Chapter Twenty-Five: Suspension

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"I can't believe that you could be so stupid," Pilar hissed unable to believe that he had reacted like that, she wasn't surprised that he had been handed a four-match ban for lashing out like he had.

He had straight up punched someone in the face and Pilar knew that Sergio deserved worse for how he had reacted; he shouldn't have let what the other man had been saying get to him like that.

Pilar could only guess that it had been about Camille and Isabel, she didn't understand what sort of hold that the other woman seemed to have over Sergio but she didn't like it.

"Do you ever think about our sons? What they would do if they saw you act like that?" Pilar continued to rant while she paced about the living room, she had been furious when she had seen what he had done and so relieved that the boys hadn't seen it.

The last thing that Pilar wanted was for her sons to think it was all right to do such a thing when someone angrier them; she was having a hard-enough time with their constant complaining about not seeing their father enough.

Sergio didn't reply, she hadn't stopped talking since he had arrived and he was growing tired of her telling him off about what had happened; she wasn't his mother and he didn't care what she thought.

"Of course, I think about them," Sergio spat annoyed, he always put his children first and he hated that she was using this against him.

He had regretted punching that footballer the moment that he had done it, the pictures and replays were everywhere and he was being fined by Real Madrid for his actions since he was captain of the team.

Pilar sighed moving to sit down, she was glad that Xavier had taken the boys out for the afternoon; she knew that she was doing the right thing and she wanted what was best for her sons.

"Xavier and I have been talking, we feel it would be best if you didn't see the boys for a while," Pilar stated looking down at her hands, she didn't want her sons picking up any bad habits from her ex.

Sergio was silent for a moment as he took in her words, a frown formed on his face wondering why her boyfriend seemed to get a say in what happened between him and his sons.

"And what does this have to do with your boyfriend?" Sergio snapped, he had never thought that it would come to this but he wasn't going to stand for it; she had no right to do this when he wasn't a threat to his own children.

Pilar didn't say a word, she knew that her boyfriend didn't have any right to have a say in this but he had given her some good advice about how to deal with this.

Scoffing Sergio got to his feet, he didn't want this to get messy but he did know that he wasn't going to be cut out of his children's lives because she was playing happy families with another man.

He had seen the pictures of how much time Xavier was spending with the boys and it was grating on his last nerve; he knew that the other man had never wanted children of his own.

"You'll be hearing from my lawyer Pilar... I won't let you use them against me like this," Sergio spat before he stormed out of the house that they had once shared, he wasn't going to let her take his children from him.

Pilar watched him leave and wondered just what she had released by making such a decision to keep the boys from Sergio; she had wanted to protect them and to make a statement to Sergio.

There was no way that he could be allowed to think that his actions on the pitch didn't affect how things went with his sons; his actions would always make them think that they could do the same.

Pilar just hoped that she wasn't going to lose this fight and her two children.


Camille was a little surprised when Sergio returned home early from his day with the boys, she had expected him to be gone most of the afternoon since Real Madrid had given him some time off.

She peeked down at Isabel who was snoozing soundly in her bed, she hadn't locked settling the little girl down for bed and she was hopeful that she would stay that way for a little while.

Quietly leaving the bedroom, Camille shut the door behind her and made sure that she had the baby monitor; she made her way down the stairs where she could hear Sergio speaking on the phone.

He seemed rather upset from what she could hear and Camille wondered what had happened now; she knew that Pilar hadn't been making visitations easy on him recently.

The woman seemed intent to drag this out and Camille knew that she was part of the problem; Pilar had never imagined that Sergio would play such a big part in her life.

Pausing outside of the living room, Camille looked towards Sergio who was pacing around the room; the phone pressed to his ear as he listened to what was being said.

"Is everything alright?" Camille asked when Sergio got off the phone, she could see that he was upset and she wanted to know if there was any way that she could help him.

Sergio looked towards Camille, he wondered why he couldn't have met her before he had started to settle down with Pilar; he adored his sons but they were they only good thing to come out of the relationship that he had shared with their mother.

"Pilar thinks that I shouldn't see the boys," Sergio said shaking his head, his lawyer was going to see what he could do and Sergio was optimistic that they would be able to work through this.

He would do anything for his children and it wasn't fair that Pilar had decided that he couldn't see the boys; he had been a good father there was no denying that.

Camille blinked surprised, she hadn't thought the other woman would ever sink so low to stop Sergio spending time with his own children when he hadn't done anything wrong.

Sure, he had been in the wrong for punching that guy but Camille could understand why he had done so; she couldn't believe what she had heard when Sergio had explained to her why he had done it.

The fact that the man had dared drag her name through the mud and say such horrible things about their daughter had made Camille sick and she wished that she knew where he lived so that she could give him a piece of her mind.

"I have been thinking," Sergio said not wanting to talk about his own problems, she had enough to deal with and he had quite a bit of time off since he had been suspended for four matches.

He didn't want to spend too much time in Madrid when there was nothing to really hold him to the city right now; he had business to attend to and he was sure that his father would like a visit.

Camille nodded her head, she stepped into the room and moved closer to Sergio; she couldn't imagine what was going to happen while he was off work but she was sure he would think about something.

"I have plans to travel to Seville for a couple of weeks... maybe you and Isabel could come with me," Sergio suggested with a smile, he wanted to show Isabel his home and he was sure that Camille would like to get away from the city for a while.

His home in Seville was out in the country and he had several horses there, he used it as a breeding farm and it was going to be nice to get away from this mess for a while.

There was so much going on inside his head and Sergio had been doing a lot of thinking since he had punched that footballer in the face that might make this better for them.

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