son, she had never thought that he would be capable of doing such a horrible thing to a woman that he loved. 

She liked Pilar a lot more than any of his ex-girlfriends and Paqui was almost surprised that the younger woman was still with Sergio after what he had done. 

Everything was a mess and Paqui wouldn't have been surprised if Pilar had packed her bags and left Sergio after what had happened; he had cheated on her because he was angry that she had spent time with an ex-boyfriend. 

Sergio sighed shaking his head, he had no idea why his parents were even here and he wanted nothing more than to sort this out before things got even worse. 

Pilar had kicked him out of their bedroom and insisted that he sleep on the couch, she wanted to punish him for what he had done and she wasn't taking the criticism of trying to slap Camille while the other woman was pregnant. 

"What were you thinking?" Paqui demanded wanting answers for what had happened, she was tired of being stalked in the streets by paparazzi wanting to know what she thought about all of this. 

It was a nightmare and she was glad that they had come to Madrid to speak with their son and his girlfriend; Paqui adored visiting her grandsons and she was hoping that things would calm down for their sake soon. 

"I was angry and I wanted to hurt her," Sergio replied sitting down on the couch, he looked over at Pilar who was holding Marco and wished that she would stop treating him like this. 

She had been keeping the children from him and saying things to them that were clearly to hurt Sergio; he wished that she would stop so that they could move forward with this instead of continuing to fight.

"Why?" Paqui asked wanting to get to the bottom of this, she had no idea what Sergio was going to do about the baby but for the sake of his relationship it would be better if he didn't have anything to do with the child. 

It surprised Paqui that her son had managed to impregnate some foreign royal but she was sure that the mother would be able to provide a good life for the baby. 

While there would be no royal title for the child because they would be a bastard, the Monaco royal family were rich and the baby would want for nothing when it was born like the other Monacoian royal bastards. 

"Because she cheated on me," Sergio revealed knowing that Pilar wouldn't have shared that piece of news with anyone, he had only thought that she had kissed her ex-boyfriend when she had last seen him and to find out that she had actually cheated stung even more than the kiss had. 

Pilar couldn't bring herself to even look at Paqui when Sergio had spoken those words, she had been angry after the fight that they'd had and she had turned to him in comfort wanting to forget about her problems with Sergio. 

The room was silent for a moment and Pilar focused her attention on Marco, she was ashamed of what she had done and that it had led them down this path. 

But she couldn't bring herself to forgive Sergio for getting Camille pregnant, Pilar wasn't sure why everything seemed to be going so wrong for them right now. 

Things had been rough since Marco had been born and Pilar had found that things were slowly starting to fall apart for them since then and that worried her. 

Paqui slowly turned to Pilar, she had known that the couple had been fighting a lot in the past few months but that was no excuse for cheating when they were in a relationship. 

All actions had consequences and Paqui feared that Sergio and Pilar would ruin things for themselves. 

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