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It was a pretty long and tiring day today but all in all, it was good fun. There were plenty of rides that we constantly kept going on because we had the fast pass wristbands so we were allowed to go before everyone else.

I also bought a photo from one of the rides, it made me smile every time I looked at it because we both looked so genuinely happy in each other's company.

We were suprisingly, one of the last people to leave the water park.

The sun was slowly starting to set and the water park was obviously going to shut soon.

"Take your time in showering, I'll be outside once I'm done." Neymar winked at me.

I went to my locker and gathered all my things that I needed.

Luckily for me, the shower rooms were completely empty. I did as Neymar said and took my time in showering. I then made sure to completely dry every inch of my body before applying my undergarments.

My phone buzzed so I quickly went to see who it was.

I really miss you. Please come and visit soon... :(

Liam xx

I was quite tacken back from it because I wasn't expecting Liam to text me.

I held my towel closer to me and stared at the text in shock. I had no idea what to say.

Maybe I shouldn't reply at all.

"Camila!" I heard someone say, which made me jump.

Neymar suddenly walked into the girl's bathroom and looked at me.

"Neymar, you're not supposed to be in here!" I said.

"Well you weren't answering me when I called your name several times so I had no choice. You could've been dead for all I know." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes at him and put my phone down. He came over and sat on one of the benches, next to my belongings, with his back facing me.

I placed my towel on the floor so I wouldn't get my feet wet.

I put on my top and bottoms, which I had arrived in and then put my shoes on I left my hair wet and started to pick up all my things and neatly put them in my bag.

Once I had cleared everything, I looked up at Neymar.

An angry, frowning Neymar.

"What's wrong?" I lightly chuckled.

He showed me my phone.

So he saw the text.

"Who the fuck does he think he is? Are you speaking to him again?" He growled.

"Oh don't be so stupid Neymar. He's obviously going to text me saying that. I'm just his booty call. Why would I ever speak to him again?" I protested.

Neymar relaxed a bit.

"Sorry. I just don't like what he did to you and I don't want him to do it again." He said.

"You don't need to worry about me. He won't do anything like that again." I replied.

Neymar got up and engulfed me in a hug.

I had my arms wrapped around his waist while he had his wrapped around my shoulders.

We stayed there for what felt like hours until we both pulled away.

I moved my head back but as I did, I realised I had my hair tangled up in his chain.

Neymar carefully untangled my hair without hurting me. I looked at him but he didn't see me as he was carefully focused on my hair and his chain. I stared at him for quite a while. Neymar looked at me with a soft smile and then I realised how close we actually were.

I moved my body away from him and picked up my phone, placing it in my bag.

Neymar scratched the back of his head, "Um-Uh. Shall we go?"

I nodded my head, following him out the bathroom.

For the rest of the car journey it was completely silent. I rested my head on the window and tried to get myself to sleep but I just wasn't tired enough.

When we finally got to my house, I looked at Neymar and thanked him quickly and walked up to the front door. It was locked which meant that Lauren had gone out. I quickly opened and it slowly saw Neymar drive off as I shut the door behind me.

I was hoping Neymar would text me to inform what we were going to do tomorrow. He has made my time here in Spain really special and I know for a fact that I would be so bored if I hadn't met him. It was just really lucky that I met Neymar.

I went up to my room and cleaned the mess that had been there since the first day Neymar and I went out. I organised all the random shirts which were dirty and clean and then stored my makeup, cleaning the brushes and wiping down some of the products.

My phone buzzed, informing me that I had a text and I quickly went to check who it was.

Please, give me another chance Cam, I love you...

I kept frowning. 

Why does he want anything to do with me now?

Stop messaging me Liam!

I finally replied.

You messaged me back! Baby please, give me another chance! I miss you and I'm sorry for everything I've done and I know I'm in the wrong but I just want you to come back in my arms. I should've never let you go.

Okay. Ideally, he admitted that he was wrong and he's willing to change so it shows that he cares.

But on the other hand, if he was a liar once, he's bound to lie again.

I'd be lying to myself as well if I said that I'm not completely over him.

It's so complicated but he gives me the feeling that I'm the luckiest girl in the world but at the same time, I don't want him to hurt me because I know he will put me through pain. He makes me feel so angry when I look at him but when I speak to him, that hatred and anger suddenly vanishes and all I can feel towards him is love.

I'm nineteen and I know I may not "know the definition of love yet" but he meant and kind of still means A LOT to me.

I miss what we had.

Everybody makes mistakes...

I messaged back.

Does this mean you're willing to forgive me???

I'll forgive you. But that doesn't mean I'm getting back with you. Besides, we were never official.

I didn't bother opening his next text because I didn't want to give myself second thoughts of giving him another chance. I needed to be strong and remember that there is a very high possibility I'm going to be hurt again.

I never understood why I deserved to be fucked around by Liam. It's not like I did anything wrong for him to make me feel so shit. I know a lot of people say things like "oh it's not like he abused you or anything" or "you just got attached deeply". Yes I did. I got and still do get attached really quickly and he knew that well. Yet he chose to mess with my feelings. So it was bad. It was a horrible stage to go through.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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