Chapter Twenty: Leaving Hospital

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"We are ready to head home," Sergio cooed softly to Isabel, he couldn't believe that they were getting out of the hospital; it had been a couple of days since Isabel had been born and he was more than ready for this step.

It was strange to think that they would be heading back to the palace, Sergio wasn't looking forward to leaving Isabel here but he knew that he would have to when he travelled back to Madrid.

He had a week and a half left of his time off and Sergio was trying to make the most of it, he wanted to make memories with Isabel; he was sure that he would see her soon enough.

"You okay?" Camille asked spotting the look that filled Sergio's face when he called the palace, Isabel's home and she wished that she had something else to offer.

It was going to be hard enough to take Isabel home and Camille couldn't imagine how Sergio would feel about having to leave her in Monaco while he was in Madrid.

Camille had offered to take Isabel to Madrid whenever she could, she held a residence there now and it had been decorated to allow her to spend time in Madrid with Isabel.

"I'm fine," Sergio insisted knowing that this wasn't going to be easy, Camille was bound to Monaco because she was a princess and there was no way that she could turn her back on that just for him.

Settling Isabel down, Sergio couldn't help but fear that he was going to miss out on so much of his daughter's life; he hated that he would only be a part-time father no matter how hard he tried to be anything else.

Camille nodded her head, she was a little nervous about leaving the hospital and she knew that the press would be waiting for them; they would want pictures of the happy family when they went home and the first glimpse of Isabel Grimaldi.


Camille smoothed out her teal ruched dress, she was a little nervous about this and she couldn't help but glance towards the door knowing that they would have to leave the hospital at some point.

It made her nervous and Camille remembered how crazy it had been when the twins had been born, she had only come to the hospital for a visit and there was so many paparazzi there to see the twins.

Peeking towards Isabel, her daughter didn't hold any important relevance to the country's succession; in fact, Isabel wouldn't hold a place since she was illegitimate in the eyes of the law.

Sergio was doing so well in being supportive and Camille didn't know what she would do without him; he was doing his best and that was all that she could ask for.

"We are ready when you are," a member of security said making Camille nod her head, she was looking forward to this being over so that she could head home and relax with Isabel.

Sergio peeked down at Isabel as he held her in his arms, he wasn't looking forward to this and was sort of glad that he had some experience with what was too come.

The same thing had happened when Junior and Marco had been born, however he had been dating their mother while he had no idea where he stood right now with Camille.

The two of them hadn't talked about the kiss that they had shared, they had been inundated with visitors since Isabel had been born and the right time hadn't shown up.

Moving across the reception, Sergio was careful as he settled Isabel into Camille's arms; she was a pretty baby and he was sure that people would adore her.

Sergio smiled a little watching Camille fuss over Isabel, she was a wonderful mother and he was sure that she would take good care of their daughter even with him not around.

The two of them moved towards the doors not wishing to drag it out any longer, they both just wanted to get away from the hospital and enjoy what little time Sergio had left with them.

The doors to the hospital opened and Camille had to remind herself not to hold her breath as they stepped out into the flashing lights of the paparazzi and journalists that were all waiting for them.

Sergio felt rather annoyed at the number of people that were waiting for them, he was almost pleased that they had a time limit and they had only to put up with this for a couple of minutes.

Isabel was carefully wrapped up in a comfortable and warm blanket, the only thing that anyone would be able to see of the little girl was the dark tuft of hair on her head.

Like her older brothers, Isabel had inherited her dark hair from her mother and Sergio couldn't have been happier; he almost couldn't resist wrapping an arm around Camille and keeping her close.

Camille blinked and peeked towards Sergio, she kept a smile on her face while pictures where taken of them but she was a little surprised at how he was acting.

Sergio had been nothing short of amazing since he had arrived and Camille knew that she was very lucky to have his support in this; she could have easily been doing this on her own right now.

His family had also warmed to the idea of Isabel and Camille had been rather surprised by how nice his mother was being; she had heard that the woman had been far from impressed by her pregnancy.

It wasn't long before the two of them were heading back inside, they would travel to the Prince's Palace now and they would have a couple of days of peace and quiet before the name was announced to the world.


"Have you told him yet?" Charlene asked watching Sergio with Isabel, she was rather impressed with how well he was handling all of this and she did hope that he would like what Camille was doing for him.

It had been something on the front of their minds and it seemed rather fitting that Camille had been the one to plan this; it was not a permanent solution to their problem but it would do for now.

"No. I want it to be a surprise," Camille replied shaking her head, she sipped on her water surprised by the small party that had gathered to welcome her and Isabel home from the hospital; she was glad for the distraction right now.

Albert had been kind enough to invite Sergio's parents to the gathering, he was a little wary about Paqui but it would have been wrong to not invite her when she had been well behaved recently.

The gathering was to focus on Isabel and the little girl didn't deserve to be caught between warring families; it wasn't her fault what had happened and she didn't deserve to be punished for that.

"I think he'll be happy," Charlene mused smiling, she was a little sad that Camille had made this decision but it was the right one for Isabel.

Camille had thought hard about what she wanted to do and the original plan had been to stay at the palace for a few weeks before moving back to her own residence.

That plan had changed when Camille had seen how wonderful Sergio had been with Isabel, she couldn't bare for him to be parted for too long.

The Madrid residence was slowly being decorated for a more permanent stay and Camille wanted to surprise Sergio when it was finished; it would allow him to spend more time with Isabel.

However, the move wasn't going to be a long-term plan, Camille had duties that she could not avoid forever.

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