Chapter Twelve: You Scared Me

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"I am fine," Camille insisted once the doctor had finished putting stitches in her head, it stung and she was just glad that she and the baby were okay; she was still shocked at how fast everything had escalated. 

From what Marcus had told her, Albert was furious with what had happened and the palace were not happy with what had happened; the driver had been sacked from his position and he had walked away with a fractured collarbone and broken arm after the accident. 

Albert hadn't been able to believe what had happened and he was having the palace make sure that such things never occurred again; the crash could have been so much worse than it had been. 

"How is Charlene?" Camille asked looking down at her bump, she had been attached to a machine that was keeping an eye on her baby's heartbeat. 

The doctor had reassured her that there was nothing wrong, they just wished to keep an eye on things just in case anything happened after the crash to either mother or child. 

"Her Serene Highness is perfectly fine," the doctor reassured Camille, both women had walked away without too much to worry about after the crash. 

Charlene had broken her wrist and was expected to travel back home in a couple of hours with Camille being released the next day since they wanted to keep a close eye on her. 

Camille sighed leaning back on her hospital pillows, she was sure that she would be able to go home soon; she did understand why they were keeping her but she just wanted to go home. 

The door to her hospital room opened and Camille looked up surprised to see Sergio; she knew that Marcus had called him but she hadn't expected him to show up like this. 

"Sergio..." Camille whispered not sure what to make of the fact that he was here, she was sure that he had better things to do and coming here couldn't have been easy for him.

The palace had already released a statement confirming the crash and telling people she, Charlene and the baby were okay; there was a lot of anger directed at the press for what had happened. 

Sergio sighed feeling relieved to see that she was alright, it had been hard to get a flight to Monaco at short notice and he had been keeping an eye on his phone for updates about what was going on. 

The footballer was furious about what had happened and Sergio couldn't imagine how this could have ended if Camille hadn't been so careful; he would have been devastated if something had happened to her and the baby. 

"Are you both okay?" Sergio asked moving to the side of the bed, there was so much going on right now and he knew that he had done the right thing by coming here; he wouldn't have been able to handle staying in Madrid. 

As far as Sergio was concerned, things with Pilar where finished and he was done trying to make things work between them if she was constantly going to be like this. 

Sergio would let her keep the house and he would find somewhere else to live, he would figure that out when he got to Madrid and he knew that it was for the best. 

He wasn't going to allow Pilar to cause any more problems for him, he might have done something that had hurt her but he couldn't spend the rest of his life being punished for that. 

"We're good," Camille replied tilting her head, she wasn't sure what to make of the fact that he was here with them; she was sure that Pilar wasn't happy about this. 

Sergio nodded his head and gently touched her bump, he was never going to regret putting any of his children before whoever he was dating and that he was doing right by all of them.


"You scared me," Sergio admitted settling into the hospital chair by the bed, he was glad that he had come and he had just gotten off the phone with Real Madrid who had understood why he had left. 

They had offered their support for the captain and hoped that his unborn child and Camille were alright; the incident was all over the news and people were all talking about it. 

Everyone was comparing it to the accident that had claimed the life of Diana, Princess of Wales nearly ten years earlier; it had sparked a debate on what the press should not be allowed to do. 

"I'm sorry," Camille said sipping on some water, it was late afternoon and she was surprised that Sergio was hanging around when he could go home now. 

It had been nice talking to him and Camille was sure that he had to get home to Pilar and his sons, she was sure that the other woman wouldn't be happy with him spending hours here. 

It had been nearly twenty-four hours since the crash and Camille was going to be happy when she finally got to go home and rest in her own bed. 

The last month hadn't been easy and Camille couldn't imagine what was going on inside of Sergio's head right now; she was doubtful that Pilar would be happy that he had come all this way to be with her. 

Sergio shook his head, there was nothing that she needed to be sorry for and he was just glad that they were okay; he had already arranged to stay in Monaco for a time until things calmed down. 

He could care less about what anyone else thought of his decision, Sergio wanted to be here to support Camille and it gave him time to sort out living arrangements in Madrid. 

Jorge had been more than surprised to hear that Sergio had ended things with Pilar but had agreed to find Sergio a place to live when it was time for him to come back to Madrid. 

The house had to have several rooms and Sergio wanted to make sure that there was a place for each of his children to stay when they were with him.

"I've ended things with Pilar," Sergio revealed knowing that while the break-up wasn't official yet, it wouldn't be long before it was; he had no intentions of remaining in a relationship that made him unhappy. 

There was nothing that Sergio could do to change things and he wasn't going to change his mind when he was doing the right thing for his unborn child. 

Camille stared at him, she wasn't sure how to feel about the news and she hoped that it wasn't related to her why they broke up; she had tried to keep her distance from Sergio because she didn't want to cause him any problems. 

"I am sorry to hear that," Camille said not knowing what else she could say, she had heard that they were having problems and that Pilar had been spotted spending quite a bit of time with her ex-boyfriend around the time Sergio had cheated with her. 

Camille guessed that things just weren't recovering like Sergio had hoped and she wondered just how much things had struggled for him and Pilar after he had found out that she was having his baby. 

"I'm not," Sergio replied shaking his head, it had been a long time coming and things hadn't recovered after Marco had been born; he hated that it was ending this way but he wasn't going to ignore the child he was having with Camille to make Pilar happy. 

It seemed that the only people in the world that weren't happy with his decision was Pilar and his parents; he couldn't imagine why since he was doing the right thing. 

"Things haven't been right for a while between us... long before you even came into the picture," Sergio explained knowing that Pilar would make him seeing the boys difficult but he wasn't going to let that deter him; he would take her to court if necessary. 

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