Chapter Ten: The Appointment

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Rolling his eyes at the message on his phone, Sergio stuck it in his pocket and prepared for the appointment that he had been invited to attend; he didn't want to deal with Pilar being needy right now. 

It was bad enough that she was acting like she had done nothing wrong and Sergio wanted nothing more than to focus on what was important; his children meant everything to him in that moment. 

Pilar had not reacted well when she had found out that he didn't plan on turning his back on the child he would have with Camille; she had wanted to put all this behind them and focus on their little family. 

It wasn't just Pilar that had been surprised with his decision to stand by the child; his parents weren't sure what to make of this and his siblings were shocked that Sergio was doing such a thing. 

Stepping into the clinic where the appointment was going to take place, Sergio couldn't help but feel nervous about this; he was aware that everyone seemed to be watching every move that he made. 

The media were dying for more news about Camille and the baby, they wanted every last detail and they had even taken to following Sergio around when he was at home. 

It wasn't hard for Sergio to spot Camille and he slowly made his way over to the brunette that was sitting quietly in a corner waiting to be called in to see her midwife. 

There was no doubt in Sergio's mind that this was an expensive place and he wasn't surprise that Camille was coming here for her prenatal check-up while she was carrying their baby. 

He was hoping that this appointment would go well and Sergio knew that he would happily come to each and every appointment if he had the chance to do so.


"Everything seems to be going well," the midwife said smiling as she checked over the results that she had in her hands, the royal pregnancy was big news and she felt honoured that she had been chosen again to help out. 

The midwife had been the same one that the Princess of Monaco had used when she was expecting Gabriella and Jacques; it had come as a surprise when she had been requested for Camille's pregnancy. 

"Your blood sugar is a little low but we'll keep an eye on that," the midwife explained moving to type something on her computer, she was sure that it would clear up before the next appointment and if it didn't then they would keep a closer eye on Camille and the baby. 

Sergio sat silently unsure what to say, he had barely said a word since they had stepped into the room; he felt a little unsure of himself and it wasn't like this was an easy situation. 

Camille chewed on her lip, she was a little concerned about that and she hoped that everything was alright; she didn't want anything to happen to the baby after everything. 

"It'll be fine, we just need to keep a close eye on your blood sugar if it's still low during your next appointment," the midwife reassured seeing how worried Camille look, she was sure it was just a blip and there was nothing for them to worry about right now. 

Sergio peeked towards Camille, he was sure that she and the baby would be fine and he wanted nothing more than to help her in anyway; it sucked that he was away in Madrid most of the time. 

He had spoken to Camille once since their last meeting and Sergio was at a loss about how he was going to be helpful when it came to the birth of their child.

"Do you wish to know the gender?" the midwife asked preparing to do the scan, she looked at the pair seeing how tense things were between them and she doubted it would stay that way for long. 

However, this child had been conceived, there was no denying that it would be loved by their parents; they would do anything for them and they were going to be cared for no matter what happened. 

Sergio peeked towards Camille, he knew that she had done a lot of thinking since their talk and he didn't care if they found out today or waited a few more months until the baby was born. 

"I would like to wait... but if Sergio wants to know that's fine by me," Camille revealed carefully, she had wanted to find out what she was going to have but after thinking about it she realised it would make it a lot harder to hide the gender from the press. 

Sergio blinked surprised with the idea that she would be okay with him finding out what they were having; he knew that this couldn't be easy for her with everything that was happening. 

The press had taken notice that he was being involved in her pregnancy and they wanted to know everything about what was going on and were starting to become a pest. 

"I'm fine with waiting," Sergio said shrugging while he watched the midwife, he was sure that it was for the best that they didn't know when everyone was trying to guess what they were going to have. 

There were bets being placed on the gender of the baby and what the child would be called, Sergio couldn't believe how crazy people were getting about this and he feared what it would be like when the baby was born. 

It wasn't long before the screen was filled with the image of his unborn child. 

Sergio couldn't help but stare and a small smile formed at the face, it was different from just being handed a picture; he was able to feel a better connect with his unborn child.


"Thank you for coming today," Camille murmured following Sergio out of the clinic, she was sure that the press would have a field day about getting a picture of them together; they were a pest that they would have to deal with. 

The last thing that Camille wanted was to be stalked even more, she wanted to enjoy her pregnancy without fearing something was going to happen whenever she left her home. 

Her father had increased her royal protection force and had insisted that she spend more time at the palace until things completely calmed down. 

Albert wasn't going to risk anything happening to his daughter and unborn grandchild, he had seen what the press could do if they put their minds to it and he wasn't going to let them hound Camille. 

"There's nowhere I would have rather been," Sergio replied knowing that he would be at every scan if he could be, he was going to be a part of this and he didn't care how much of a fuss Pilar made or what his parents had to say. 

This was his child as much as it was Camille's, he wasn't going to just ignore them and pretend that they didn't exist because everyone else was upset about what he was doing. 

Camille smiled a little and looked towards the car that was waiting for her, she was sure that Sergio wanted to get home; he had a life in Madrid and she couldn't deprive him of that. 

"I have to get home," Camille mumbled a little disappointed that he would have to leave, she had found herself starting to enjoy having him around when he came to see her. 

Camille knew that she couldn't get too attached, he still had a girlfriend and his life was based in Madrid; she would have to deal with that when the baby arrived. 

Sergio took a deep breath, he dreaded heading home to Pilar knowing that she was only going to complain again about this.

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